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2014 Midterms

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The left has completely gone batschitt looney this mid-term. I mean, they make Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin look like winners.


"Guys, guys, guys...if you elect Corey Garnder, he'll ban condoms."


It's like someone answered the question "What would it be like if gatorman made political commercials?"


I cannot get the link to copy, but the radio ad is even worse !........total insanity


The Gimmecrats have redefined the phrase "denying access" as equivalent to "not subsidizing". That's how they work



Some of the funnier responses that I have read ........................



I dream of a day when no man has to pay for a condom.....#waronrubbers




Said no man, ever.





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The left has completely gone batschitt looney this mid-term. I mean, they make Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin look like winners.


"Guys, guys, guys...if you elect Corey Garnder, he'll ban condoms."


It's like someone answered the question "What would it be like if gatorman made political commercials?"


Gardner's a complete idiot...but that commercial is hilarious.


"Cory Gardner's going to ban condoms" was funny, but I don't think that came close to the epic hilarity of the "If Cory Gardner wins, Got will smite you with the flood of Noah!" message in the first half. :lol:

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Now a Chicago Dem is offering cash and prizes for people who vote.






With a desperate need to get all people voting for liberals, you'd think this wouldn't be the time for the Obama administration to call Netanyahu "chickschitt" and "a coward."


But...uhhh...they did.


Eh, they probably don't need the Jewish vote anyway, ammiright?

Edited by LABillzFan
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ABC News Reports from a new poll: Majority of millenials are racist.


Now, more than half of likely 18-29 year-old voters want a Republican-led Congress, according to a new poll from the Harvard University Institute of Politics.


It’s a marked shift for the youngest and largest generation of voters, who have supported Democrats reliably since 2004.


The group now appears more in line with the rest of the country.

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The Elections That Don’t Quite Count

By Charles C.W. Cooke


The Washington Post reports:

Republicans have the opportunity to take control of a record number of state legislative chambers across the country this year, as Democrats play defense in unfavorable terrain.

The Republican landslide in 2010 and the subsequent redistricting process in 2012 gave the GOP control of a nearly unprecedented number of legislative chambers. Today, the party controls 59 of the 98 partisan chambers in 49 states, while Democrats control only 39 chambers (One legislature, Nebraska’s is officially nonpartisan).

. . .

State legislative elections, in which candidates raise little money and generate almost none of the attention given to more prominent contests for U.S. Senate or governor, are especially susceptible to national political trends. In 2010, Republicans picked up more than 700 seats, which amounted to nearly one in 10 legislative seats around the country.

This year, another legislative wave benefiting the GOP is certainly possible, perhaps even likely.



If Republicans have as a good a night on November 4th as it appears that they may, they will start next year with both chambers of the federal Congress and a majority of state legislatures and governorship. The Democratic party, meanwhile, would have . . . well, the presidency and a the remainder of state assemblies and gubernatorial offices. How do we imagine that this will be seen? Will we regard Barack Obama as being the national exception — a blue figure in a sea of red? Or will we consider that Republicans have done well but that they still can’t seem to obtain the office that really matters: the one in the White House?


The Washington Post correctly billed its story as being “underreported.” This, I’d venture, should not be be surprising. As if intent on fulfilling the skeptical predictions of those who presume republics to contain the seeds of their own demise, many Americans really have come to see the office of the president as the only elected position that truly counts. Time after time, Republicans complaining about Obamacare have been instructed to “win an election,” as if the ascendancy of Scott Brown in 2009 and the wider “shellacking” in 2010 were both irrelevant. During budget negotiations, Congress is treated as if it has no claim to the power of the purse, and should serve instead as a rubber stamp for the president’s spending plans. Likewise, on questions of war, the refrain is the same: If you want a different outcome, install your own commander-in-chief.


More at the link:

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ROLL CALL: Democrats Losing Youth Vote: Millennials Turning to the GOP.

Democrats have lost ground with millennials compared to past election cycles — a development that suggests the country’s youngest voters are open to both parties, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll.


The nationwide poll of more than 2,000 adults ages 18 to 29, conducted Sept. 26 to Oct. 9, found significant political divisions across racial lines, no significant gender gap in the age group, and a slight Republican advantage among definite voters going into the 2014 midterm election.


