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2014 Midterms

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North Carolina appeared ready to join the rest of the nation on Tuesday with voters showing strong support for a constitutional amendment allowing those charged with a serious crime to have their cases heard by a judge, not a jury.

With 65 percent of the ballots counted, voters were approving the “bench trial” amendment 53 percent to 47 percent, a margin of more than 100,000 votes.

The judge or jury option is allowed in every other state. Under the North Carolina amendment, a bench trial would have to be requested by a defendant and approved by a judge. It would not be available in death-penalty cases.


NC is getting progressive! Woo!



This is amazing...

Fitzsimon @Fitzsimon RetweetIcon.gif Retweeted by Dr. Michael Bitzer


Tillis' apparent victory means that a Democrat in North Carolina has not been relected to a seat in US Senate since 1968. #ncga #ncpol

Edited by jboyst62
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Scott Brown refusing to concede....not that it matters now, but, this may go on for a while.


And, Louisiana, for all the $ and air time....is now irrelevant. NC, where the "fat cat", "rich" Dems outspent the Rs 3 to 1...they still lose.


EDIT: The best is....at some point they are going to bring in the Alaska results via dog sled...2 weeks from now...and it will be R too.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Let's hope they remember the wave that swept them into office, and what they're being sent to Washington to do.

They won't. They won these elections from the Democrats ideas. They capitalized against the ACA and Obama. Nothing else was promoted as an original idea or talking point. They need to now carefully observe what matters or they will once again lose the public.


And, Louisiana, for all the $ and air time....is now irrelevant. NC, where the "fat cat", "rich" Dems outspent the Rs 3 to 1...they still lose.

The amount of signs and posters put up this year were staggering. NC is going to be a huge investment for both parties in NC and I have to think a good move would be to find a VP from this state.


Who that would be, I don't know. Hagan as a VP would generate a lot of attention here, she's popular and well liked and should Hillary not win the I would not select her as VP. Cuomo/Hagan?


McCrory as a VP is hard to swallow. I don't know who else here is suitable.

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The amount of signs and posters put up this year were staggering. NC is going to be a huge investment for both parties in NC and I have to think a good move would be to find a VP from this state.


I just can't see Americans getting excited about voting for somebody named Dick Burr

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I just can't see Americans getting excited about voting for somebody named Dick Burr

He's not that bad and if someone up North wins then someone down here can match. Yankee/McCrory? Yankee/Burr?


Christie/Burr? Bush/McCrory?

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Republican Governors in Massachusetts, Illinois and Maryland ??


whoda thunk it .........................lol





That's turning into a bigger story than the Senate. Also....Rs look to be controlling 2/3 of the state houses after tonight. It's going to be awfully hard for Democrats to field Federal candidates 2-6 years from now, when they don't have any minor leaguers today. Never mind the House losses.


The only thing I wonder: with so many Blue State R governors, things are going to look awfully crowded for 2016.

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That's turning into a bigger story than the Senate. Also....Rs look to be controlling 2/3 of the state houses after tonight. It's going to be awfully hard for Democrats to field Federal candidates 2-6 years from now, when they don't have any minor leaguers today. Never mind the House losses.


The only thing I wonder: with so many Blue State R governors, things are going to look awfully crowded for 2016.


I'm sure they can dig up a community organizer or bingo hall coordinator who can read a speech. Qualifications don't matter for them. The media will carry their water.

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Well the Obama White House changed it's tune pretty damn fast.


From "My policies are on the ballot" to "this was no repudiation of Obama by voters today"



Raise your hand if you are surprised at this predictable childish response...........


In an obvious sign of the warm era of bipartisanship to come, the White House apparently will not congratulate GOP on Senate majority tonight.


CNN: “Amazingly, the White House is not putting out a statement tonight.”.........................really ? you're amazed ?






ABC News projects that Republicans will gain between 14 and 18 seats in the HOUSE




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They won't. They won these elections from the Democrats ideas. They capitalized against the ACA and Obama. Nothing else was promoted as an original idea or talking point. They need to now carefully observe what matters or they will once again lose the public.

The good news is: every elected R I've seen tonight has said the same thing "we didn't win, they lost". The funny part is that's precisely the broken record on MSNBC. Everyone agrees! :lol: Well, at least on that specific point.


Again, the Republicans followed Napoleon: "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". The funny part is that the Ds won't admit their mistakes....yet at the same time, they point to Republicans "not interrupting". It's hilarious that they can't see their own errors, yet they can see how the Rs responded to them.


The other thing you said, that I've heard tonight, and also said: The Rs are going to pass legislation daily. Small stuff first, moving on to big stuff. Ted Cruz...Ted Cruz of all people!... just laid out what you said above plain as day: the Rs are goign to unify, and then they are going to "behaviorallly condition" Obama. He's going to get so used to signing bills, at some point he will just do it by rote.


I don't think Rs are anywhere near as "fractured" as the MSNBC people say. This is their Inigo Montoya moment. They keep using that word. :lol: I see quite the opposite. I see a fractured D party coming out of this. At some point, perhaps starting tomorrow, the center-left/3rd way people are going to try to clean house, and reduce the influence of the socialists and environtologists that have dominated the D agenda since 2004.


This will start quite a fight, because the socialists/environtologists aren't just going to lay down. They are too addicted to the power they once had, not to mention most of them are psychotic.


As I write this: Kirsten Powers just literally referred to a "disconnect that exists in the Democratic party", and also said "thinking that you could turn Texas blue was crazy". Kirsten Powers is a comitted Democrat. And, she's exactly the type of center-left D I'm talking about.


The Democratic Civil War, that I have been saying is coming for a year now, clearly, has just begun.

The amount of signs and posters put up this year were staggering. NC is going to be a huge investment for both parties in NC and I have to think a good move would be to find a VP from this state.


Who that would be, I don't know. Hagan as a VP would generate a lot of attention here, she's popular and well liked and should Hillary not win the I would not select her as VP. Cuomo/Hagan?


McCrory as a VP is hard to swallow. I don't know who else here is suitable.

Hey you could be living in Louisiana. They get to have another whole month of this.


Who knows. The one thing I do know: Hillary is their only shot, and she has failed miserably so far. Look at the results in Arkansas: that's already a double digit beat down for Mark Pryor, despite both Bill and Hill hanging around there for weeks campaigning. Yet another defeat by proxy for Hillary.


And, right now, we have even more far-left clowns, on multiple channels talking about "strife in the R party", after they set a record for most seats in the House, all time. They simply don't see it. They simply don't get that the only elected officials they have left are extremists, from extremist constituencies.


That's not North Carolina. North Carolina doesn't have any moderate Ds anymore. They've all lost. So the only place left for the Ds to get a VP is not North Carolina, it's San Francisco, or Boston, or Chicago! :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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