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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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From USA Today, Hillary as Nixon. It be funny, if...y'know...



I want to get the facts out ...

Nixon: I want the public to learn the truth about Watergate and those guilty of any illegal actions brought to justice.

Clinton: I want it all out there.

...because they are on my side

Nixon: The facts will prove that the president is telling the truth.

Clinton: That does not change the facts, and no matter what anybody tries to say, thefacts are stubborn.

There has been unprecedented openness ...

Nixon: We have waived executive privilege on all individuals within the administration. It has been the greatest waiver of executive privilege in the whole history of this nation.

Clinton: I took the unprecedented step of asking that the State Department make all my work-related emails public.

... about things I didn't know ...

Nixon: I had no prior knowledge of the Watergate operation.

Clinton: I don't know how it works digitally at all.

... at least not at that time

Nixon: No one on the White House Staff, at the time (White House CounselJohn Dean) conducted the investigation … was involved or had knowledge of the Watergate matter.

Clinton: I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received.

The last guy did it, too

Nixon: This kind of capability not only existed during the Johnson administration, it also existed in the Kennedy administration.

Clinton: Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing. ... I mean, Secretary Powell has admitted he did exactly the same thing. ... We both did the same thing.



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Staffer who worked on Clinton’s private e-mail server faces subpoena, will take the Fifth.


“A former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server tried this week to fend off a subpoena to testify before Congress, saying he would assert his constitutional right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself. The move by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009, came in a Monday letter from his lawyer to the House panel investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”

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Staffer who worked on Clinton’s private e-mail server faces subpoena, will take the Fifth.


“A former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server tried this week to fend off a subpoena to testify before Congress, saying he would assert his constitutional right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself. The move by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009, came in a Monday letter from his lawyer to the House panel investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”

Oh this is GREAT news! They can give him blanket immunity from prosecution and compel him to testify on the pain of imprisonment.

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Oh this is GREAT news! They can give him blanket immunity from prosecution and compel him to testify on the pain of imprisonment.


They only need to ask him one question: "Did you set up Secretary Clinton's personal email server at her home?"


Yes? Well, then, that's highly illegal. Using government resources for personal services?

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Hillary’s Campaign Has Already Begun to Derail


Hillary Clinton’s second race for the presidency is only about a quarter through, but she already seems to be causing general fatigue.
The lurid revelations about the Clinton Foundation proved that it was not so much a charity as a huge laundering operation. Quid pro quo donations from the global rich and powerful fueled the Clintons’ jet-setting networking.
In between political campaigns, the foundation provided sinecures for out-of-work Clinton politicos. This is hardly proof of Hillary’s grass-roots progressivism.
Then came Clinton’s e-mail fiasco. No one knows how the current investigation of her alleged misuse of e-mail accounts, servers, and classified information will end up. But most people accept that it was an unnecessary and self-induced scandal, brought on both by her paranoia and habitual expectation of being exempt from the law.
ABC News just disclosed that ex-president Bill Clinton sought huge speaking fees from foreign governments (well over a half-million dollars per talk), while Hillary was secretary of state. Unfortunately, some of his proposed speaking deals involved odious regimes like those of Congo and North Korea. This year, Hillary herself routinely charged universities $200,000 to $300,000 for brief talks — after decrying the cash-strapped status of indebted students. What will the Clintons not do to make money?

Are Hillary’s first four and a half months of campaigning a glimpse of the next 14?
If so, the Democratic party — and the country — are going to be utterly exhausted.

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Hillary’s Campaign Has Already Begun to Derail


Hillary Clinton’s second race for the presidency is only about a quarter through, but she already seems to be causing general fatigue.
The lurid revelations about the Clinton Foundation proved that it was not so much a charity as a huge laundering operation. Quid pro quo donations from the global rich and powerful fueled the Clintons’ jet-setting networking.
In between political campaigns, the foundation provided sinecures for out-of-work Clinton politicos. This is hardly proof of Hillary’s grass-roots progressivism.
Then came Clinton’s e-mail fiasco. No one knows how the current investigation of her alleged misuse of e-mail accounts, servers, and classified information will end up. But most people accept that it was an unnecessary and self-induced scandal, brought on both by her paranoia and habitual expectation of being exempt from the law.
ABC News just disclosed that ex-president Bill Clinton sought huge speaking fees from foreign governments (well over a half-million dollars per talk), while Hillary was secretary of state. Unfortunately, some of his proposed speaking deals involved odious regimes like those of Congo and North Korea. This year, Hillary herself routinely charged universities $200,000 to $300,000 for brief talks — after decrying the cash-strapped status of indebted students. What will the Clintons not do to make money?



