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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Mrs. Clinton’s Ode To Serfdom.


Hillary Rodham Clinton is not qualified to be president of the United States of America, because she doesn’t know what the United States of America are.

Terry Shumaker, former U.S. ambassador to Trinidad (I wonder what that gig cost him) and current abject minion in the service of Mrs. Clinton, quotes Herself telling an audience in New Hampshire: “
Service is the rent we pay for living in this great country.”

There is a very old English word for people who are required to perform service as a rent for their existence, and that word is serf.
Serfdom is a form of bondage. Americans are not serfs. We are not sharecroppers on Herself’s farm or in vassalage to that smear of thieving nincompoopery in Washington that purports to rule us. We don’t owe you any damned rent.

The American proposition is precisely the opposite of what Herself imagines:
The U.S. government exists at our sufferance, not the other way around.





Analysis: True. But our erstwhile ruling class needs to be reminded of this rather forcefully. Plus:




lf’s in
vocation of serfdom is the logical extension of “You Didn’t Build That”-ism, the backward philosophy under which the free citizen is obliged to justify his life and his prosperity to the state, i
n order to satisfy the economic self-interest, status-seeking, and power-lust of such lamentable specimens as Elizabeth Warren, a ridiculous little scold who has never done a single useful thing in her entire public life.

The American model is precisely the opposite: Government has to justify itself to us. . . . They owe
service: services they routinely fail to perform.

We’ve got jihadis shooting up California while the government doesn’t even bother to track visa overstays or properly scan entrants from Pakistan by way of Saudi Arabia (because what could possibly go wrong in that scenario?) in spite of being legally obliged to do so. Instead, the powers that be in Washington are literally masturbating the day away when they aren’t busy poisoning veterans to death with dope. These people—
people—are going to lecture
on citizenship?


How about you skip the homilies and do your damned jobs?



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WASHINGTON Hillary Clinton offered such glowing remarks about Goldman Sachs in one of her paid speeches that she sounded like one of the firms managing directors, it was reported Monday.


A source who saw the speech said thats why she wont release a transcript of the remarks.


It would bury her against (Bernie) Sanders, said the source. It really makes her look like an ally of the firm.



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WASHINGTON Hillary Clinton offered such glowing remarks about Goldman Sachs in one of her paid speeches that she sounded like one of the firms managing directors, it was reported Monday.


A source who saw the speech said thats why she wont release a transcript of the remarks.


It would bury her against (Bernie) Sanders, said the source. It really makes her look like an ally of the firm.




Maybe one of Dubya's grandsons can do an exhaustive internet search for it from his parents' basement and alert the media?

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Hillary has the delegates she needs already in her pocket, and it's not even close. Today was just a fairy tale and it ends for Sanders in SC.



I wish, for once in his posting history, that this time he'd be correct. Unfortunately, you are the one who is more likely correct.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Hillary has the delegates she needs already in her pocket, and it's not even close. Today was just a fairy tale and it ends for Sanders in SC.

She lost the popular vote in NH, but still won the delegate count. That'll be the story around the country in any state that Sanders 'wins'.

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Dick Morris: Clinton deploys B Team......... http://thehill.com/opinion/dick-morris/268831-dick-morris-clinton-deploys-b-team


Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is falling apart. Bernie Sanders soared in New Hampshire and now two polls have him tying her nationally. It’s a disaster.


Now she’s called in the B Team — the cynical, paranoid and wacky twins Sidney Blumenthal and David Brock — to bail her out. And here comes the elderly, diminished and livid former President Bill Clinton to lead the duo’s frantic attacks on Sanders.


The attacks are rooted in nothing more than a list of dirty names they call the Vermont senator every day. Having found little in his record to attack, they have consulted the thesaurus to turn up ugly sounding accusations.


Sanders has a coherent, consistent and concise message: Incomes are stagnant because the economy is rigged by the top one-tenth of 1 percent that controls politics through massive campaign contributions.


Clinton has no competing message, just the charge that Sanders’s supporters are “sexist and vulgar.” Brock adds that one of Sanders’s ads was racist because it had too many white people in it.


More at the link:






Maher ATTACKS: Hillary 'Terrible Campaigner Living in Different Era'...

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She lost the popular vote in NH, but still won the delegate count. That'll be the story around the country in any state that Sanders 'wins'.

That's not a story, nor will it be.


That is a feature of the Democrat Party's nomination process, not a flaw.


Again, the Democrat Party is a private institution, established and run by party elites, in order to further their own agendas.


If you have a problem with it, stop supporting Democrats.

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If you have a problem with it, stop supporting Democrats.



His alternative is to support people who only turn into democrats after they're elected. With the exception of a few sanctimonious jerks like Kasich who turn into democrats during the campaign.

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