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Posted (edited)

Oh, I see, this election ends excuses. Great. Now the House and the Senate can pass real legislation. Like...


Like the 300+ bills that are currently passed by the House and waiting for a vote in the Senate?


Mitch McConnell is going to be very busy....doing all of the work in this term, AND, all of the work Harry Reid should have been doing during his.


You really don't know that Harry Reid is the reason nothing has happened in Congress all this time? Really?

You really don't understand that Reid's entire gameplan, first, was a gameplan, and now, is a failed gameplan?


You really don't realize that he has spent 6 years "protecting" vulnerable Senate Ds/vulnerable Obama...by not allowing any of them to cast a vote or sign anything, by never allowing anything important the House passed after the 2010 elections to be voted on in the Senate?


Harry Reid has prevented every single D from having a record to run on this year. Thus, the only thing they can run on? Their votes from 2009-2010 "97% voting with Obama"...which caused an R wave election in 2010. :wacko: It's made it extremely easy for Rs to hammer them, because there's NOTHING else to talk about.


Harry Reid has prevented the immigration "Dreamers" from any vote on anything immigration-related. In doing so, he protected vulnerable Rs every bit as much as Ds. The worst is: Obama is the one catching hell for that now, from his own party! :wallbash::lol:


Do you get it yet?


There will be a plethora of legislation coming from this R-controlled Congress. If for no other reason: than to weaken Obama further. Every time Obama vetoes/pocket vetoes something: he's going to take 100% of the blame, because the people elected this Congress to put that legislation in front of him to sign, not veto.


It's a damned if you do/don't for Obama. Christ: If I were the Rs I'd be sending 5 small bills a day, and come out screaming to the media every time Obama vetoes one of them. I'd never relent. I'd beat him down with bill after bill and make him quit: it's like a punishing running game when you're up by 2 scores in the 4th. This is precisely how they should dismantle Obamacare, and replace it with something reasonable.


EDIT: I'll try one more way to explain using Napolean: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". The Rs have been doing exactly that since 2012, they have not interrupted Reid or Obama, and both have made one gaffe/mistake after then next. Consider: IF they had done what they are doing now during the Clinton/Lewinsky thing, Clinton would have had to resign.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Oh great, your Republican party won't get the blame now as much. What a Revolution!!! Lol, you are hysterical!

I don't think I've ever met anyone so devoutly incapable of honesty or decency before.


Nice work.


What "bi-partisan" legislation do you expect to pass??

The more than 300 bills, passing the House with bi-partisan support, which now sit on Harry Reid's desk.



Like the


Do you get it yet?



No. What are the Republicans going to pass laws about? What do they want to do. I don't give a crap that they cobbled together 300 anti abortion rights bills or tried to kill health care for the poor. What are they going to pass bills on for real?




The more than 300 bills, passing the House with bi-partisan support, which now sit on Harry Reid's desk.



Another partisan shot at a Dem politician? Sigh


And how would those bills if made law have changed our country?






Another partisan shot at a Dem politician? Sigh



not only is that hysterically funny coming from you, but how is it a 'shot' for him to say that bills have been sitting on Reid's desk when it's 100% true?



you're calling people 'partisan'. :lol:

Another partisan shot at a Dem politician? Sigh


And how would those bills if made law have changed our country?


So in summary, you have no idea what bi-partisan laws have been passed by Congress, and you have no idea how they will help, and you have no idea how many of these bi-partisan bills have been ignored by Harry Reid for the past 18 months, and yet somehow...remarkably...you'll be allowed to vote today.


Gatorman. It's what Democrats crave.


No. What are the Republicans going to pass laws about?


The point isn't that the Senate hasn't passed laws. The point is that the Senate rarely even votes. Only about 35 or so times this year. Hello, they don't even vote on appointees any more.

Posted (edited)

Eric Holder Deploys Poll-Watchers to Look for “Discrimination”


Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is sending teams of federal monitors to 18 states to “watch for discrimination against voters.” The list of states appears completely random: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin. DOJ can’t possibly have the manpower to cover more than a relative handful of precincts in those 18 states, so one wonders what the point is.


Holder explained in his usual sanctimonious style:


“One of the Justice Department’s most sacred responsibilities is ensuring access to the ballot box for every eligible American,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a video message on the department’s website.

“I want the American people to know that the Justice Department will stand vigilant — working in a fair and nonpartisan manner to ensure that every voter can cast his or her ballot free of intimidation, discrimination or obstruction,” he said.


So does that mean that New Black Panthers won’t be standing outside polling places with billy clubs this year? Just kidding. And, of course, Eric Holder has never done anything in a “fair and nonpartisan manner” in his six years as Attorney General.


But, seriously, what does it mean? Have you ever seen anything at a polling place that remotely amounted to intimidation, discrimination or obstruction? I haven’t. Presumably this is all part of the Democrats’ effort to keep alive the myth of voter suppression. That pretense seems to be a key element in their strategy to keep African-American voters in the fold, notwithstanding that the Democrats’ policies are devastating to black voters’ interests. And I guess it must work.


But doesn’t reality intrude at some point? Didn’t blacks vote more heavily, pro rata, than whites in 2012? I believe they did. Does that mean that white voters are somehow being “suppressed”? And when blacks go to the polls in record numbers, as they have been, isn’t it blindingly obvious that no one is trying to intimidate, obstruct or discriminate against them? Presumably so. That being the case, I would think that the Democrats’ “voter suppression” strategy must be getting a little threadbare.

Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

Why would Eric Holder send anyone to watch the polls in California? Is he afraid someone is going to stop the illegals from re-electing Jerry Brown? :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
Posted (edited)

No. What are the Republicans going to pass laws about? What do they want to do. I don't give a crap that they cobbled together 300 anti abortion rights bills or tried to kill health care for the poor. What are they going to pass bills on for real?

Ignorance is your reply. How typical for you. More than 60% of those bills were passed with bi-partisan support. So, now, via your ignorance, apparently house Democrats are now anti-abortion rights and anti-health care for the poor. :lol: Can you not see that we have a plethora of problems, right now, today, that are causing suffering, waste, and idiocy? The 300+ bills address all sorts of problems, beyond your ingorance, but none of that matters, because no matter what the House passes, Harry Reid won't bring it up for a vote.

And how would those bills if made law have changed our country?

We'll never know. I can't predict the future with 100% accuracy, any more than than I can postulate how things would have happened in the alternate universe that would have been created had those bills passed(if you subscribe to that theory).


What we do know: we didn't even have a debate on those bill in the Senate, so we don't even know where our Senators stand on them, nor was any Senator allowed to improve the Bills with potentially better ideas/ways to get them done.


That is the opposite of how Constitutional Democracy works. Congratulations.


Here's what I know for going forward: With any complex problem, one can rarely guarantee an outcome by responding with a complex solution. What we can do: truly understand the complex problem first(a step that the entire left of today never bothers with, because everyting is politiical for them now). Then, break those complex problems down into smaller ones, and try to deploy solutions that we hope will fix the small problem, and doesn't create problems/bottlenecks elsewhere.


The left has tried to deploy extremely complex solutions to complex problems, ALWAYS without a proper understanding of the problem or a didactic understanding of the relevant material required to understand the big picture. This is how Obamacare became Obamacare: NONE of its designers have ever created a health insurance product in their lives....yet....we are supposed to believe that they actually took the time to understand the industry before they began their work? :lol:


It's the same thing everywhere you look in this debacle of an Administration: massive, sweeping, complex solutions that no one truly understands, rammed through Congress from 2009-2010 with most of the Ds there not even bothering to read the bills. Then? Nothing, thanks to Harry Reid. That is your record. Congratulations.


Once again: THAT is the biggest reason Obama is failing, and the average person, without any training in problem solving/critical thinking, can see that for herself.


Once again: let's put aside the Ds awful motives for a second. Focus on their methods. They suck. Period.

Edited by OCinBuffalo


The melting pot of Republican candidates this year has to have progressives -- who rely so desperately on identity politics -- completely flummoxed.


In Utah, Mia Love, could be the first black female Republican. Joni Ernst could be the first woman ever elected to Congress in Iowa. Two gay Republican men are running, one in California and one in Massachusetts. Tim Scott could be the first black senator out of South Carolina.


To the left's credit, they have a chance with Sandra Fluke, the first gay-lesbian-transgender-black-white hispanic Cherokee candidate in California. Not a lot of Cherokees in California.


A few examples of bi-partisan legislation passing the House, being stymied by Harry Reid:


- HR 3473 (Hire More Heroes Act): The purpose of this legislation was to encourage employers to hire returning veterans by exempting them from the ACA healthcare mandate, as they already have coverage through the VA. This bill passed the House 406-1 with 0 present and 23 not present. 183 Democrats voted Yes.


- HR 10 (Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act): The purpose of this legislation was to reform existing legislation surrounding charter school grants, making them less open ended, and more transparent, and granting direct oversite to the various State Education Departments. This bill passed the House 360-45 with bi-partisan dissent. 158 Democrats voted Yes.


A few examples of bi-partisan legislation passing the House, being stymied by Harry Reid:


- HR 3473 (Hire More Heroes Act): The purpose of this legislation was to encourage employers to hire returning veterans by exempting them from the ACA healthcare mandate, as they already have coverage through the VA. This bill passed the House 406-1 with 0 present and 23 not present. 183 Democrats voted Yes.


- HR 10 (Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act): The purpose of this legislation was to reform existing legislation surrounding charter school grants, making them less open ended, and more transparent, and granting direct oversite to the various State Education Departments. This bill passed the House 360-45 with bi-partisan dissent. 158 Democrats voted Yes.


So are you saying Harry Reid and Barack Obama hate veterans and children? :lol:


This photo is making the rounds now of a voting booth in Bexar County, Texas, where Greg Abbott's name has been replaced with avid_Dewhurst.


I'm sure there's nothing to see here.




This photo is making the rounds now of a voting booth in Bexar County, Texas, where Greg Abbott's name has been replaced with avid_Dewhurst.


I'm sure there's nothing to see here.




Good thing they got rid of those old mechanical voting machines that were so easy to manipulate.


This photo is making the rounds now of a voting booth in Bexar County, Texas, where Greg Abbott's name has been replaced with avid_Dewhurst.


I'm sure there's nothing to see here.




nice......David Dewhurst isn't even on the ballot for anything. he lost the runoff for LG last May to Patterson.


Abbott is polling 16 points above Davis. there's no chance that Texas will become a 'purple' state any time soon, unless the Texas voter ID law is overturned and Obama starts handing out all those green cards.


This photo is making the rounds now of a voting booth in Bexar County, Texas, where Greg Abbott's name has been replaced with avid_Dewhurst.


I'm sure there's nothing to see here.


That's got to be nothing more than honest - but stupid - error. Actual malfeasance would be more subtle.

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