Are Hillary’s first four and a half months of campaigning a glimpse of the next 14?
If so, the Democratic party — and the country — are going to be utterly exhausted.


"what difference, at this point does it make?"

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Snowden gets in on the Hillary slamming: http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/edward-snowden-hillary-clinton-email-server_55e87a21e4b0b7a9633c278b




Edward Snowden argues in an interview scheduled to air Friday that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state jeopardized national security secrets, and calls Clinton’s claims to the contrary “completely ridiculous.”



“When the unclassified systems of the United States government, which has a full-time information security staff, regularly gets hacked, the idea that someone keeping a private server in the renovated bathroom of a server farm in Colorado is more secure is completely ridiculous,” the National Security Agency whistleblower told Mehdi Hasan in an interview that will air Friday on the debut episode of UpFront, Hasan’s new weekly talk show on Al Jazeera English.

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I am sorry but I feel compelled to remind all here that in 2006, I told you guys this would happen. Here we are: The Democrats have wasted all their Congressional gains, the presidency is in ruins, and for what?


Obamacare? EPA regulations that are gone no matter who gets elected in 2016? Dodd Frank(Gone, same)?


Forget this Great Recession. For almost 15 years, this has been the Great Distraction: avoid Tax and Entitlement Reform. IF 9/11 hadn't happened, we'd have done this in 2001-2. Even if ALGORE had won, the mood of the country was to fix/remove/reform the rest of the Great Society/New Deal.


All of it got sidetracked by The War on Terror(and, um, that terrorist threat seems awfully real today, doesn't it Micheal Moore? Notice how fatass hasn't said a word in years?).


Now? After hauling out every divisive social issue there is, AND, supporting people who openly instigate racial war? It's still not enough: the Ds are going to have to face the music on entitlements, the tax system, and government in general. The more murders/people in the street? The more this looks like Nixon '68.


All they have accomplished is to fight a defensive (never ending) campaign. But, the end is coming. They literally have nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide, especially since the same core people who voted for Obamacare...are the same core people who are voting for the Iran "deal". Literally nothing to run on, and nowhere to hide from their votes.


They've polarized themselves. All this time? They've been predicting "demographics" forcing the Rs into "regional party" status. In fact? It's the Ds who will be the regional party, since the "demographics" argument only works in highly concentrated D precints.

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The CIA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence agency find some more Top Secret emails. Clinton campaign continues expensive and time consuming push-back.




Second Review Says Classified Information Was in Hillary Clinton’s Email
New York Times, by Michael S. Schmidt

Original Article






Remain Calm, Hillary Supporters! All Is Well! All Is Well!
National Review, by Jim Geraghty


Original Article


The New York Times lets us know that everything is fine in Hillary-land: “There will be new efforts to bring spontaneity to a candidacy that sometimes seems wooden and overly cautious.” Got that? They’re planning spontaneity.





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Here is Clinton's full answer on emails to @TheEllenShow. pic.twitter.com/MxoFiqVSOc






Um, she was "allowed by the State Department" because SHE WAS RUNNING THE STATE DEPARTMENT.



"I take responsibility" is supposed to mean "hold me accountable"............................................... Unless you're a Clinton









And she stated that she cooperated by turning over the server. Yes, that's right, the erased server.

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Here is Clinton's full answer on emails to @TheEllenShow. pic.twitter.com/MxoFiqVSOc






Um, she was "allowed by the State Department" because SHE WAS RUNNING THE STATE DEPARTMENT.



"I take responsibility" is supposed to mean "hold me accountable"............................................... Unless you're a Clinton










It's also not the department's call, I'm pretty sure.


Note, too, the usual "It's everyone else's fault" Clintonesque apology. "I'm sorry you all are confused."

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