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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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The challenge


I'm sure this disgusting excuse for a human being will want to accept this challenge because she would never lie to the families of fallen Americans. Or maybe not.


I get that politicians lie all the time, but to lie to the faces of people whose children died trying to protect her employees? When she could have simply said nothing at all about that stupid film excuse?

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The challenge


I'm sure this disgusting excuse for a human being will want to accept this challenge because she would never lie to the families of fallen Americans. Or maybe not.


I get that politicians lie all the time, but to lie to the faces of people whose children died trying to protect her employees? When she could have simply said nothing at all about that stupid film excuse?


I have no doubt that Hillary could beat a lie detector test. At this point, she and the feedback from her sycophant following most likely have her convinced she's telling the truth.

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I have no doubt that Hillary could beat a lie detector test. At this point, she and the feedback from her sycophant following most likely have her convinced she's telling the truth.

Unfortunately I think you're right. She's a sociopath and I think she believes her lies or at the very least has memory trouble and remembers what is politically convenient.


She is the biggest fraud in politics.

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I have no doubt that Hillary could beat a lie detector test. At this point, she and the feedback from her sycophant following most likely have her convinced she's telling the truth.


You're probably right and the fact she can get to where she is, ought to tell us all that our society is broken. I feel for these people who lost their sons like this, only to have their memories spat upon by this horrid excuse for a human being.


Regardless of political leanings, if we can elect a person like this President, what difference at this point does it make? That is not meant as a pun, I just find it a fitting phrase.

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I have no doubt that Hillary could beat a lie detector test. At this point, she and the feedback from her sycophant following most likely have her convinced she's telling the truth.


We should cut her a break. The PTSD has been pretty clear ever since her helicopter took sniper fire in Bosnia.

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Calling the parents liars is the worst of all.


I think the worst of all is that an entire political structure lines up behind a person like this and an enormous part of of electorate barely takes notice. Even people who oppose her but don't speak loudly about this are slapping those parents in the face. There is no just society where things like this can happen.


If the RNC had any honor they would tell this simple story every day. She knew what happened and it is documented in her own writing. She lied in the face of grieving parents and it is documented in their words. She did so against the backdrop of their children's coffins, draped in the flag of our country. Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley should be telling the same story.


If the DNC had any honor they would disown her.


If the press had any honor they would lay these facts out in a simple straightforward manner on every headline and splash page.


If the citizenry had any honor, not a single person would vote for her, no matter her opponent.....in a primary or general election.


People can disagree about a lot of things but our country was founded on the notion that an individual person is important. Although they might differently interpret what that means or how to abide by it, there is no one from far left to far right that would dispute that basic notion. In no way do any of her actions support that principle.

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Calling the parents liars is the worst of all.


This is the party of birdog and gator. Leaving Americans for dead, lying to the face of the victims' parents, and then insisting that the grieving parents are liars perfectly sums up those who comprise the left.


If you listen carefully,you can still hear gator laughing about Christopher Stevens' death.

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I think the worst of all is that an entire political structure lines up behind a person like this and an enormous part of of electorate barely takes notice. Even people who oppose her but don't speak loudly about this are slapping those parents in the face. There is no just society where things like this can happen.


If the RNC had any honor they would tell this simple story every day. She knew what happened and it is documented in her own writing. She lied in the face of grieving parents and it is documented in their words. She did so against the backdrop of their children's coffins, draped in the flag of our country. Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley should be telling the same story.


If the DNC had any honor they would disown her.


If the press had any honor they would lay these facts out in a simple straightforward manner on every headline and splash page.


If the citizenry had any honor, not a single person would vote for her, no matter her opponent.....in a primary or general election.


People can disagree about a lot of things but our country was founded on the notion that an individual person is important. Although they might differently interpret what that means or how to abide by it, there is no one from far left to far right that would dispute that basic notion. In no way do any of her actions support that principle.

My only hope is they are waiting to hammer her over this Until when she is offically coronated as their candidate after primary season. Then start pounding her lack of ethics and try to completely discredit her judgement and trustworthiness.


Thats my dream and what anyone with moral integrity would do, but most republicans are giant puzzies and the media runs cover for the regressives so I'm sure like everything else this queen in waiting has done it will be ignored and swept under the rug.

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My only hope is they are waiting to hammer her over this Until when she is offically coronated as their candidate after primary season. Then start pounding her lack of ethics and try to completely discredit her judgement and trustworthiness.

Thats my dream and what anyone with moral integrity would do, but most republicans are giant puzzies and the media runs cover for the regressives so I'm sure like everything else this queen in waiting has done it will be ignored and swept under the rug.

These men are dead and she spat in the face of her parents. Hammering her for that needn't be part of any political campaign and it should wait for nothing.

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These men are dead and she spat in the face of her parents. Hammering her for that needn't be part of any political campaign and it should wait for nothing.

I agree. She 100% needs to be held accountable.


But for whatever reason no on is calling her out on it. And that sucks.


I can only hope that a tactical decision was made to still call her out over it but at a later time.


I agree She should have already been called out on the carpet over this but it hasn't happened. I just pray it will.

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Like him or not, if Trump does become the Republican nominee, I have every confidence he'll bring this up and smash her face with it every chance he gets. He's a pit bull in that regard and he won't back down. The others... <_<

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Oopsie! Sounds like Hill told a staffer to wipe off a "Classified" designation on an email and then resend it in an non-encrypted manner.

And only 1,300 or so of her official emails on her private server were designated "Classified" which is about 1,300 or so more than she and the State Department claimed.


Naughty naughty Hillary. You're looking for a spanking.

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Oopsie! Sounds like Hill told a staffer to wipe off a "Classified" designation on an email and then resend it in an non-encrypted manner.

And only 1,300 or so of her official emails on her private server were designated "Classified" which is about 1,300 or so more than she and the State Department claimed.


Naughty naughty Hillary. You're looking for a spanking.

That's Sexist©

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Is the Hive breaking up with Bill and Hillary?
American Thinker, by Fritz Pettyjohn


Original Article


The disciplined drones and diligent worker bees of the Hive do the Queen´s bidding, but they also provide feedback to the Queen from the world outside the Hive. This, in turn, informs the Queen´s future instructions. For a quarter century the Hive has viciously swarmed anyone who dared describe Bill Clinton as a sexual predator and Hillary as his enabler. No more.




The strength of the Hive has waned, its ability to control the narrative is in decline. Donald Trump, of all people, has proven too strong a force to be ignored







Politico goes with “GOP slams” angle to downplay Hillary ordering aide to strip classified markings off email.





Bombshell: In Email, Hillary Ordered Aide to Strip Classified Marking and Send Sensitive Material
Townhall, by Guy Benson


Original Article







ON GUNS, OBAMA AND HILLARY ARE FORGAINST THEM. Bernie Sanders reminds voters of Hillary Clinton’s fake pro-gun past and it’s brutal:

Edited by B-Man
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If that report is true, then she broke the law by simply ordering an underling to break the law. If the underling did in fact follow through on that order, I believe it's a felony.

Of course, B. O.'s "justice" Department will get to prosecuting that just as soon as they finish with the Lois Lerner investigation and make an adjudication on whether or not to press charges against her. They're very busy over there. Very.

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