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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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He should keep hammering Bill. While Hilly may stop talking about gender, it doesn't change the fact that being a woman is her calling card. And the more women Trump can get to stop supporting her the better.

He won't stop.


It must stop now: The media can’t allow Trump to make this election about Bill Clinton











Related (?)


Report: Networks Spend Less than 5 Minutes on Questionable Clinton Foundation Donations



The networks won't let up on him, which plays right into his hands. He's playing them like a fiddle. Like a fiddle he's playing them. He's playing them like Paganini played a Stradivarius, he's playing them so great. It's great that they can't help themselves, and they're helping him to make America great again. Like a fiddle he's playing them. :ph34r:

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LOL.........more dem unity............... :lol:



Reid Vows To 'Stop' Clinton From Picking Certain Running Mates

foxnews.com ^ | May 24, 2016
Add Harry Reid to the list of troubles dogging Hillary Clinton as she stumbles toward the Democratic nomination for president.
The powerful Senate minority leader delivered an unusual warning to Clinton on selecting a running mate, vowing to "do whatever I can" to stop her from choosing a Democratic senator from a state led by a Republican governor.
“If we have a Republican governor in any of those states, the answer is not only no, but hell no and I would do whatever I can, and I think most of my Democratic colleagues here would say the same thing.
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LOL.........more dem unity............... :lol:



Reid Vows To 'Stop' Clinton From Picking Certain Running Mates

foxnews.com ^ | May 24, 2016
Add Harry Reid to the list of troubles dogging Hillary Clinton as she stumbles toward the Democratic nomination for president.
The powerful Senate minority leader delivered an unusual warning to Clinton on selecting a running mate, vowing to "do whatever I can" to stop her from choosing a Democratic senator from a state led by a Republican governor.
“If we have a Republican governor in any of those states, the answer is not only no, but hell no and I would do whatever I can, and I think most of my Democratic colleagues here would say the same thing.



Uhh...what? Why? Are they not really democrats?

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Uhh...what? Why? Are they not really democrats?



Even though he is not running again, he wants to make sure that a Republican Governor doesn't get to name a senator to replace one of "his senators"



"Party over All" ...............thats the dem leader way.




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Gee.............just what any intelligent person knew two years ago.




Hillary Clinton did not comply with State Dept. policies on records, inspector general concludes:







But it's (you know) just right-wing nonsense.





NBC Nightly News @NBCNightlyNews 43m43 minutes ago

JUST IN: State Dept. audit: Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server - @KenDilanianNBC

USA TODAY @USATODAY 30m30 minutes ago

State Department audit faults Hillary Clinton for poorly managing her email: http://usat.ly/1TE8fNE



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I'll bet that tonight, all the news outlets will lead with a "violence at Trump rallies" story followed by one about that pesky Bernie who just won't walk away. Brief mention of this will occur at 6:49 PM just before they go to commercial break. They'll return with a story about Brazil and the zika virus caused by global warming.

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oJygHv5p_bigger.jpgJoe ScarboroughVerified account @JoeNBC 11m11 minutes ago

1. The long standing, oft repeated claim that the State Department signed off on the Clinton email system is false.

2. The continuous claim that the Clinton email system did not violate federal rules is also false.

3. These IG findings (obvious but long denied by Clinton team) will further damage HRCs honest & trustworthy numbers


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NBC Nightly News ‏@NBCNightlyNews 43m43 minutes ago

JUST IN: State Dept. audit: Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server - @KenDilanianNBC




EVERYONE who's ever worked on a federal program already knew this. Hell, we have to take regular training on it.


That it comes out as a result of an IG investigation two years later, and people are STILL going to try to spin it away, is disgusting.

