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This is how you run an ad against democrats


Elbert Guillory: Mary Landrieu is Not Helping Blacks









"To Mary Landrieu, you are nothing but a vote."

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Yup, the central point of Conservative victimhood is that the media is a conspiracy against them :doh:

Conspiracy requires secrecy. The media's liberal slant is a matter of proven facts, and consistent statistics.


There is no secrecy. Only a moron/hack refuses to admit they are biased. The media is, and has been for decades, largely controlled by people who are motivated, in order, by:

1. Self-aggrandizement/enrichment (Hence, why the Clinton thing happened the way it did. #1...is #1)

2. Pushing a liberal storyline on eveything, downplaying every time the right proves to be right, provided it doesn't infringe on #1

3. Pretending they are asking "questions people want to know", when largely, they are asking questions nobody cares about, chiefly due to #1, and #2. And, they never define "people". The entire media is guilty of using undefined "people", instead of saying things like "these 3 polls, averaged out, show that a majority of registered voters don't/do agree with you on X, what do you say to that?", which, by definition, is a question people care about.



How about an example question for Mr. Obama?


"Mr. President, Climate Change is now ranked 45th, or the lowest, in every poll that asks what issues concern the American people the most. Given that, why do you still see it as a priority, and, shouldn't your administration be focused on the issues that are in the top 10?"


Asking that question would be the media doing it's job, and properly using its 1st amendment rights. The problem is: the media itself is an accessory to the Global Warming Scam...and don't forget #1 above. Thus, it is a fact to say that the media is biased. You will NEVER hear them ask this question, unless of course it's on FOX.


Until that question, and ones like it, are asked of liberals, by the liberals in the media? There is no conspiracy....this is simple corruption, based again, in order, on #1-3 above.


28 words that Democrats really wish President Obama didn’t say today


President Obama was at Northwestern University on Thursday to deliver an economic speech that, he and his team hoped, would lay out the case for why the public is better off today than they were six years ago -- even if they didn't feel it in their everday lives. Instead, Obama just gave every Republican ad-maker in the country more fodder for negative ads linking Democratic candidates to him.


Here are the four sentences that will draw all of the attention (they come more than two thirds of the way through the speech): "I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them." Boil those four sentences down even further and here's what you are left with: "Make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."


You can imagine Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas or Sen. Kay Hagan in North Carolina or Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky grimacing when they heard those 28 words. That trio has spent much of the campaign insisting that this election is NOT about Barack Obama, that it is instead about a choice between themselves and their opponents.


More at the link: http://www.washingto...idnt-say-today/


Of course he made it about himself............................it always is.






More at the link: http://www.washingto...idnt-say-today/


Of course he made it about himself............................it always is..


Quite honestly, if we keep getting Ebola patients popping up (now one in DC) after Obama said there was little chance of it ever getting here, literally nothing else will matter come mid-terms. And the severity of the issue will matter little. A handful of Ebola patients sprinkled throughout the US and the media will have the US in a full-goose-bozo meltdown of gatorman proportions.


Early in the 2010 cycle, Barack Obama told an Arkansas House Democrat that he needn’t worry about voters because “you’ve got me.”


Today, all four Arkansas House seats are held by Republicans.


Democratic Senate candidates in multiple states have been shunning Obama campaign appearances.


We’re watching a wave come in. We just can’t be sure how far it goes.






Early in the 2010 cycle, Barack Obama told an Arkansas House Democrat that he needn’t worry about voters because “you’ve got me.”


Today, all four Arkansas House seats are held by Republicans.


Democratic Senate candidates in multiple states have been shunning Obama campaign appearances.


We’re watching a wave come in. We just can’t be sure how far it goes.

Is this like how Barry fancied that terrorism against the US would cease simply because he once lived in a Muslim country?




Gotta love Joe Biden. But I can't really blame his error, 161 vs 161,000. Keynsians don't seem to understand the difference between numbers and value


What a !@#$ing idiot. How does anyone have a shred of respect for a guy who is so clearly an empty suit reading words off a screen that are completely meaningless to him?


Is this like how Barry fancied that terrorism against the US would cease simply because he once lived in a Muslim country?

Barry and tens of millions of other idiots who thought the whole world would love us just as soon as a nice, soft liberal was in the White House.


Quite honestly, if we keep getting Ebola patients popping up (now one in DC) after Obama said there was little chance of it ever getting here, literally nothing else will matter come mid-terms. And the severity of the issue will matter little. A handful of Ebola patients sprinkled throughout the US and the media will have the US in a full-goose-bozo meltdown of gatorman proportions.

Let's tell it like it is. This is the Democrat machine practicing voter suppression. It's the Democrat's war on voters.

Posted (edited)


Let's tell it like it is. This is the Democrat machine practicing voter suppression. It's the Democrat's war on voters.


They wouldn't have to suppress anything if the damned obstructionist GOP didn't exist. This is clearly all Lincoln's fault.

Edited by Koko78

If Republicans didn't exist, then there would be no need to infect Americans with ebola in order to get ISIL off the front pages and suppress voter turnout this November.


Clearly the Republicans have blood on their hands... hemorrhagic fever to be more precise.


A campaign about nothing is still about Obama

Washington Post, by Dan Balz

Original Article


It has become commonplace to describe the midterm political contests as the Seinfeld election — a campaign about nothing. In fact, that’s not correct. This is an election that is still very much about how people view President Obama. Two years after winning reelection, Obama is a muted force on the campaign trail — to the extent that he is even on the campaign trail. He is limited in where he can travel, constrained in how he speaks about what has been one of the biggest issues of his presidency — the economy — and struggling to ignite the passions of the Democratic base in a year when turnout is so critical.


More at the link.........

Posted (edited)

Perhaps he's just too....JV?


In This Election, Obama’s Party Benches Him


By Jonathan Martin OCT. 7, 2014


CHICAGO — When he soared to victory by almost 10 million votes in 2008, President Obama won in states like Virginia that Democratic candidates had not captured since 1964. He was trumpeted as a transformational leader who remade American politics by creating a new electoral map and a diverse voter coalition to shape the Democratic Party for the 21st century.


But for now he has been reduced to something else: an isolated political figure who is viewed as a liability to Democrats in the very states where voters by the thousands had once stood to cheer him.


More at the link:





Edited by B-Man

In the children's story, "The Emperor's clothes", the Emperor duped adults into "believing" and proclaiming that his (invisible) wardrobe was absolutely the finest, most glorious, and beautiful that there ever was.


In B. O.'s case, it's the clothes that is all we see. He's the definition of an empty suit. He's vacuous, vapid, and insipidly in love with himself and the power his office brings.


with regard to Obaba's campaigning, I know that he's been attending a great deal of fundraisers, but I'm not seeing him making any appearances on the campaign trail on anyone's behalf. is he actually polling so low among democrats lately?


with regard to Obaba's campaigning, I know that he's been attending a great deal of fundraisers, but I'm not seeing him making any appearances on the campaign trail on anyone's behalf. is he actually polling so low among democrats lately?


You know it's bad for Democrats when The Hill runs a story that the WH is dismissing criticism from Jimmy Carter.


Seriously. How pathetic is your presidency when you're not only getting dumped on by Leon Panetta, but from Jimmy Freaking Carter? It's like birdog criticizing gatorman.

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