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‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying

by Paul Sperry


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The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says.


“This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008. The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a state.gov e-mail address.






eOEWLCHx_bigger.pngHillary ClintonVerified account @HillaryClinton 16m16 minutes ago

Let's say with one voice: The days of millionaires paying a lower tax rate than teachers, nurses, or firefighters are over.



I wish the days of rich, law breaking politicians not going to jail would be over.











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She didn't have her own SIPRNet access? That ought to be easy to verify.



Some of the classified computers at Foggy Bottom have ports for memory sticks.


As far as I know from people that work there, on classified machines at State the USB ports are physically disabled, in a "wires are clipped" sense. It's not just "plug in a USB drive and claim ignorance," you have to actively subvert the security policies to transfer information.

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The word of the day for the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media (but, I repeat myself) is "Overclassification"


Overclassification is a problem in DoD and (parts of) the IC.

But, it has literally nothing to do with #EmailGate............................... Nothing...................... as in not-a-thing.

Clinton Foundation donor Stephanopoulos currently asking hard-hitting questions of his former boss... actually no he's not, I'm just BSing

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She didn't have her own SIPRNet access? That ought to be easy to verify.

I recall a few years ago one of my left leaning relatives trying to explain the existence of the military industrial complex's secret computer network:

Zipper Net :lol:



As far as I know from people that work there, on classified machines at State the USB ports are physically disabled, in a "wires are clipped" sense. It's not just "plug in a USB drive and claim ignorance," you have to actively subvert the security policies to transfer information. l

I don't know about physically disabled as in "wires are clipped" or even disabled in BIOS. Considering that modern mice and keyboards run off USB (especially keyboards with a built in smart card). More likely that removable storage and CD/DVD burning is disabled via GPO or data mitigation software

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I don't know about physically disabled as in "wires are clipped" or even disabled in BIOS. Considering that modern mice and keyboards run off USB (especially keyboards with a built in smart card). More likely that removable storage and CD/DVD burning is disabled via GPO or data mitigation software

HP and Dell recently still make PCs with PS2 style keyboard and mouse ports specifically so that USB ports can be disabled and a kbd and mouse still easily utilized. We have seen here PC's come in at the end of a lease that have glue (bad ass glue) injected into the USB ports rendering them useless in addition to them being disabled in the BIOS.

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HP and Dell recently still make PCs with PS2 style keyboard and mouse ports specifically so that USB ports can be disabled and a kbd and mouse still easily utilized. We have seen here PC's come in at the end of a lease that have glue (bad ass glue) injected into the USB ports rendering them useless in addition to them being disabled in the BIOS.


The Feds like to use smart card authentication and I'm not sure PS2 ports, parallel ports, or serial ports have that capability

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The Feds like to use smart card authentication and I'm not sure PS2 ports, parallel ports, or serial ports have that capability


You can get PCs with card slots built-in.


I have one...an HP laptop with the card slot directly above the CD drive, so half the time people stick their card into the top of the drive and get it stuck in the CD drive, requiring disassembly of the computer to retrieve it. Stupidest !@#$ing design ever.

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Hillary Is Finally Asked About Non-Disclosure Agreement That Obliterates Her Classified Email Defense [Video]
by Chuck Ross


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Hillary Clinton was finally asked on Sunday about a non-disclosure agreement she signed in Jan. 2009 which completely undermines the defense she uses to downplay the existence of classified information on her private email server. But as is often the case with the Democratic presidential candidate, she dodged the question and gave an inconsistent answer.


“You know, you’ve said many times that the emails were not marked classified,” said ABC News “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos.


“But the non-disclosure agreement you signed as secretary of state said that that really is not that relevant,” he continued.


He was referring to the “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement” — or Standard Form 312 — that Clinton signed on Jan. 22, 2009, a day after taking over as secretary of state


More at the link:








Liberal megadonor George Soros gives $6 million to Hillary Clinton super PAC
CNN, by Theodore Schleifer


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Hillary Is Finally Asked About Non-Disclosure Agreement That Obliterates Her Classified Email Defense [Video]





Some crap will happen like a revelation that the State department's email server was hacked and it will be spun as a "see I told you so" by Hillary's team.

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Clinton Ominously Tells Iowan Supporters To Mark Front Doors With Campaign Logo Before Sundown






DES MOINES, IA—Declaring that all voting-age citizens who took the measures would be spared, Hillary Clinton ominously instructed her supporters throughout Iowa to mark their front doors with her campaign logo before sundown, sources confirmed Sunday.


“All those residing in Iowa take heed: Your home shall bear the mark of my campaign this eve, or may God help you,” said the Democratic candidate after dispatching a phalanx of campaign staffers to all four corners of the state to spread the message of her directive.


“Be within your dwellings with the doors closed and locked before nightfall, and do not cross the threshold before the sun rises again in the sky. The emblem of the red-and-blue H will protect my true voters.” At press time, Clinton issued a statement ordering all Iowan supporters who remain on Monday morning to bring forth their progeny between 18 and 34 years of age to the polls.







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Clinton Ominously Tells Iowan Supporters To Mark Front Doors With Campaign Logo Before Sundown






DES MOINES, IA—Declaring that all voting-age citizens who took the measures would be spared, Hillary Clinton ominously instructed her supporters throughout Iowa to mark their front doors with her campaign logo before sundown, sources confirmed Sunday.


“All those residing in Iowa take heed: Your home shall bear the mark of my campaign this eve, or may God help you,” said the Democratic candidate after dispatching a phalanx of campaign staffers to all four corners of the state to spread the message of her directive.


“Be within your dwellings with the doors closed and locked before nightfall, and do not cross the threshold before the sun rises again in the sky. The emblem of the red-and-blue H will protect my true voters.” At press time, Clinton issued a statement ordering all Iowan supporters who remain on Monday morning to bring forth their progeny between 18 and 34 years of age to the polls.










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Obama’s Growing Conflict of Interest in the Clinton E-Mail Scandal

by Andrew McCarthy


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Former Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in way of Hillary Indictment

by John Sexton


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As First Lady, Hillary Did Not Have Security Clearance But Received Classified Information Anyway

by Chuck Ross


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Former Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in way of Hillary Indictment

by John Sexton


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Business as usual for Hillary. Throw someone else under the bus. If she does win the White House, the buck will not stop with her.




Indeed, when Clinton was pressed about whether something needed to be marked classified in order to be considered classified on a Sunday news show, she replied that identifying such material was the responsibility of “someone down the chain.”
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