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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Coincidence ?...........................sure.


Hacked: Website crashes after publishing Clinton associate files.




MICHAEL ISIKOFF: Watchdog group accuses Clinton campaign of election law violations.






A Fox News report. Missing boxes with emails. 14 boxes — and then there were 12.


The real chill? It appears the FBI let Team Hillary get away with it. . . . .The FBI’s been compromised.



But ,you know, Trump is rude

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"There is nothing that Hillary can do in secret, that could be worse than the mean things Trump has said in public. Because at least she has the decency to hide it!" - Millions of voters


"Anyone that can persuade the FBI, mainstream media, both political parties, George Soros, Saudi Arabia, and loads of celebrities, to turn a blind eye to so much corruption, must have tremendous leadership abilities. She brings people together!"

Edited by HoF Watkins
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"There is nothing that Hillary can do in secret, that could be worse than the mean things Trump has said in public. Because at least she has the decency to hide it!" - Millions of voters


"Anyone that can persuade the FBI, mainstream media, both political parties, George Soros, Saudi Arabia, and loads of celebrities, to turn a blind eye to so much corruption, must have tremendous leadership abilities. She brings people together!"


Unfortunately, Hill'ry's "tent" may not actually include the hewers of wood and drawers of water she panders to for their voting power. She is the ultimate poster child for the concept of a slime ball.

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I can't believe I'm going to open this can of worms but I have to ask. What disease are you talking about?


With Reagan? Alzheimer's.


With Clinton, I'm of the opinion she and he (Bill) both have progressing Parkinson's Disease. He's better because he's largely off the campaign trail and get treated for it as he should. She's not so lucky. She has all the tells that my grandfather had as he battled the disease for 20 years. ALL of them. Her days of seclusion before debates fits with the treatment protocols for the disease - namely slow drip infusions, rest and a few days for the medications to work because you don't see the effects immediately. The infusions make anyone suffering from Parkinson's look like a million bucks for a little while and calms down they haywire motor control functions.


Her race for President is a personal race against time. The last ditch effort to accomplish what she's always wanted.

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Why we need voter ID

Hillary Clinton called North Carolina's voter ID laws are "a blast from the Jim Crow past." Her statement is geared at using black people as shields for her vote fraud operation this year.
From Fox News:
Indiana State Police added 48 additional counties Thursday to an investigation into allegations of fraudulent voter application information in Indiana.

The investigation originally involved nine counties, but has expanded to include many more. A total of 57 are now included.



From the Chicago Sun-Times:
A day after Kankakee officials announced an investigation into voter fraud, including allegations that “individuals from Chicago” were offering gifts in exchange for votes, the top federal attorney for central Illinois and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan paid the city a visit.



From the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Harrisonburg officials and the FBI are investigating allegations of voter registration fraud after officials say almost 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.



The Democratic Party opposes voter ID. The Republican Party supports it.

I wonder what Martin Luther King Jr. and others who fought to protect black voters would think of Hillary using their sacrifices as a cover for her voter corruption.

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Hillary literally, physically prints out 55,000 subpoenaed emails on paper. Not a single media eyebrow is raised.


I swear to God, 25% of the State Department budget must be for toner cartridges.





"Think about that: Before the authorities knew what was on the laptops, they agreed to destroy potential evidence in their investigation."

"The evidence was also under a congressional subpoena and preservation order," said The Wall Street Journal editorial, quoted in a Commentary piece by Noah Rothman, who continues:
Another Friday ...........another dump
State Dept. to release hundreds of deleted Clinton emails Friday
Washington Examiner
Will it finally reveal the yoga class schedule?
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Strong speculation on her having Parkinson's Disease.


This guy's been analyzing her for some time now.




Some of his other vids:





I think it's also the reason the Hilary Clinton brand is really not her at all anymore - it's various little armies of staffers with no primary leader. They don't communicate with each other and that's why you have an inordinate amount of sloppiness because Abedin controls X, Mills controls Y, DNC controls Z and Bill doing whatever the hell he wants - with all having a central interest in "Hilary Clinton: The Idea".

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I think it's also the reason the Hilary Clinton brand is really not her at all anymore - it's various little armies of staffers with no primary leader. They don't communicate with each other and that's why you have an inordinate amount of sloppiness because Abedin controls X, Mills controls Y, DNC controls Z and Bill doing whatever the hell he wants - with all having a central interest in "Hilary Clinton: The Idea".


Yeah, it's really "Huma Abedin for Chief of Staff/President"

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I'm not even going to waste my time watching that ****. Now we're diagnosing people from videos? Just stop.


I'm not big on conspiracies, but what else are you going to base it on, her press releases?


The guy just points out symptoms of Parkinson's ( or some other neurological disorders) that she exhibits, and shows examples of some methods that are used to help people with those problems. There are plenty of incidents that are suspect (falling, cross eyes, shouting)


I believe she has some kind of disorder, or disease.

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I'm not big on conspiracies, but what else are you going to base it on, her press releases?


The guy just points out symptoms of Parkinson's ( or some other neurological disorders) that she exhibits, and shows examples of some methods that are used to help people with those problems. There are plenty of incidents that are suspect (falling, cross eyes, shouting)


I believe she has some kind of disorder, or disease.


Base what on? Jesus Christ if you had cameras on you 24/7 we'd come up with all sorts of possibilities of a disease or disorder you might have.


I'm not big on conspiracies, but what else are you going to base it on, her press releases?


The guy just points out symptoms of Parkinson's ( or some other neurological disorders) that she exhibits, and shows examples of some methods that are used to help people with those problems. There are plenty of incidents that are suspect (falling, cross eyes, shouting)


I believe she has some kind of disorder, or disease.


Gee look. A wonky eye!! When was this picture taken? This is !@#$ing stupid.




Just to help you out that picture was taken 20 years ago.

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Base what on? Jesus Christ if you had cameras on you 24/7 we'd come up with all sorts of possibilities of a disease or disorder you might have.


Did you watch it?


Why have you been?


She doesn't have camera's on her 24/7. She is cloistered away much of the time, makes very short appearances, has left events early, cancels appearances, and has passed out, has a wandering eye, a recurring cough, odd shouting, and has looked like **** for much of the campaign.

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Did you watch it?


Why have you been?


She doesn't have camera's on her 24/7. She is cloistered away much of the time, makes very short appearances, has left events early, cancels appearances, and has passed out, has a wandering eye, a recurring cough, odd shouting, and has looked like **** for much of the campaign.


Did you see the picture I posted? 80% of what he talked about was her eye movements. My picture from 20 years ago shows she had a wonky eye then. But yeah go ahead guys. Diagnose here with Parkinson disease due to some videos and a laser pointer. :lol:

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Did you see the picture I posted? 80% of what he talked about was her eye movements. My picture from 20 years ago shows she had a wonky eye then. But yeah go ahead guys. Diagnose here with Parkinson disease due to some videos and a laser pointer. :lol:


Oh my God...Lucy Liu has Parkinson's!

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