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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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There's a wide gulf betewwn "there's clearly something wrong" and "I can diagnose Parkinson's from a youtube video when medical professionals need a full medical histort, battery of neurological tests, an MRI, and blood tests to rule out other possibilities."


It's the same difference between "you're not an idiot" and "you're a !@#$ing idiot," unironically.

Medical professionals may need that for a definitive diagnosis, but most rightfully believe they can pick a Parky out of the crowd.

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JACK HELLNER: Trump’s Dirty Talk vs. Hillary’s Corruption. It’s no surprise that the political class is less offended by the corruption: :lol:


In the past week:


– Justice drops the case against a gunrunner from Hillary’s Libya fiasco whose testimony would certainly have harmed Obama and Hillary.


– Evidence surfaced that the White House participated in the cover-up of Hillary’s violation of national security laws with her private server even though they said they absolutely knew nothing about the server and would not interfere with an investigation.


– We have learned more this week about how the investigation of Hillary by the Justice Department and FBI was a pure sham as they gave immunity to so many, took so much stuff off limits, and even carried out the destruction of evidence. The email investigation was pretend, just like the IRS investigation and any supposed investigation of the Clinton Foundation. It is clear that the White House, Justice Department, State Department, and IRS are working specifically to protect Obama and Hillary instead of working for the American people.


– Aleppo and Syria are deteriorating rapidly despite Obama and Kerry being extremely tough and telling Russia and Assad to stop it.


– Obama partially blamed the Civil War in Syria on a drought he says was caused by humans. That is one of the most ignorant statements ever. The war is because Assad is a tyrant, and the Mideast is essentially a desert that has had continued droughts for millennia.


– An NBC News man topped Obama’s stupidity by saying the worthless Paris climate agreement would stop hurricanes.


– Obamacare is collapsing rapidly. The multiple lies to pass the law are more obvious every day. The law is greatly harming the middle class and small employers and reducing the potential for full-time jobs.


– An NSA contractor who committed the same crime as Hillary by keeping classified documents at home on several nonsecure devices is under arrest. Why isn’t Hillary?



The media, of course, doesn’t focus on any of these things. Instead they trot out a tape of Trump talking dirty about women eleven years ago.



Well, a ban on dirty-talking doesn’t threaten the whole feedlot. A ban on corruption and incompetence would put them all out of business. . . .

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During a speech to a Brazilian bank, Hillary told the wealthy businessmen that more international trade agreements, the same ones that have stripped the US of its job market, would be helpful for them.

Here’s an excerpt straight from Wikileaks:

Hillary Clinton Said Just Think Of What Doubling The Trade Between The United States And Latin America Would Mean For Everyone in This Room.

“Just think of what doubling the trade between the United States and Latin America would mean for everybody in this room and it doesn’t happen by accident, it happens because people get up every day and decide they’re going to make an effort.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 14]

Now we know where Hillary stands on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She’ll sign it the minute she gets into office!

Edited by B-Man
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Open trade...no idea what open borders means. I assume she didn't mean "open" borders--that's never been her meme. But free trade was...before it was less politically advantageous.


Come on, use that thing between your ears. Open borders means...? You can do it.

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Collection of Hillary potty mouth...


when men swear like sailors, it’s crude and vulgar. When women do it, it’s empowering!

Wow, She blasted this poor bastard.


!@#$ off! It’s enough I have to see you ****-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.” From the book “America Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p.90

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I'm surprised at you. A gentleman never asks a woman her age. :ph34r:

nice set up and delivery.


Better get out the lube, because she's coming.

if only I had a chance. I'd assure this wouldn't happen. Rest assured, if i had a small chance. ... this never happens with any woman
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EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship



Hillary Clinton's campaign 'wanted to elevate Donald Trump and other extreme Republicans' to make the GOP's nominee 'unpalatable', according to Wikileaks

'Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate.'


The email then outlined three ways the party planned to reach its goal: forcing all Republican candidates into extreme positions, undermining their credibility and trust with voters, and to 'muddy the water' on any attacks made against Hillary Clinton.


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship



Hillary Clinton's campaign 'wanted to elevate Donald Trump and other extreme Republicans' to make the GOP's nominee 'unpalatable', according to Wikileaks


'Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate.'


The email then outlined three ways the party planned to reach its goal: forcing all Republican candidates into extreme positions, undermining their credibility and trust with voters, and to 'muddy the water' on any attacks made against Hillary Clinton.





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