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Busted: How a Scathing New IG Report Exposes Four Hillary Email Lies

by Guy Benson




(1) "Everything I did was permitted," Clinton has said on multiple occasions, averring that her email scheme did not violate any rules or laws. This statement has been swatted down by federal records-keeping experts, and by a federal judge who was elevated by Clinton's husband. Now her own State Department's IG drives the final nail into this mendacious talking point's coffin: "The report concluded that Clinton violated the agency’s email rules when she chose to exclusively use a private email server during her four years at State Department and did not promptly turn over records after she departed the agency,"


finals_normal.png The New York Times


State Dept. inspector general: Clinton didn't seek permission to use private email server, wouldn't have received it http://nyti.ms/1NMON29



(2) "I've been more transparent than anybody I can think of in public life," she told CBS News in March, adding that she's 'fully cooperated' with probes into the email affair. Here's an important quote from Politico's story, based on the State Department IG's findings.



(3) I used one email [and one mobile device] "for convenience," not to avoid public records requests. The first half of that claim has been disproven many times over. The Clinton campaign's denials that she was trying to shield her correspondence from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) actions have never passed the smell test -- avoiding scrutiny seemed like the entire purpose of setting up a rogue, private email server in the first place -- but now we have an admission in Hillary's own words. Keep in mind that this passage also re-proves that she deliberately eschewed the creation of an official email account, which she was required to have. As you read this, don't forget that Hillary went on to withhold and attempt to delete "personal" emails that were unequivocally work-related.





(4) Currently live on Hillary's campaign website, in addition to this flaming lie:

Was the server ever hacked?


No, there is no evidence there was ever a breach.


Was there ever an unauthorized intrusion into her email or did anyone else have access to it?






I'll leave you with a few refreshers: Hillary Clinton claimed none of the emails on her bootleg server were classified, and that she personally didn't send any classified materials. There were, in fact, more than 2,000 classified emails on that server, including top secret and above top secret information -- with dozens that were classified at the time (she signed a sworn agreement to protect all secret data, regardless of whether it was marked as such). She personally sent more than 100 of them. Hillary Clinton was explicitly warned, and acknowledged the warning, that her improper and vulnerable email arrangement endangered sensitive material in 2011





UPDATE - The spin begins:


Aside from "others did it, too" being legally irrelevant, it is also wrong. We've dealt with a variant of this excuse in the past


Setting up a private, improper, unsecure server to conduct *all* email business was, in fact, unique to one person.





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Can you imagine the story that NYT would run if it was discovered that Jamie Dimon had kept a private email server from 2006 - 2009, and would only release filtered emails to Congressional requests?

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EVERYONE who's ever worked on a federal program already knew this. Hell, we have to take regular training on it.


That it comes out as a result of an IG investigation two years later, and people are STILL going to try to spin it away, is disgusting.



Wait until lap dog Comey forgets what prosecution means.

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EVERYONE who's ever worked on a federal program already knew this. Hell, we have to take regular training on it.


That it comes out as a result of an IG investigation two years later, and people are STILL going to try to spin it away, is disgusting.

Yeah but when Hiliary does it, it's called a violation of Federal Records Rules


If you or I did something like that, it's called a felony

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Clinton, Shultz pick influence peddlers to guide DNC platform:


The 15-member panel has six members chosen by Clinton, five chosen by Bernie Sanders and four chosen by Wasserman Schultz.

Wendy Sherman and Carol Browner, two of the representatives chosen by Clinton, work at the Albright Stonebridge Group, a “government affairs” firm that was created in 2009 through a merger with Madeleine Albright’s consulting company and Stonebridge International, a defense contractorlobbying shop.

The website for the company touts its ability to win favors and influence with government officials throughout the world on behalf of corporate clients, from shaping regulatory standards in the U.S. for a European automotive business to engaging “with the highest levels of the Saudi government.” H.P. Goldfield, vice president at the firm, is a registeredlobbyist for the Saudi Arabian government.


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Clinton, Shultz pick influence peddlers to guide DNC platform:


The 15-member panel has six members chosen by Clinton, five chosen by Bernie Sanders and four chosen by Wasserman Schultz.

So 10 by Clinton and 5 by Sanders then?

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I used to think that photo of Hillary wearing the Mr. Peabody glasses while giving her embarrassing "What difference at this point does it make?" moment would be the one that haunts her.


But lately I see this one below an awful lot, and it gets funnier every time I see it.


Hillary Clinton as a person and a leader perfectly defined in one photo:



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