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California Court: Teacher Tenure is 'unconstitutional'

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But lawyers for the states and teachers’ unions said that overturning such laws would erode necessary protections that stop school administrators from making unfair personnel decisions. They also argued that the vast majority of teachers in the state’s schools are competent and providing students with all the necessary tools to learn. More important factors than teachers, they argued, are social and economic inequalities as well as the funding levels of public schools.


So to recap...tenure keeps teachers from being fired by school administrators who can be fired for trying to fire teachers who should be fired but can't be fired.


Generation Seflie...in a nutshell.

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I'd get more excited, but I presume this is like that scene in The Perfect Storm where they see a speck of sun on the horizon and think they are going to make it, then the heavy clouds and rest of the storm roll in....

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Tenure- hmm, like the intention of the concept, but see the results on behavior, effort, attutude and productivity and for the most part it isnt good.


To me, academic tenure is to protect non conventional speech and nonconventional ideas in the world of academia. Just like judges in a sense, we want educators at least in high levels to no be afraid to explore ideas that are controversial, etc. What I don't like about Tenure is it is not about protecting intellectual rigor and academic freedom, it is mostly protecting underperformaing, lazy, burnout, checed out Educators.


Under state law here, teachers are eligible for tenure after 18 months, and layoffs must be determined by seniority — a process known as “last in, first out.”


18 Months for Tenure- holy **** that is a gift- Tenure shoudl be extremely hard to get and only be in placed based on ongoing achievements in ones field and documented accomplishments. Sadly, it does work that way.


Good decision.

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Under state law here, teachers are eligible for tenure after 18 months, and layoffs must be determined by seniority — a process known as “last in, first out.”


18 Months for Tenure- holy **** that is a gift- Tenure shoudl be extremely hard to get and only be in placed based on ongoing achievements in ones field and documented accomplishments. Sadly, it does work that way.


Once again, when people have access to nearly unlimited power, they will abuse it. Labor unions buying politicians who turn around and let the unions write the laws is as corrupt as it gets. Labor unions = organized crime, it's just that simple.

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