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Oh, and for what it's worth... I'm not a democrat, my ideals line up more with the green party. But unfortunately, voting for any independent party right now is basically throwing a vote away.


So's voting for a major party.

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Would you say one way the Democrats failed you is because they didn't make Obamacare single payer?


That's a bigger problem than either party, but yes.

And I say that as a progressive/liberal/socialist/whatever you want to identify me as.


Oh, and for what it's worth... I'm not a democrat, my ideals line up more with the green party.


I deliberately did not try to identify you, other than make an assumption that you are not conservative or libertarian based on the content of your posts. now, am I to take you seriously, as a self-identified progressive/liberal/socialist, who now wants the republicans to assume majority power in congress, win the white house, and hold a majority in the supreme court?


Oh, so the money is enslaving them. Is that like wage slavery? The more you libertarians talk the more you guys sound like marxists


For ***** and giggles, how about you find out how that money is allocated. Until then your data point doesn't tell us much about the Federal expenditures' impact on the average resident of Mississippi or its economy overall.

That's a bigger problem than either party, but yes.


Then you're right...you're not a Democrat. Your a progressive. An Elizabeth Warren "you didn't build that" kinda progressive.




I'm advocating for kicking democrats out of office. They haven't gotten the job done, I want to see if the republicans (or any other party that wants to step up and actually make a dent in our politics) can get things turned around. I'm being genuine in saying this. The democrats have failed us. And I say that as a progressive/liberal/socialist/whatever you want to identify me as.


Oh, and for what it's worth... I'm not a democrat, my ideals line up more with the green party. But unfortunately, voting for any independent party right now is basically throwing a vote away.


Last time the Rs had both houses and the Presidency they gave us a new leftist education bill (NCLB), the biggest expansion of Medicare since "The Great Society," a nation-building experiment in Iraq, and all manner of protectionist measures like steel subsidies, farm subsidies, etc. It wasn't the conservative revolution one might have expected.


When the Ds got a supermajority idiots rejoiced until they saw what the non-retarded knew to begin with - that so much unchecked power in the hands of a political class accountable only to the occasional vote of an overwhelmingly ignorant populace, the majority of which treat politics like a team sport, is going to lead to the having of a bad time for those not connected to the politicians in power.


Gridlock is a good thing. It keeps stupid from running wild.


Interesting article about how a Libertarian Pizza Driver might figure into the North Carolina Senate race. I guess the dude preaches the Austrian School economics stuff. Would he get bigger tips if we followed that economic model? ha




I'm very interested to see what happens when the Republicans control POTUS, both houses, and SCOTUS.

But they won't control the media.


Yes. Then they'll wake up from their eight year slumber/frat party and start reporting on the horrors of unemployment, homelessness, the gun violence in Chicago, our eroded influence on the world stage, the weak dollar, rising prices, low employment, and abuses by the NSA.

You know - no sense complaining while the JV squad is running the show. But wait till the adults get back in power and boy, there's going to be hell to pay.


Yes. Then they'll wake up from their eight year slumber/frat party and start reporting on the horrors of unemployment, homelessness, the gun violence in Chicago, our eroded influence on the world stage, the weak dollar, rising prices, low employment, and abuses by the NSA.

You know - no sense complaining while the JV squad is running the show. But wait till the adults get back in power and boy, there's going to be hell to pay.

It's all so unfair! Conservatives are victims of an unfair, biased media

We're all victims of a biased media.

Yes, we are. And their guy has proven so weak and ineffectual in solving problems that it's beyond their comprehension to understand that he IS the biggest problem now. It's like we hired a janitor to operate a nuclear attack submarine.


Yes, we are. And their guy has proven so weak and ineffectual in solving problems that it's beyond their comprehension to understand that he IS the biggest problem now. It's like we hired a janitor to operate a nuclear attack submarine.

That sounds like a Kevin James staring comedy...



I was thinking of BO's own Columbus campaign platitudes. He cam plainer about having to clean up somebody else's mess and getting criticism about not doing the job right. It was an early look into how thin-skinned this reservoir tipped President is.


It's a great theory and talking point, it just isn't true... Bias and ineptitude are not the same thing.


So you think the media ignored the lost Lois Lerner emails due to ineptitude? :lol:

Posted (edited)

So you think the media ignored the lost Lois Lerner emails due to ineptitude? :lol:

No, I think any definition of the word "media" is either too narrow or too old fashioned if it leads one to the erroneous conclusion that "Americans are victims of a very biased media". We aren't victims of a biased media. Saying we are implies there is a singular driving force behind the media, or at the very least collusion but that's demonstratively false. There is no singular media, not anymore and not for decades. Any notion that there is one is outdated. There's also the implication that the media did this to us when the truth is we in fact did this to the media. We aren't victims, we're Americans, which means above all else, we're consumers.


But it makes for a convenient talking point (for both sides) to employ in just about any circumstance.


The reality of the national media today is far more dangerous and alarming than mere bias. Today's media is individualized, commercialized, and packaged. Today's media caters to the individual consumer's biases and interests more so than actual facts or semblance of responsible journalism. Not to say there aren't good journalists out there doing God's work, there are plenty -- but if they don't fit your ideology, you're not likely to see their copy. Our desire for brevity and instant gratification as a culture has created a market for "info-tainment" which is far more profitable, and entertaining, than straight news. The tailspin effect of this has been competition, from all sides and all platforms: print to radio to TV to cable news to the internet to social media... the Fourth Estate has been fighting a losing battle for centuries.


But that answer isn't as catchy or as easy to digest as crying "bias in the media" anytime it suits your political purpose. It's demonstratively false, but makes people feel good inside I guess.

Edited by GreggyT



It's demonstratively false, but makes people feel good inside I guess.


It is actually the exact opposite.


Easily discovered by anyone who reads .




Posted (edited)

It is actually the exact opposite.


Easily discovered by anyone who reads .




How do you define the media, B-Man? Because unless your definition includes a total left slant to every news outlet, blog and radio show, and pod cast on the airwaves, it is demonstratively false.


This is easily discovered by anyone willing to use their brain and actually think.

Edited by GreggyT
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