“A lesson here, for us, is that young people, millennials, are no longer the political outliers that they once were,” said John Della Volpe, the Harvard Institute of Politics polling director, on a conference call with reporters. “In contrast to where we were four years ago, the youth vote is very much up for grabs politically.”



Even a flatworm is smart enough to turn away from pain. And since Obama was elected in 2008 — and, really, since Dems took over Congress in 2006 — there has been a lot of pain for millennials.






LOL.................the state of the Left


Salon.Logo.Square.small_normal.jpgSalon.com @Salon


John Oliver, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart may have saved us from a Republican Senate


http://slnm.us/3fJPWKC pic.twitter.com/z6Xk3y8Yfr







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Alan Grayson, worth $24M, has his ex-wife and four kids on welfare.


Or something like that.


He must want his wife to, ummm, what were his words about the GOP again? Oh yeah.


Die quickly.


:lol: What was that, a Republican campaign ad? What a bull **** story. In the middle of an ugly divorce, and he's paying child support, the mortgage, utilities...and he's not supporting the kids?


Next up: he takes custody of the kids, since she obviously can't support them...and Republicans call it the "War on Women."


(I mean...yes, turnabout is fair play, and I enjoy ironic schadenfreude as much as the next guy...but stupid is still stupid.)

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I'm starting to understand how progressives felt when people like Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin were screwing up things for the right during the last mid-terms. When you watch people like Kay Hagan, Wendy Davis and Mark Udall puke all over themselves, it's hard for a conservative not to smile.


And yet the knob-gobblers will always exist. Just the headlines on today's RCP page is good for a chuckle.


It Won't Be Obama's Fault If Dems Lose - Brian Beutler, The New Republic

GOP Has No Plan for the Country - Eugene Robinson, Washington Post

Win or Lose, Republicans Are a Wreck - Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg

Edited by LABillzFan
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Democrats Practice Intimidation: We Have Ways of Knowing If You’ve Voted


Just who turns out to vote in midterm elections is considered the most important factor in who wins on Election Day. I’ve seen a lot of efforts by parties to turn out “their vote,” but never one like the one from New York Democrats this week. Some 1 million registered Democrats got a letter telling them, in effect, that the party will want to know the reason why they didn’t cast a ballot.


The letters note that "who you vote for is your secret, but whether or not you vote is public record"


"Many organizations monitor turnout in our neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors" he letter reads.


It goes on to say that, “We will be reviewing the . . . official voting records after the upcoming election to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014. If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not.” If the tactics involved aren’t quite Big Brotherish they sure strike me as at least coming from a Big Boss.


more at the link:



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There's a simple logic to it, really: women who are Republicans aren't real women, because real women support equal rights and thus vote Democrat. Therefore, insulting Republican women isn't misogynistic.


Same logic for blacks, hispanics, gays - only blacks have it worse, really. When's the last time you heard a black Republican acknowledged as anything other than a race traitor, house !@#$, or "Uncle Tom?"

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I'm starting to understand how progressives felt when people like Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin were screwing up things for the right during the last mid-terms. When you watch people like Kay Hagan, Wendy Davis and Mark Udall puke all over themselves, it's hard for a conservative not to smile.


And yet the knob-gobblers will always exist. Just the headlines on today's RCP page is good for a chuckle.


It Won't Be Obama's Fault If Dems Lose - Brian Beutler, The New Republic

GOP Has No Plan for the Country - Eugene Robinson, Washington Post

Win or Lose, Republicans Are a Wreck - Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg


Hey, there comes a time when everyone has to stand for something. I stand with Wendy.

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Democratic Race-Baiting Is the Ugly Face of Political Desperation in 2014





Alex Wagner of MSNBC is very happy to see Americans hate one another far more if it helps the Democratic Party win elections more often. Here we see the Lovely and Talented Alex Wagner toting the advantages Democrats gain from accusing Republican Candidates of wanting to shoot more Trayvons and burn more places just like Ferguson, MO.


Here we have a member of the news media blatantly cheering for the Democrats to incite racial violence more often if that’s what it takes to crank up the old turnout machine. No wonder some people have come to think that the media, mush of the government and academia have formed a cathedral of sorts to enthrone Progressive political imperatives against the will of many of the American People.




More at the link : http://www.redstate....speration-2014/

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