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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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A poll showing 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina trouncing Hillary Clinton by 14 points in a head-to-head Iowa matchup led to a full-on discussion of Fiorina’s political gifts and Clinton’s weaknesses on Morning Joe Monday.


Fiorina beat Clinton 52 percent to 38 percent in Iowa, and she also led her by eight points in New Hampshire, 50 percent to 42 percent. Perhaps more striking was how much better socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) did in potential matchups with GOP rivals, NBC News reported:


Hillary Clinton has always been viewed as the Democrats’ best general-election candidate. But new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls of Iowa and New Hampshire show that Bernie Sanders outperforms Clinton in those two general-election battleground states.


In Iowa, Republican Jeb Bush leads Clinton by 10 points in a hypothetical general-election match up among registered voters, 50 percent to 40 percent, and Donald Trump is ahead of her by seven points, 48 percent to 41 percent – essentially unchanged from the poll’s results a month ago.

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Out of Control: Networks Pull Out All Stops to Hail ‘Emotional’ Hillary Clinton ‘on Fire Today’

Newsbusters, by Curtis Houck


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The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC pulled out all the stops on Monday night to carry water for 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, proclaiming that she’s “on fire” with “new wind in her sails” as she “unveil[ed] a tough new stance on gun control” and coming “out swinging today at the Benghazi Committee.” The love fest was on full display on NBC Nightly News as anchor Lester Holt gushed prior to Clinton correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell’s puff piece: “
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Out of Control: Networks Pull Out All Stops to Hail ‘Emotional’ Hillary Clinton ‘on Fire Today’

Newsbusters, by Curtis Houck


Original Article


The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC pulled out all the stops on Monday night to carry water for 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, proclaiming that she’s “on fire” with “new wind in her sails” as she “unveil[ed] a tough new stance on gun control” and coming “out swinging today at the Benghazi Committee.” The love fest was on full display on NBC Nightly News as anchor Lester Holt gushed prior to Clinton correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell’s puff piece: “


The media bias of the "big 3" is really sickening. Growing very tired of this.

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Lol yeah let's start ww3 with Russians over Assad, who posed no threat to us. What a dumb, incompetent. war mongering, !@#$


Clinton Would Push for No-Fly Zone


Clinton says she would push for no-fly zone in Syria




'Cause it worked SO well in Iraq for a decade.


And I know the response to that: "But we had peace for that decade!"


No, we had a low-intensity continuation of the First Gulf War for that decade. Not peace. It just looked like peace to the American public because it wasn't dramatic enough.

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Lol yeah let's start ww3 with Russians over Assad, who posed no threat to us. What a dumb, incompetent. war mongering, !@#$


Clinton Would Push for No-Fly Zone


Clinton says she would push for no-fly zone in Syria




Russia wants to fight against ISIS. What's the problem with that? Besides, we're kindof of busy right now in Iraq and Afghanistan (and have been for 14 years). Let the rooskies handle this one. Why do we care?


Clinton never saw a war she didn't like.

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