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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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No, because different choices will always generate different outcomes, and some outcomes will always be worse than others.




"Gentlemen, in the end the microbes will have the last word."

Welp, here's to always staying on the right side of potential success! First step: get off the internet http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/amp/53/9/1017/

unless you like maximizing your chance of depression, loneliness and stress.


As for Pasteur, I shall not argue with him except to say, "not if the robots get us first."

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This could mean that more of her posse have computers with incriminating emails that they want the FBI to destroy. (Immunity is highly overrated when your home girl is POTUS.)

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"Your precedent validates our !@#$-ups!"


Nonsense like this from shitbirds like you is why the government is as !@#$ed up as it is.

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Everybody else does it is always great excuse. My 2nd grade teacher never bought it. Luckily for Hillary though, American voters do.


W is a Hillary supporter after all :)

Edited by reddogblitz
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What a cluster and what are we to believe now? That internal pressure from FBI people forced this to happen? That this is being done with a predetermined outcome just as the first investigation was? That this second investigation will permit the FBI to grant immunity to others protecting them in the unlikely even Trump wins and wants this pursued?

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My very tin foil hat conspiracy theory:


These hacking groups are being funneled information from NSA/DIA/CIA insiders and Wikileaks has the 33,000 lost emails and is going to release them - but only after she's elected.


The FBI is being leveraged big time into reopening the case because having those emails released after she's won the election and/or has assumed office, you've got a very, very bad situation on your hands of having a President-Elect found to have committed crimes and then the sitting President pardoning the President-Elect. That'd be a mess.

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What a cluster and what are we to believe now? That internal pressure from FBI people forced this to happen? That this is being done with a predetermined outcome just as the first investigation was? That this second investigation will permit the FBI to grant immunity to others protecting them in the unlikely even Trump wins and wants this pursued?


Impossible to speculate, but I have to believe Comey's team found something that even he can't ignore, and he needed to get it out before the election since sitting on it until afterwards would be even worse.


Whatever it is, you know Obama be like...



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Seriously how !@#$ing embarrassing - for you.


Justifying unethical behavior with someone else's similar behavior? Fantastic.


Let's cut to the chase here. It's obvious to anyone paying attention that Hillary made a decision (for a private server) and went to great effort to conceal her communication (had lawyers and IT people erase her trail) so that she could do business for both political and personal family gain while in a position of public service. It's also obvious that she broke laws and that Obama cut a deal with her to have it covered up in exchange for her support of his presidency and his legacy. Also obvious is that she has surrounded herself with political and economic allies who do much of her's and Bill's dirty work and have been exposed as such in recent months. Lastly obvious is that her work in elected and appointed positions in government is terrible. The only thing left now is for the clueless and non-caring American voters (because she "plays for their team") to elect her so that she can surround herself with the same cast of characters who will continue to do the dirty work of her and Bill from the greatest platform on earth.


She embodies everything of the highest order that people hate about politicians yet she still won the right to compete for the office of President. This is truly sad and a horrible reflection on many of the voting citizens of our country.


And don't fire back that Republicans have equally bungled their primary process by nominating Trump, we already know that.

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