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Furious citizens mass at our borders and White House spokesnoid says he hasn't actually spoken to Obama about it.



White House: No Change to Immigration Surge Strategy 'At This Point'


The Hill [Washington, DC], by Justin Sink



Original Article





Why change? It seems to be working pretty well. 10's of thousands of new future Dem voters are making it safely every month while most of America pays little attention.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Charter plane thought to be carrying immigrants arrives in San Diego

Los Angeles Times, by Tony Perry



Original Article



Hispanics Split Over Obama’s Border Meltdown

by Neil Munro



Original Article


Polls show that American Latinos have deeply ambivalent views about the 100,000-plus illegal immigrants flooding across the American border with Mexico. Lopsided majorities say they want tighter border security and lopsided majorities say they illegal immigrants to be accepted. “There are Hispanics who are conflicted, because they worry about the quality of life, immigrants coming into their neighborhoods [and] about their jobs,” said Ruben Navarette, a native Californian and a nationally syndicated columnist.







Will the Illegal Children Be Deported?


Watch David Gregory try to get an answer to that question from Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson:










Saw it this AM. Typical Obama admin speak. They won't commit to doing the obvious common sense right thing to do because it's not their plan and they won't tell us what their plan is because it's politics and crazy ideology first - always. Gregory, while seeming to ask "the tough question" really let's Johnson off the hook by not pushing very hard.

Gregory, while seeming to ask "the tough question" really let's Johnson off the hook by not pushing very hard.


If he pushes too hard, he stops getting interviews. If he really pushes too hard, he gets fired. That's just how that administration rolls.


If he pushes too hard, he stops getting interviews. If he really pushes too hard, he gets fired and audited. That's just how that administration rolls.




Obama’s Border Crisis




Durbin Blames Bush Claims border chaos not Obama’s fault.







Born on the Fifth of July


Considering the sundry enthusiasms upon which government at all level spends our money — Harry Reid’s bovine literary interests, helping out those poor struggling people who own Boeing — it is remarkable that the job of apprehending a known felon, once deported from the United States and illegally present in Texas, fell to

volunteers in Brooks County, near the Mexican border. Brooks County, like many other border areas, is overrun with illegal immigrants, and the cost of burying those illegals who die in transit, which can run into the six figures annually, has forced the county to cut back on regular law enforcement. And thus we have the volunteer deputies who brought in the felon, who after he injured his ankle had been been abandoned by the coyotes — professional human traffickers — who had brought him across the border. The volunteers were in the process of working a 26-hour shift — that’s 26 hours, not a typo. Consider for a moment that the cost of illegals’ breaking the law is so high that enforcing the law has been handed over to unpaid volunteers.


Similar scenes are playing out across the border. Nearby Duval County, Texas, was the scene of a dramatic car chase when a truckload of illegals was spotted by police, who determined that the vehicle was outfitted with a fraudulent license plate. Two were killed and a dozen injured in the pursuit. (Many years ago, Duval County enjoyed the services of an elected Democratic sheriff whose

grandson is a familiar figure here at National Review.) Nearly 200,000 illegals have crossed into Texas’s Rio Grande Valley this year, and the cartels that oversee the coyote operations have the local landowners terrorized into compliance. This includes the trafficking of minors and others destined for the sex trade; perversely, the Department of Homeland Security has been known to send minors trafficked across the border on to their final destinations, thus “completing the criminal mission” of the traffickers, in the words of one federal judge.




Unhappily, the combination of interests linked to immigration lawlessness — the progressives’

dependency agenda and the Chamber of Commerce’s self-interest — make this a very difficult battle to win. On the matter of illegal immigration, as on so many similar issues, we are effectively governed by criminals. But if we had half as much appreciation for the importance of national borders as do those who are illegally crossing them did, we would make this one of the top items on our national agenda. We may have compassion for the citizens of Mexico, but our duty is to the citizens of these United States.


On Friday we had fireworks; on Monday, we require action.


It's Bush's fault, because he signed the law that says we have to treat the kids humanely? What the !@#$?


I think Sharyl Attkinson does a nice job laying some rather interesting questions that, while I'm are asked by the wiser among us, are still worth asking.


So to simply explain violence and poor economies as the factors pushing children into the U.S. ignores the more basic question.


