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Why? You dating one?



I thought you said you had to be really pissed to do your best work Tom ???

:lol: :lol:

That gives my life meaning. My HS guidance counselor always said I had the personality of a bottle of NyQuil.

My guidance counselor scoffed at me when I said I wanted to do "physical therapy". He then proceeded to inform me that I was going to be an "engineer...or something. Something worthwhile", in a most berating tone. I was being complimented, and berated, at the same time. That was weird.


To this day, I still don't get that. I mean, it's not like I said "Hollywood writer"....


...or some other debasement of science(hey you want Adam's references, you get them)

This is true. I only drink when the Bills are losing, so Mondays in the fall have been pretty rough for me. I've had to scale back:)



Well, I see somebody needs a string of long posts, or better, PMs, on:

Keynesian economics

the inner workings of the Mimimum Data Set v3.0...(Hey, you said you want to see new things, well, here's a fine example of what happens when a couple of characters are cracked, and then, for reasons passing understanding, are given a voice, because they sure as hell can't find their own.)

PKE encryption

the utter hopelessness of our world cup soccer team

run-of-the-mill analyis of our soccer team

any random thought on soccer in general, or our world cup soccer team

my personal exploration of moral relativism

my dabbling in pacifism


We'll have you drinking like a proper writer in no time.




OC, you want to take this one?

(Hehehe...missed this one.)


Why, so I can be called a narcissist for speaking directly from experience as to why Medicare, or worse, Medicaid, doesn't create doctor jobs?


Now, why should I want to do that?


Walking into one of my own thingers? I have been away. Away doesn't mean "suddenly became a maroon".


It's hilarious, because a forceful argument could be easily made that both, Medicaid especially, destroys doctor jobs, and do so as both policies and reimbursement instruments....but, I'm not doing it.

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What does the dollar represent?


What does it represent to the people in Mississippi that receive them for work rendered? Back to the question, would Mississippi be better off without this federal largess?



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What does it represent to the people in Mississippi that receive them for work rendered? Back to the question, would Mississippi be better off without this federal largess?


Should the Federal government have any spending limits at all? If so, where should the line be drawn?

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What does it represent to the people in Mississippi that receive them for work rendered?[/Quote]

I believe it has more purchasing power in Mississippi due to a lower cost of living relative to many other areas of the country. Though that's totally irrelevant to the conversation.


Answer my question.


Back to the question, would Mississippi be better off without this federal largess?

Largess? Hardly. More like guilded handcuffs.


I've already addressed this upthread.

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I believe it has more purchasing power in Mississippi due to a lower cost of living relative to many other areas of the country. Though that's totally irrelevant to the conversation.


Answer my question.


Largess? Hardly. More like guilded handcuffs.


I've already addressed this upthread.

So they would be better off without the federal "handout"? Handout? So you admit that one of the most conservative states in our federal union is a begger state?


And how weak of a federal government do you want? Europe has no real federal authority to speak of, would you like us better like that?

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So they would be better off without the federal "handout"? Handout? So you admit that one of the most conservative states in our federal union is a begger state?



Again, read my post upthread on the topic.


And how weak of a federal government do you want? Europe has no real federal authority to speak of, would you like us better like that?

This is a topic for another thread.

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Oh, so the money is enslaving them. Is that like wage slavery? The more you libertarians talk the more you guys sound like marxists

Have you ever, in your life, made the effort to read, and then fully comprehend what you've read, before commenting on it?


As I stated earlier: the costs of complying with thousands and thousands of Federal mandates is burdensome, and often undesirable, for many states.


Remove the Federal mandates, and these states would have no troubles should Federal Dollars be removed.


Edit: this asssumes you aren't referencing dollars earmarked specifically for military, federal highways, and postal service.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Have you ever, in your life, made the effort to read, and then fully comprehend what you've read, before commenting on it?


As I stated earlier: the costs of complying with thousands and thousands of Federal mandates is burdensome, and often undesirable, for many states.


Remove the Federal mandates, and these states would have no troubles should Federal Dollars be removed.


You're dealing with a pure statist. In his world, all states should be at the mercy of Federal Dollars and anything you write to the contrary falls on deaf ears because, like all statists, he's convinced the federal government knows what is best for everyone. Laughable irony aside, in his view, people and states are too stupid to take care of themselves.

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Have you ever, in your life, made the effort to read, and then fully comprehend what you've read, before commenting on it?

As I stated earlier: the costs of complying with thousands and thousands of Federal mandates is burdensome, and often undesirable, for many states.


Remove the Federal mandates, and these states would have no troubles should Federal Dollars be removed.


