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Can't wait until election day. Having an election night party again. We did it in 2010 as well, had 35 people and it was a blast. Fired up youtube on the big screen and played dozens of political videos in between watching the results come in. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Bush2, Nixon, Biden, Clinton and others were the stars. Served great local pizza, salad, beer and wine. Virtually nobody has any other plans on election night so you get a big crowd. Really a fun night. Dragged ass the next day but it was well worth it.


Can't wait until election day. Having an election night party again. We did it in 2010 as well, had 35 people and it was a blast. Fired up youtube on the big screen and played dozens of political videos in between watching the results come in. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Bush2, Nixon, Biden, Clinton and others were the stars. Served great local pizza, salad, beer and wine. Virtually nobody has any other plans on election night so you get a big crowd. Really a fun night. Dragged ass the next day but it was well worth it.


Was there any cocaine and hookers involved?


according to that piece, there are 7 democrat senators in danger of losing their seat vs 3 republicans in danger if losing their seats.


Yes, but other than that, it's great news for Dems.


according to that piece, there are 7 democrat senators in danger of losing their seat vs 3 republicans in danger if losing their seats.

you see red, i see blue. 45 - 45 and 10 undecided in what i envisioned as a blood letting. still a month to go. all in all, i'm still hopeful for a hold. we'll see. no hold and we have stalemate. what else is new?

you see red, i see blue. 45 - 45 and 10 undecided in what i envisioned as a blood letting. still a month to go. all in all, i'm still hopeful for a hold. we'll see. no hold and we have stalemate. what else is new?


If only it there were some way possible for a president to get things done without a majority in both houses. Alas, it just can't be done!


Oh, well. Maybe next time.


you see red, i see blue. 45 - 45 and 10 undecided in what i envisioned as a blood letting. still a month to go. all in all, i'm still hopeful for a hold. we'll see. no hold and we have stalemate. what else is new?


what that article is saying is that of all the closely contested senate seats, the majority of them currently belong to democrats. that's bound to change as election day draws closer, but the gist is that at this point in this election cycle, senate democrats are in a more precarious position.


my own take is that at this point, anything can happen. all a politician has to do is open their mouth and let the wrong thing come out and they're toast. the news outlets and blogs are just going through their pregame routines.


Can't wait until election day. Having an election night party again. We did it in 2010 as well, had 35 people and it was a blast. Fired up youtube on the big screen and played dozens of political videos in between watching the results come in. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Bush2, Nixon, Biden, Clinton and others were the stars. Served great local pizza, salad, beer and wine. Virtually nobody has any other plans on election night so you get a big crowd. Really a fun night. Dragged ass the next day but it was well worth it.


What should we bring?

Posted (edited)

If only it there were some way possible for a president to get things done without a majority in both houses. Alas, it just can't be done!


Oh, well. Maybe next time.

I'm beginning to think that the intransigence is not Barack Obama's. Certainly Harry Reid has a lot to do with it, but, I get the feeling that Reid is merely following orders. How else can you explain blocking literally every relevant bill from a vote? If Reid was making his own decisions, there would be at least some things that get through, or some things that get negotiated. Reid is like Sgt. Shultz: he knows nothing. :lol:


Rather, the intransigence is Valerie Jarret's and Michelle Obama's. Everyone else has left. These 2 are the most likely source of the problem. He's a hen-pecked husband, with 2 wives. He's been put in the position of being told he has to "fight" against everything, and everyone...even Democrats on many issues.


Yet, the solution to his problem is obvious: do what Clinton did. He has all the personality, but none of the internal drive, because he knows that no matter what he does that might make progress, none of it will meet with his wives' approval.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

If only it there were some way possible for a president to get things done without a majority in both houses. Alas, it just can't be done!


Oh, well. Maybe next time.


Good grief....remember when he 'only' had the House and 59 Senators and used that as an excuse! :lol:



As for mid-terms, the only thing more predictable than the Republicans managing to !@#$ up retaking the Senate is the Bills crashing and burning after a 4-1 start to the season.


Poll: Gardner Has Six-Point Lead on Udall in Colorado




Hagan Skipped Out on ISIS Hearing for NYC Cocktail Fundraiser


Senator Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) missed a hearing on worldwide threats, including the Islamic State, to attend a cocktail reception in New York, according to a new Associated Press report.




Poll: Kansas Races Favoring GOP





Grimes Won’t Say Whether She Voted for Obama





Jeanne Shaheen Tells Obama to Stay Away


Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) stiff-armed a potential visit from President Obama and encouraged him to stay in Washington, D.C. rather than stump for her in New Hampshire.


Shaheen, who finds herself in a competitive race against Republican challenger Scott Brown, was more than welcoming, when asked by MSNBC, to the idea of Bill or Hillary Clinton coming to the Granite State, but essentially told the president to stay away.


“Well, the president is dealing with a lot of crises in the world right now,” said Shaheen, citing the threat of the Islamic State and Ebola. “I expect him to be in Washington.”


Uhhhhhh. He's in California for more fundraisers. You know that Jeanne




MICHAEL BARONE: Democrats’ plight in Senate races revealed.

1. Obama job approval is well below 50 percent in all 14 of these states. In only one state, Michigan, is it above the 42 percent job approval Obama was registering Oct. 1 in the RealClearPolitics average, and it is only slightly higher. This is true even though Obama carried three of these states — Colorado, Iowa and Michigan — in 2008 and 2012, and another, North Carolina, in 2008.


2. None of the Democratic candidates, including the six incumbents, in these 14 states is polling at 50 percent or above. Only one, Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire, is polling above 45 percent, and only two, Kay Hagan in North Carolina and nominal independent Greg Orman in Kansas, are polling at 45 percent. All others are below. Looking back over the past six Senate cycles going back to 2002, using data compiled by Dan McLaughlin at redstate.com, I found that only two incumbent senators who were polling below 45 percent at about this stage in the electoral cycle went on to win — Michael Bennet (chairman of the Senate Democrats’ campaign committee this year) in Colorado in 2010 and Jon Tester in Montana in 2012. Bennet was an appointed senator then, not yet elected to a statewide office; both Bennet and Tester got under 50 percent of the vote and won with pluralities.


Read the whole thing.




and finally..............................


Wendy Davis Ad Attacks Greg Abbott’s Paralysis






The Wendy Davis campaign is what happens when you have a candidate who's too dumb to know she's a prop for consultants and fundraisers.

— Sean Davis




“The portions of my record, that I choose to share, are an open book” Grimes doubles down on refusal to talk about Obama vote.





SCIENCE: Republicans More Informed Than Democrats, According to Pew Research.


To be fair, if I were a Democrat these days I’d be trying to avoid the news as much as possible. . . .





JOHN FUND: Colorado Braces for Voter Fraud In Country’s Closest Senate Election.


UPDATE: Or maybe we’ll be outside the margin of fraud: Gardner Pulls Away from Udall as Colorado Democrats Face Upset.

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