The facts suggest an organized effort in these particular nations, as well as an established trafficking pipeline. It’s unlikely that tens of thousands of children could safely travel through Mexico without assistance or approval from the violent drug cartels that rule many parts of the country, as well as the tacit approval by some in the Mexican government. Indeed, if the children were to make it only as far as Mexico before being stopped, and became the Mexican government’s responsibility, one could imagine the influx might be halted rather abruptly.


If the Daily Beast is correct about the drug cartels’ involvement in the trafficking, then, by being a haven for some of the children who make it to the border, the U.S. is inadvertently serving the profit motives of the violent cartels and human traffickers, feeding the businesses of those who are moving the kids, helping them create a bigger market, more demand and higher prices.

Here are additional difficult questions with no easy answers.


Is the U.S. government’s position that those fleeing devastating conditions in their own countries should not be discouraged from doing so, even if their trafficking feeds the very cartels the U.S. has been battling for decades? Is it the U.S. government’s position that the children from any poor or violent nation need only to make it to the U.S. to receive opportunities and the possibility of staying here and being cared for?


If so, then is it fair for the U.S. to favor the children from three Central American nations where a pipeline has been established? What about South American nations where no pipeline has been established? Or African nations where poverty-struck families lack the benefit of geographic proximity? What about some Middle Eastern countries where women face daunting discrimination? Shouldn’t they be able to come to the U.S., illegally, too?

Posted (edited)

It's Bush's fault, because he signed the law that says we have to treat the kids humanely? What the !@#$?


So Obama and Durbin find this law to be conveniently in the way as opposed to the other "bad" laws they choose to ignore.

Edited by keepthefaith

All too typical, the man is simply NOT a leader.




Not on Obama’s Texas Itinerary: The Border

by John Fund


San DiegoPresident Obama will visit Texas this week for three political fundraisers. One place he will not visit while in Texas: the Mexican border. A border visit is apparently not necessary, in Obama’s view, to monitor the crisis that has seen thousands of migrants — including unaccompanied children — flood into the United States.


White House spokesman Josh Earnest bizarrely says that people criticizing Obama’s failure to visit the border would “rather play politics than actually try to address some of these challenges.” The president, it seems, will “lead from behind” once again. All this has been too much for Representative Henry Cuellar, a Democrat who represents the border city of Laredo. “They should have seen this coming a long time ago . . . because we saw those numbers increasing,” he said today on CNN’s State of the Union. Cuellar admitted that our current system creates perverse incentives. “There is an incentive that if you bring your child over here, or you’re a child by yourself, you’re going to be let go. And that’s exactly what’s happening,” he said. “Our immigration courts are so backlogged. There’s not enough detention spaces. . . . This is the incentive we have to take away.” As for Obama’s pledge to send more personnel to the border, Cuellar didn’t sound confident: “I think he’s still one step behind. They knew this was happening a year ago. . . . and they are not reacting fast enough at this time.”


The crisis at the border should serve as a slap in the face to people in both parties who have been unable to come up with a border solution for the last decade.


On the one hand, Democrats’ insistence that any reform must be “comprehensive” and include a path to citizenship ignores the fact that for most migrants, becoming a citizen is not a first-tier priority. The Pew Research Center found last year that of the Hispanic immigrants who reside legally in the U.S. today, only 44 percent have chosen to become citizens. Safety, the ability to visit family and friends in Mexico and return, and being able to live openly in society are far more important to immigrants.


For their part, many Republicans who insist on an enforcement-only approach ignore the evidence that the 45-year-old “War on Drugs” has done little to stem drug trafficking on the border despite an increase of more than 50 percent in Border Patrol funding over the last six years.



More at the link:


All too typical, the man is simply NOT a leader.


This is him thumbing his nose at the country. Because he has surrounded himself with people who somehow think this is a good idea for the mid-terms.


Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama...about to go full gatorman.


With reports now of TB spreading through the camps, I can't help but wonder about all those US parents lately who have been anti-vaccination these past years.


With reports now of TB spreading through the camps, I can't help but wonder about all those US parents lately who have been anti-vaccination these past years.

I'm totally fine with breeding out the stupid.


With reports now of TB spreading through the camps, I can't help but wonder about all those US parents lately who have been anti-vaccination these past years.


Not a problem. All those kids have free health care now.


Obama said in 2010 the "border is more secure than ever." So, in other words. If you like your border, you can keep it.






And remember, these kids can't be deported because of a US immigration law. And lord knows we're sticklers about enforcing immigration law.



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