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Only 2% of Google employees are black

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How about the best and smartest get hired regardless of what they look or smell like, and create positive competition in communities across America so children of all backgrounds realize that commitment, hard work, and a sense of self-accountability is what it takes to succeed.


After all, we've seen what happens when we fill important jobs with someone based exclusively on the color of their skin.

I agree, Fitzpatrick was terrible @ QB

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2 landslides over republican nominee for president. The "super bowl" of politics.

I'm surprised you're still posting given all the free time you have now that all the media has moved on from the Bergdal story.


Wait. What? The story is growing louder? Now even the far left is seeing Obama's incompetence? How can that be???? JTSP said the story is over!!! :lol:

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