Edit: this asssumes you aren't referencing dollars earmarked specifically for military, federal highways, and postal service.

oh bull, you live in a dream world. You are seriously arguing that Mississippi would be better with out all that federal money flowing into the state "handcuffing" the poor dears. That's nonsense. You can make an argument saying anything, and Libertarians are good at that--they have to be--because like Marxist they live in a dream world. screaming about taxes being theft because it takes away money then saying money only enslaved people...rolls eyes




You're dealing with a pure statist. In his world, all states should be at the mercy of Federal Dollars and anything you write to the contrary falls on deaf ears because, like all statists, he's convinced the federal government knows what is best for everyone. Laughable irony aside, in his view, people and states are too stupid to take care of themselves.

How about you, would you rather us be like Europe with no central government?
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Europe is a continent and not a country. You realize that I hope?


So much for your boycott of me. I should have figured someone as stupid as you couldn't figure out how a boycott works. Do you have a job that requires you to make decisions on your own? I'd be really surprised if you did

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To be fair, I'm not a very good writer so there's no reason for you to know that. There are a lot of folks on here who are very knowledgeable about a wide variety of fields and areas I am not. It's really the main reason I come down to PPP, it exposes me to a opinions and thinking outside my own bubble -- especially a west coast bubble. It's one of the ways I try to remain intellectually honest. I don't always succeed (as my posting history shows) but I try my best to put in the work.


Being on the board for over a decade and getting to know some folks here beyond their posts/image really is what makes this place special from other dark corners of the interwebs. I think this is also why some folks get annoyed by your posting style on here, not to lecture you in any way or trying to tell you how to live your life, but if you took the time to realize there are some really bright folks around here who can add insight you cannot readily find elsewhere, you could expand your own horizons a bit. Doesn't mean I agree with all their politics, they certainly don't agree with all of mine, but there's middle ground to be found if every post isn't combative or dismissive.


You'd be surprised how diverse the crowd around here is ('here' in the general TSW sense, not necessarily PPP) and how much you can learn about other people and their viewpoints. And since I write largely fiction which requires getting inside my character's heads and really understanding what makes them tick (if I'm doing my job right), getting to know some of the people on here by more than just their posts helps me tremendously to understand why people think certain ways and what really motivates them. That's the only way I can crack a character and voice that reads true.


Then again, maybe the fact I find inspiration in a place like this is why I'm a ****ty writer :D



You're a good lad. Trying to reach out to him is a lost cause.

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oh bull, you live in a dream world.[/Quote]

Hardly. I simply understand cause and effect.


You are seriously arguing that Mississippi would be better with out all that federal money flowing into the state "handcuffing" the poor dears.[/Quote]



Tell me about state and local taxes in Mississippi, their demand for services, and imposed federal mandates.


You've got criticisms? Show your data.


That's nonsense.[/Quote]

Demonstrate how.


You can make an argument saying anything, and Libertarians are good at that--

Typically yes. Libertarianism relies heavily on the application of formal logic, and logic lends itself to good arguments.


they have to be--because like Marxist they live in a dream world.

Your comical attempts to link libertarianism and Marxism aside, it's good to see what you've finally disavowed leftist redistributive rhetoric. I expect some strong condemnations of the Presidents social economics forthcoming.


screaming about taxes being theft because it takes away money then saying money only enslaved people...rolls eyes

I've said nothing of the sort.


This is nothing more than your devout inability to tell the truth rearing it's ugly head again.


Why do you refuse to argue honestly?


How about you, would you rather us be like Europe with no central government?

Europe is a continent you dope.

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You are seriously arguing that Mississippi would be better with out all that federal money flowing into the state "handcuffing" the poor dears.


Since when is "government" strictly limited to "federal?"

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Since when is "government" strictly limited to "federal?"

What's this? A Meazzo impression? Pretty good, you nailed the stupid part perfect




Trying to reach out to him is a lost cause.


Apparently so is boycotting me...


Hardly. I simply understand cause and effect.



Tell me about state and local taxes in Mississippi, their demand for services, and imposed federal mandates.

You've got criticisms? Show


Why do you refuse to argue honestly?


Europe is a continent you dope.

I'm not arguing honestly?? You are trying to turn a horse chestnut into a chestnut colored horse. If Mississippi can do without it's federal money better than it is now you should prove that inanity


Yes, and north america is a content also, so what? Ok, I'll change the question, would you us rather be like the weak European Union? Is that what you want? Understand that? Gees...

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What's this? A Meazzo impression? Pretty good, you nailed the stupid part perfect




Apparently so is boycotting me...


I'm not arguing honestly?? You are trying to turn a horse chestnut into a chestnut colored horse. If Mississippi can do without it's federal money better than it is now you should prove that inanity


Yes, and north america is a content also, so what? Ok, I'll change the question, would you us rather be like the weak European Union? Is that what you want? Understand that? Gees...


What does the European Union have to so with reducing federal regulations here in the US? Oh yeah I got it. Abso!@#$inglutely nothing!


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