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This is exactly what I have been saying.

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Sorry folks but the reality is they can't even get the money they should out of the ralph. Fans should be paying more for tickets, more for parking, more for Luxury suites, but they cant. There is no way in hell a new stadium is feasible.

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Buffalo needs a massive Public Relation campaign, to get people to move back to Buffalo.


I was watching the news the other night and they were on Main Street showing that they're going to be cars driving up and down Main Street now again.


I kid you not in the background for about five or six blocks I could only see like one or two people walking up and down the street. Where are the people?

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I kid you not in the background for about five or six blocks I could only see like one or two people walking up and down the street. Where are the people?

Probably working. There are 50,000 people in the central business district every day. And with more downtown residential living units coming on line every month, the urban population is headed in the right direction.


Esmonde's column is yet another phony list of reasons 'why we can't support the Bills...'

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I've said it countless times... RW cried poverty on behalf of all of WNY, creating an image of fans needing a hand out via low prices to afford games. The reality is, he was never a good "brand" creator and never tried to make attendance more of a "luxury" good than a blue collar good. The best example of why this attitude falls short and has limited this team from exploiting the wealth in the region can be seen at the FNC where premium tickets in the lower bowl are way higher than at the Ralph. So how is it that the Sabres can sell out meaningless games in December and the Bills struggle to sell out meaningful games on a beautiful October fall day? Perception (and of course winning which until recently the Sabres were actually god at). Sabres games are luxury goods... look around at a game... lots of people decked out in their best clothes, husbands and wives galore, lots of kids, even at higher prices.


Now, the NFL makes money hand over fist. A new owner here knows he can make profit without or without a new stadium. In our uber-greedy American culture, the question is how much is enough. That's basically what this entire discussion boils down too.... how much profit is enough profit.


Here's what a new stadium with a dome/retractable roof would do... create the luxury the wealthy class wants and suddenly they'lll buy it. It'll price a lot of people out but it'll do exactly what an owner wants, bring in higher earning, ie spending, fans. More women will go (I know plenty of women who wouldn't step foot into a Bills game because of the number of morons there) and as I've heard a few times on the radio in the last few months, women not only make up, I think it was more than 50% of the fans, they also control I think about 80% of the disposable income (as in they tell their significant other what it can be used for!!!). So a more fan friendly, comfortable stadium that'll attract more women and possibly families is where the NFL and a new owner want to attract.


The same goes with the suites... I think all the FNC suites are sold out. You don't have to have a Fortune 500 company or 10. It'd be nice, but we have plenty of wealthy corporations in this region. It'd be nice if all the leaches that have taken handouts would invest in some suites huh, sort of as a thank you for the public footing the bill for their project. Of course they'll get to write it off, corporations always win.


Esmonde is nothing if not a hypocrite. He's favored handouts in the last that did the same thing... created greater profit for owners... when it was something he liked and at a smaller scale. Any handout to a corporation in the city to rehab a building is justified in his mind but this isn't? He's a wart on our collective face.


And a quick comment on this: "And with more downtown residential living units coming on line every month, the urban population is headed in the right direction." The Buffalo population has declined every single year since 1950. Despite the false narrative of the city renewing, it's not happening. Don't equate bricks and mortar, most with heavy govt subsidy or investment... Canalside, new Philips Lytle bldg, Delaware and Chippewa, everything Paladino the Conservative hypocrite touches, just about everything Sinatra, Termini, Ciminelli, TM Montante, Uniland and on and on... This is the private market with zero demand getting help to create, not meet, but create demand. It has not resulted in any substantial new economy jobs (knowledge-based) but usually low income service jobs. Keep dreaming about the renewal, it's not happening, it's being constructed in both senses of the word! So for every new unit brough onto the market downtown, one unit in the region becomes perpetually vacant. More units with less people even as household size has declined, means more vacancy and abandonment.

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Buffalo needs a massive Public Relation campaign, to get people to move back to Buffalo.


I was watching the news the other night and they were on Main Street showing that they're going to be cars driving up and down Main Street now again.


I kid you not in the background for about five or six blocks I could only see like one or two people walking up and down the street. Where are the people?

Look in Washington, Oregon, Florida, and Arizona. Everywhere there are jobs and no snow.

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Look in Washington, Oregon, Florida, and Arizona. Everywhere there are jobs and no snow.


I live in Florida, nothing but McJobs crime, drugs and lots of gun crazies. Believe me I'd move back to WNY in A heartbeat if I could.

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And a quick comment on this: "And with more downtown residential living units coming on line every month, the urban population is headed in the right direction." The Buffalo population has declined every single year since 1950. Despite the false narrative of the city renewing, it's not happening. Don't equate bricks and mortar, most with heavy govt subsidy or investment... Canalside, new Philips Lytle bldg, Delaware and Chippewa, everything Paladino the Conservative hypocrite touches, just about everything Sinatra, Termini, Ciminelli, TM Montante, Uniland and on and on... This is the private market with zero demand getting help to create, not meet, but create demand. It has not resulted in any substantial new economy jobs (knowledge-based) but usually low income service jobs. Keep dreaming about the renewal, it's not happening, it's being constructed in both senses of the word! So for every new unit brough onto the market downtown, one unit in the region becomes perpetually vacant. More units with less people even as household size has declined, means more vacancy and abandonment.

With all due respect...bupkis!


I've worked in the central business district for over 30 years and this is by far the most residential development momentum I've seen in that whole period. New units are absorbed as quickly as they come on line with many more still to come. And older rental properties aren't being abandoned, from what I've seen. There's no one-for-one substitution going on--the whole urban living marketplace is growing.


That's what Buffalo's been missing since the light rail fiasco in the 80s. Now we're seeing a reversal from that terrible urban planning mistake. And the only subsidy it took to make it happen was New Market and historic rehab tax credits, which are federal and state dollars, not local tax handouts.


The decline in overall population you cite is occurring in the east side and other depressed neighborhoods, due to entrenched poverty and other social problems. That's no different than in any older Rust Belt city. But the influx of millenials and working professionals that's helped boost other cities is happening--and the Sinatra's, Termini's, Montante's (and many smaller players) are scrambling to meet that demand.


Companies like M&T, First Niagara, the medical campus, etc. have added thousands of jobs in the CBD or just adjacent neighborhoods over the past few years (M&T put 500 new workers in the Larkin building just this year alone). With many more to come, as the $1.7 billion in new construction underway comes to market:



Edited by Lurker
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Sorry folks but the reality is they can't even get the money they should out of the ralph. Fans should be paying more for tickets, more for parking, more for Luxury suites, but they cant. There is no way in hell a new stadium is feasible.


non-sense, it will get built and it will be full.

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I think the team should start a find raising campaign... They can grab empty coffee cans and sit outside ever Tops, M&T Bank, and Tim Horton's..... It would also give the FO and coaching staff some experience for what they will be doing once they are relieved of their duties....

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