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R. I. P. Don Zimmer

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A Red Sox fan, as much as I am a Bills fan, I have this to say:


Don Zimmer was the classiest of class acts.


Even through the most unfortunate of incidents, he remained the humble and decent man he has always been, and let us know what baseball is....


What Don Zimmer is.


What Don Zimmer now... was.


Don Zimmer was Class.


Capital "C".


Don Zimmer was Baseball.


Capital "B".


Class has left us...


Baseball, itself, has left us...


God rest your soul, Mr. Zimmer.


God speed.


May we forever remember both Class, and Baseball in your stead.

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Trivia: I "attended" Don Zimmer's wedding. The wedding took place at Dunn Field in Elmira, NY. I was in junior high school and watched the ceremony from the dike along the Chemung River. (Wasn't invited to the wedding, couldn't afford a ticket to the game.) The wedding preceded a game between the old Eastern League Pioneers and some team I can't recall.

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Hated him until he donned the pinstripes...what a baseball life he led, 66 of his 83 years


i think it was Rick Sutcliffe on ESPN's broadcast last night said regarding the Zimmer/Pedro 'fight', Sutcliffe said he was amazed Zimmer was the one to attack him and that a player should have taken him down much sooner than that and Zimmer finally had enough and went after a pitcher that was going after his players. Had never heard that take before.


A Red Sox fan, as much as I am a Bills fan, I have this to say:


Don Zimmer was the classiest of class acts.


Even through the most unfortunate of incidents, he remained the humble and decent man he has always been, and let us know what baseball is....


What Don Zimmer is.


What Don Zimmer now... was.


Don Zimmer was Class.


Capital "C".


Don Zimmer was Baseball.


Capital "B".


Class has left us...


Baseball, itself, has left us...


God rest your soul, Mr. Zimmer.


God speed.


May we forever remember both Class, and Baseball in your stead.

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that is pretty sweet!


Trivia: I "attended" Don Zimmer's wedding. The wedding took place at Dunn Field in Elmira, NY. I was in junior high school and watched the ceremony from the dike along the Chemung River. (Wasn't invited to the wedding, couldn't afford a ticket to the game.) The wedding preceded a game between the old Eastern League Pioneers and some team I can't recall.

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i cant take credit for this, saw it posted on another site, but thought i'd share...


"Here is some of what Don Zimmer saw in his life:

He met Babe Ruth (1947)

Was a teammate of Jackie Robinson (1954-56)

Played for Casey Stengel (1962)

He was in uniform for some of the most iconic games in history: The team that lost the most games (Mets 1962), and the team that won the most games, including post season play (Yankees, 1998).

He was in uniform for the only WS championship for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1955), one of the most famous WS home runs (Carlton Fisk 1975), the Pine Tar game (1983), the first night game at Wrigley Field (1988), the first game in Rockies history (1993) and all three perfect games thrown at Yankee Stadium (Don Larsen, David Wells and David Cone)."

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he was also an original met


also in regards to the Fisk homer, it probably should never have happened


The Sox looked poised to win the game in the bottom of the ninth. With McEnaney, the Reds' seventh pitcher, on the mound, the Sox loaded the bases with no outs. Denny Doyle walked and went to third on a Carl Yastrzemski single. McEnaney then intentionally walked Carlton Fisk to load the bases to face the left-handed hitting Lynn. Lynn flied out on a short fly ball to Foster in left, and Foster gunned down Doyle, who tagged up and attempted to score. McEnaney then retired Petrocelli, ending the jam. Doyle would later admit that, when he tagged at third, he thought he heard Sox third-base coach Don Zimmer yelling "Go, go, go!", when, in reality, Zimmer was screaming, "No! No! No!"


i cant take credit for this, saw it posted on another site, but thought i'd share...


"Here is some of what Don Zimmer saw in his life:

He met Babe Ruth (1947)

Was a teammate of Jackie Robinson (1954-56)

Played for Casey Stengel (1962)

He was in uniform for some of the most iconic games in history: The team that lost the most games (Mets 1962), and the team that won the most games, including post season play (Yankees, 1998).

He was in uniform for the only WS championship for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1955), one of the most famous WS home runs (Carlton Fisk 1975), the Pine Tar game (1983), the first night game at Wrigley Field (1988), the first game in Rockies history (1993) and all three perfect games thrown at Yankee Stadium (Don Larsen, David Wells and David Cone)."

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