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As I said before in this thread---this has the potential to be a major scandal, and now, with most of the media reporting on it the schit hitting the fan is a distinct possibility. If, and it certainly looks like it, Bergdahl was a deserter why would they risk all the upcoming backlash by doing this?


Move over Bengadzi! We got us another MAJOR scandal! :lol:

Posted (edited)

Move over Bengadzi! We got us another MAJOR scandal! :lol:


I changed your post. Would you agree with that or is this just nothing to worry about?

Edited by Chef Jim
Posted (edited)

Stick around, and you'll get a bird's eye view into the mind of several segments of our population.


It's interesting when it's not maddening, hysterical, or depressing.


Which, of course, is to say that it's never interesting.


It is also dangerous when a huge segment of society looks the other way when the man who took a vow to uphold the laws of the land picks and chooses which to enforce and wantonly breaks those he disagrees with.


I think the law is unconstitutional. And he unquestionably broke it.



please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Obama sign said law? So he signs a law he thinks is unconstitutional then later when it suits his purposes just ignore it?

Edited by gumby

please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Obama sign said law? So he signs a law he thinks is unconstitutional then later when it suits his purposes just ignore it?


I believe he included a signing statement in which he said he'd ignore it.


Obama's signing statements are even worse than Bush's, from the ones I've read.


Move over Bengadzi! We got us another MAJOR scandal! :lol:


I was wondering, is Benghazi your favorite joke still or is this Bergdahl one funnier because more soldiers lost their lives looking for your "hero"?


Why Team Obama Was Blindsided by the Bergdahl Backlash

by Ralph Peters


Congratulations, Mr. President! And identical congrats to your sorcerer’s apprentice, National Security Adviser Susan Rice. By trying to sell him as an American hero, you’ve turned a deserter already despised by soldiers in the know into quite possibly the most-hated individual soldier in the history of our military.


I have never witnessed such outrage from our troops.


Exhibit A: Ms. Rice. In one of the most tone-deaf statements in White House history (we’re making a lot of history here), the national-security advisor, on a Sunday talk show, described Bergdahl as having served “with honor and distinction.” Those serving in uniform and those of us who served previously were already stirred up, but that jaw-dropper drove us into jihad mode.


But pity Ms. Rice. Like the president she serves, she’s a victim of her class. Nobody in the inner circle of Team Obama has served in uniform. It shows. That bit about serving with “honor and distinction” is the sort of perfunctory catch-phrase politicians briefly don as electoral armor. (“At this point in your speech, ma’am, devote one sentence to how much you honor the troops.”)


I actually believe that Ms. Rice was kind of sincere, in her spectacularly oblivious way. In the best Manchurian Candidate manner, she said what she had been programmed to say by her political culture, then she was blindsided by the firestorm she ignited by scratching two flinty words together. At least she didn’t blame Bergdahl’s desertion on a video.


The president, too, appears stunned. He has so little understanding of (or interest in) the values and traditions of our troops that he and his advisers really believed that those in uniform would erupt into public joy at the news of Bergdahl’s release — as D.C. frat kids did when Osama bin Laden’s death was trumpeted.


Both President Obama and Ms. Rice seem to think that the crime of desertion in wartime is kind of like skipping class. They have no idea of how great a sin desertion in the face of the enemy is to those in our military. The only worse sin is to side actively with the enemy and kill your brothers in arms. This is not sleeping in on Monday morning and ducking Gender Studies 101.


But compassion, please! The president and all the president’s men and women are not alone. Our media elite — where it’s a rare bird who bothered to serve in uniform — instantly became experts on military justice. Of earnest mien and blithe assumption, one talking head after another announced that “we always try to rescue our troops, even deserters.”


Uh, no. “Save the deserter” is a recent battle cry of the politically indoctrinated brass. For much of our history, we did make some efforts to track down deserters in wartime. Then we shot or hanged them. Or, if we were in good spirits, we merely used a branding iron to burn a large D into their cheeks or foreheads. Even as we grew more enlightened, desertion brought serious time in a military prison. At hard labor.


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World.



More at the link:


More at the link:


Ralph Peters is more than a little reactionary...but even when I disagree with him (often, but not on this subject), I still find him well worth reading.


He's like the anti-George Will in that regard.

An American hero is saved and Republicans want to cry about it. Good grief.


Good Grief! Indeed!


Move over Bengadzi! We got us another MAJOR scandal! :lol:



A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a majority of Americans -- 51 percent -- approve of the new panel, while 42 percent disapprove.


The reason Americans want an investigation? Because they don't believe Democrats when they say that all the questions have been answered.

In fact, the number of Americans who think the Obama administration has covered things up (58 percent) is even larger than the number who want the investigation (51 percent). Americans say 58 to 32 percent that Obama has covered things up rather than being honest about what happened. That's a bigger gap than last year, when it was 55 to 33 percent (though the shift is not statistically significant).

