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Kouandjio and Bills article on cbs sports


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Great article. Thanks for posting. I appreciate when writers actually research the draft picks' fit to the team/scheme/system rather than their own myopic view of the player. The work that these scouts put in is immeasurable in deciding whether to draft a player to fit what the team does and wants to do going forward. I believe this is why teams with stability in the FO and coaching staff win more than those who are always changing. It takes time to build personnel to fit a system. Clearly we have that issue again on D but I think it is underrated on the level of staff that has been brought in - Pepper Johnson who has owned the division for over a decade and Jim Schwartz who has a stellar rep as a DC. Say what you want about him as a HC but he took over a terrible Lions team and took them to the playoffs in a few years as an HC. Plus he has a ton of knowledge of the NFC North which we face this year. Pepper has been with Bellicheat for 16 years or so. He is going to do great things with this very talented D line to knock the F out of Brady, Geno/Vick and Tannehill.

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Bad education system....if the spell checker can't save them, they are toast.

Probably using his phone lol


Btw, love the kid's attitude, that quote from the article on his signing: "I'll play left, right, inside or out. It doesn't matter."

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