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40 years ago...

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Q: How would you sum up the Indians' Ten Cent Beer Night?


A: There were 25,134 fans, 60,000 Genessee beers at ten cents each, 50 cops, 19 streakers, 7 emergency room injuries, 9 arrests, 2 bare moons, 2 bouncing breasts, 1 sports writer punched in the jaw...


Q: Could you tell the crowd was drinking up a storm?


A: The late Tim Russert was there that night. When asked how many beers he had drank he said he had two dollars with him. The he said, "you do the math". :lol: :lol:



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They played my Texas Rangers that night.


A few days back ESPN ran a segment during

Sports Center on the game There could be a

pod cast available to watch.

They did! I knew you'd dig that. I missed that ESPN special though, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the information!

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