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Trump vs. Rodgers group.

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If the NFL owners had to choose between the Rogers group and moving the team to Toronto or dealing with Donald Trump in Buffalo with a new stadium, which one would they choose? Things to think about?


1. Would congress remove the tax free status from the NFL with a team in Canada.

2. What damage would be done to the league by killing such a loyal fan base.

3. Can they forgive and forget Trumps history with the USFL.

4. Is there enough companies to support luxury boxes at a new stadium.

5. Would Toronto support a NFL team? Have not so far.


To make the Bills work in New York, the new stadium will have to draw, people, companies and money from Buffalo, Rochester and Southern Ontario. Downtown Buffalo does not fit that option. Niagara Falls is the best location.

Edited by bisonbrigade
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If the NFL owners had to choose between the Rogers group and moving the team to Toronto or dealing with Donald Trump in Buffalo with a new stadium, which one would they choose? Things to think about?


1. Would congress remove the tax free status from the NFL with a team in Canada.

2. What damage would be done to the league by killing such a loyal fan base.

3. Can they forgive and forget Trumps history with the USFL.

4. Is there enough companies to support luxury boxes at a new stadium.

5. Would Toronto support a NFL team? Have not so far.


To make the Bills work in New York, the new stadium will have to draw, people, companies and money from Buffalo, Rochester and Southern Ontario. Downtown Buffalo does not fit that option. Niagara Falls is the best location.

1) It is obscene that the NFL is tax exempt as it is. That status should be removed immediately regardless of what happens to the Bills.

2) Minimal and would be forgotten quickly by all non Bills fans.

3) Probably. But there is more for them to dislike about Trump as an owner beyond the USFL.

4) Not a chance as the Buffalo economy stands at the moment.

5) Unknown. But if the group that owns the Leafs thinks it can be viable then it probably can be. There is a big difference in Toronto supporting the Buffalo Bills and supporting the Toronto Bills.

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IMO, they both suck arse. So that's that.


How's my spellllingg?

IMO, they both suck arse. So that's that.




Pretty much sums up the sentiment expressed overall on this site for any of the wealthy potential owners. Comes with the Buffalo territory I suppose.

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I don't think that either are likely. I would think that they are about 5th. My guess is Golisano, Pegula, Jacobs, and the evil troll are all ahead.

The evil troll .

I suggest that becomes his official TBD moniker heretofore

Edited by 3rdand12
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1. Having the Toronto Blue Jays and the now defunct Montreal Expos in baseball did nothing to affect baseball's monopoly status. No impact.

2. The NFL owners, for all their talk about being against a move from Buffalo, had no difficulty with leaving the football mad Cleveland Browns fans in the dust so long as they got their moving fee millions from Art Modell. The owners talk a good game but it's all about the money. No wonder they liked Bon Jovi.

3. I'm conflicted with Trump. He's one of the best hopes for Buffalo to remain in WNY. But at what point will he make additional demands to the city, county, and state or he'll move the team? He's a shrewd negotiator and the team will be instant leverage. You could probably say that about any owner taking over the Bills, but the risk seems higher with Trump.

4. This may be the real issue. There are a lot of luxury boxes already at the Ralph and it's hard for demand to keep up with supply here. Having more of them at a steeper price in a new stadium may be really tough to fill.

5. The Toronto idea may be dead. The Canadian government doesn't go out of its way to support greedy owners who come to them hat in hand looking for free financial assistance to build stadiums. Across the border, politicians are quick to hand out vast sums for these projects. If you're someone looking to move the team to Canada, you are likely looking at an additional $750M to $1B for a new stadium in addition to those pesky moving fees to all of the other owners. You could likely make an argument that the increase in the team's valuation would rise from the move to Toronto, but it's a future value computation with all of the costs up front. That would leave virtually any large TV market in the US (San Antonio, Las Vegas, Los Angeles) and London (Wembley Stadium) as likely alternatives. If Jacksonville were to move out to LA, it wouldn't be a sure thing that we wouldn't move somewhere as well.

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Why do people keep spelling the Rogers last name with a D?

Why do people feel they need to correct grammar on other peoples posts? Are you OCD?

HT to the person who noted that it isn't grammar that's being corrected, it's spelling. But the answer is: So they'll know whom you are talking about.


There is no Rodgers Corporation with interest in the Bills (so far as we know). And since it has to actually be a single person, not a company, as majority owner, the name is kind of important.


In case anyone cares, Edward Rogers, son of the deceased Ted (who made the Bills in TO deal) is the Deputy Chairman and is on the Board of Rogers. Guy Laurence is the President and CEO of the company. Phil Lind is the Executive VP and Vice Chairman. These are the heavy hitters you would hear about.


Ed Rogers is probably the guy who would have the net worth and liquid assets available to make a purchase. His family has a net worth north of 7 billion.


All the same, he hasn't been mentioned as particularly passionate about this kind of acquisition in any way.


When the Jays are discussed in the media (since they are Rogers-owned) by the higher-ups, it's always Keith Pelley and Phil Lind who are weighing in. This might be meaningless given that baseball teams can be owned by corporate entities while a single person needs to be majority buyer / owner for an NFL franchise.

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The group that owns the Leafs does such a fabulous job of running and operating the team, all those Stanley Cups and championships. You can really tell the Canadians on this site.

I believe the Leafs have 11 more Stanley Cups than the Sabres.

If your assumption is that I am Canadian, then I guess you cannot "really tell" at all.

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Trump isn't going to buy the team. He can't afford them. It's going to cost well over $1 billion, most likely 2. Then you have to throw in money to help pay for a stadium. That's more than Trump is worth. Meanwhile, Rogers could buy the Bills, move them, pay any fees to break the lease, have their lawyers fight NYS in court, pay nfl relocation fee, and build a stadium in Toronto and not even miss that money. If it's between Trump and Rogers then Trump doesn't have a chance, let's be clear. It's going to be up to the NFL and the fans. Are they going to let the Bills leave town and are we the fans going to fight for our team? If we take to the streets and fight then the NFL won't want the bad press. They are going to accept a bid this summer and between then and the owner's meetings we will have to protest like crazy and get the media on our side. I hope everyone on this board is ready to fight

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