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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Impossible to speculate, but I have to believe Comey's team found something that even he can't ignore, and he needed to get it out before the election since sitting on it until afterwards would be even worse.


Whatever it is, you know Obama be like...




I love the blogs I'm seeing now saying that Comey's a Republican operative trying to hand Trump the election. And that Republicans shouldn't be appointed to head the FBI or DOJ,


And NBC News, after reporting Comey is reopening the investigation, is now reporting that the Republicans are misrepresenting Comey's actions when they say he's "reopening the investigation." Seriously, NBC is arguing that NBC's OWN STORY is a Republican lie.

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Anthony, Anthony, Anthony! How many times do we have to tell you to keep it in your pants? Huh?

You're now the poster boy for the Trump campaign!




Sexting with an underage girl or two can get you into a lot of hot water. Especially when the FBI comes calling and confiscates your phone and it shows that your (soon-to-be-former) wife sent you classified US government documents. YOUSE FRIGGIN FOOL! You could cost Hillary the election, you schmuck!


Heil Hillary!


Man, they're lookin' awfully upset over at CNN right now. :lol:

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2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_71328David Burge @iowahawkblog 20m20 minutes ago

"so there's this pervert married to the drunk lady President's secret Muslim girlfriend, and....."

"Get out of my office."




"Wait! There's a Russian-mob connected casino developer who's friends with the husband of the drunk lady Pre...






How about we just take a mulligan on this whole election cycle

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"Wait! There's a Russian-mob connected casino developer who's friends with the husband of the drunk lady Pre...






How about we just take a mulligan on this whole election cycle

our mulligan was Obama 2
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NYT_Twitter_Krugman_bigger.pngPaul KrugmanVerified account @paulkrugman 2h2 hours ago

If we don't hear more from Comey, we just have to conclude that he was trying to swing election. And *that* should be the story.


Hahahahahaha !


Well now, I don't have a Nobel Prize in Economics, but I do have a working memory.


Wasn't it just barely a week ago that we were told by the media elite (about Trump) that "rigged election" accusations threatened the foundations of democracy?






"The FBI should be the story"...........B8UD1fNCQAA2Gn6.jpg

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I think this is really cool. I expect it to have ZERO effect on the results however. Hillary fans are too dyed in the wool. You know, Colin Powell did it too (WWCPD) and she's not Trump.


And, she has an ace in the hole. She can always throw Huma under the bus if she has to.

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You know what this means don't you ?





More immunity for everyone !! :lol:






Cv4OJytUEAEktTt.jpg click on to enlarge




We were surprised to find classified email between Huma and Hillary on this laptop. We've read it already but the ball is in Obama and Lynch's court in terms of if or how we "investigate". If I were you I wouldn't expect much to come from this but I felt I had an obligation to let you all know we found something, but as you know I'm not being permitted to enforce the law on this and if I go against my bosses it could effect my government pension or worse I could end up like Vince Foster or Justice Scalia.


P.S. We've had this info for a while but I was told not to disclose it. I was able to get Lynch and Obama to agree that for my own credibility reasons I didn't want to hold this until after the election. That would look very bad. We negotiated a date of this Friday afternoon which would allow this little dust up to settle a week before the election so that the media would have a full week to continue the attack on Trump while not having enough time for any further updates on the case before the election.

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"Wait! There's a Russian-mob connected casino developer who's friends with the husband of the drunk lady Pre...






How about we just take a mulligan on this whole election cycle



Don't forget the pedophile with the flying child-brothel who's friends with the lady President's husband...

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Lap dog piece of $%% Comey very obviously covered for her last time. He wouldn't have done that once if he weren't willing to do it 1000 times. So why not just ignore this or say it was nothing new?


I only see 2 possibilities:


1. He and the rest of the DOJ are under immense internal pressure and revolt and this is an attempt to pacify it temporarily




2. The Clinton camp realized that the Clinton Foundation Wikileaks were gaining traction that mattered and they needed to pull attention away from it. This will flame out out in short order and no one will be looking at the CF any more.


I'd say it is option 2 given Comey's record but I don't think it will work. I think the CF will continue to be exposed. It may be after the election though. This may have bought them some time.


Is she allowed to pardon herself?

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