They also don't think former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton is anywhere close to blame-free. The poll shows 50 percent of Americans disapprove of Clinton's handling of the situation, with just 37 percent approving.



Democrats are crying........................again ? ? ?


BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Obama administration continues to take heat following the trade of five Guantanamo Bay prisoners for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl last weekend, and a top Democratic official from Maryland fears the move could have serious consequences.


Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, calls this a “dangerous precedent that puts all Americans at risk throughout the world.”






"will be unable to safely manage the number of people expected."


Yea, yea, thats why, because it will be more people than we can safely manage. Tell them that...


The Hill is leading with a story about Dem Senators not buying into the WH end-around Congress on the Bergdahl deal, ever after getting briefed by the WH.


Link here.


SIlly neocon publications. Doing whatever they can to keep the story alive, eh Joe?


He served with honor and distinction!!! At this point what difference does it make??!!


that would be a great campaign ad.


At least we know Obama loves and supports the troops. He brought one home even at an extremely high cost. Im sure Beau can receive excellent care at his local VA facility.


I just want to make sure I'm clear on this:


We trade five terrorists for an enlisted deserter. "He wasn't forgotten by his country."


An ambassador is killed in a foreign country. "What difference does it make?"


Really? Seriously? Does that dichotomy make sense to ANYONE?

Posted (edited)

Bergdahl Rose Garden Ceremony Was an Insult to Flacks

By Tim Cavanaugh


The Obama administration’s now-defunct effort to turn the release of Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl into a cheerable moment was more than just a failure of ethics. It was a failure of communication, and an outrage to the honorable profession of image management and crisis public relations.


Put aside for a moment the very clear disrespect to both active and former service members implicit in trying to manufacture a feel-good narrative out of Bergdahl’s release by the Haqqani terror network in exchange for five high-value Taliban prisoners.




The conventional wisdom now is that the Bergdahl story was at first viewed as a triumph, until questions began to emerge. This is not exactly true. National Security Adviser Susan Rice was already on the defensive by Sunday morning, when she made her infamous claim that Bergdahl had served with “honor and distinction.” The Rose Garden ceremony was creepy at its heart. Had it not been creepy, there was still a roughly 100 percent probability that people would pay attention to the story.


The shilly-shallying and crabbed vocabulary coming out of the executive branch this workweek (State Department spokesman Marie Harf uncorked “fact pattern” Tuesday) indicate something worse than garden-variety presidential dishonesty. They indicate incompetence.


It is a cardinal rule of image management that you never roll out a story you may have to walk back. In this respect, strict and well-supported factual accuracy is even more important to a flack than it is to a journalist. A reporter who gets something wrong can generally make post-facto corrections without much fuss. But if you’re trying to make a client look good (or just less-bad), even minor inaccuracies are poisonous.


In this case, the weaknesses in the official story would have been clear to one of Kim Jong-un’s staffers. How much contempt must the president have for the voters if he can’t come out and say: Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been freed in exchange for the release of five Guantanamo detainees. We thank the royal family of Qatar for helping negotiate the exchange. Sergeant Bergdahl, the last POW of the Afghan war, remains on active status and is being well treated?


What was served by the Rose Garden show?....................................... What was the teachable moment?







Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

It is also dangerous when a huge segment of society looks the other way when the man who took a vow to uphold the laws of the land picks and chooses which to enforce and wantonly breaks those he disagrees with.





please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Obama sign said law? So he signs a law he thinks is unconstitutional then later when it suits his purposes just ignore it?

No one ever claimed freedom was always safe.


It's not.


It's simply the very best thing we have.


It's the thing that allows this whole conversation to take place. Without it, there is no conversation. There is instead a dictate.


It freedom's place is North Korea.


Again... it's the very best thing we have.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

"Republicans are crying"...................................oh wait !


NYT: Bergdahl swap has Democrats worried about WH incompetence


Don’t ask Barack Obama about that, because he has “absolutely no apologies” for the way the White House has botched the Bergdahl swap from beginning to end. His fellow Democrats feel differently. The New York Times’ Carl Hulse reports that the ongoing mess has them worried about the remaining few months approaching the midterms:

President Obama’s handling of the
has renewed frustration among congressional Democrats about the administration’s relations with its allies on Capitol Hill, and prompted criticism that the White House failed to prepare the lawmakers for the politically explosive case.


While Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who leads the Intelligence Committee, went public with her dissatisfaction at not being notified in advance about the exchange, other lawmakers and officials said privately that Democrats felt exposed by their lack of knowledge about the circumstances surrounding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s capture and the backgrounds of the
traded for his freedom.





Now they’re worried........................................... lol



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