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I want Trump for owner and you should too.

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I think you are off base with that one. People were ready to burn HSBC if we didnt see R&R's heads roll... then Pegula bought the team and people 'lived' with giving R&R a chance due to the 8th place run and the promise of all this money being thrown at the situation.


I R&R were shown the door after the season everyone would have been just as happy.

Nope. Not everybody around here, not even close. Believe me. Not everybody because nobody saw Murray coming, and, nobody saw Lafontaine leaving. In fact, many people around here were scared we wouldn't get a real GM, but rather, a Lafontaine yes-man.


You might have been ready to burn down the First Niagara center, but, if you'd listened to anybody in any bar downtown, and you'd hear all sorts of "how do we know we don't get someone worse?". The knowledgeable people had real concerns about Lafontaine being a problem. Sure there were also the usual "fire everybody" people. There were "fire everybody" people in 2006. Hell I know a guy who is still pissed that Miller started over Biron. :lol: There were all sorts of scenarios, and arguments. It wasn't RJ/Flutie...but it was heading that way.


Now? All gone.


And, Pegula just keeps piling up the deliverables. Buying the Americans(50/50 he buys the Jackals(Elmira) next), the $40 mil on the locker room, doubling the size of the scouting department....the things he can do, he thinks through, then does, immediately.

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I love Pegula...


but I dont buy that he hung on to Ruff and Regier 2-3 years too long, thus nosediving the franchise in order to unify the fanbase, when (IMO) everyone was pretty unified to get rid of those two in February of 2011.

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I love Pegula...


but I dont buy that he hung on to Ruff and Regier 2-3 years too long, thus nosediving the franchise in order to unify the fanbase, when (IMO) everyone was pretty unified to get rid of those two in February of 2011.

Well, what can I tell you? Perhaps I should have run around recording every conversation I've listened to, cause in my estimation, I didn't know enough to have a real opinion, every time I've been to the bar since the collapse against Philly in the playoffs.


The notion that "everybody" wanted Regier fired is simply wrong. A lot of people didn't forget who built the 2006 team, and a lot of them saw things like the Gaustad trade as evidence of skill.


It was more about fear of the unkown though...because...due to Buffalo Insecurity Disorder, the assumption was we'd get somebody worse. By the way, BID seems to be receeding by the day. :)


EDIT: Bottom line is: Pegula was the "new guy" in the NHL. No coach, or GM can say he doesn't give people a chance, so, they are willing to come in here. Not a bad first impression, and yeah, given everything I've seen so far: that was 100% intentional. Would Murray have even shown up for the interview, if he knew Pegula was a "fire everybody" guy? We don't know. But, we do know that Murray is here, and Lafontaine is not, also 100% intentional.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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He's a sad excuse for a human being....regardless of his personal wealth...he's an attention whore and a blowhard charlatan, carnival barking scumbag who'd be a bleeping nobody if not for his inherited wealth from daddy!


that pretty much covers it.....

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The only coincidence, if there is one, is that yet again, we have one group of people who bring logic, knowledge, and their own relevant experience(in some cases extensive) in business to the discussion...and another group that brings emoting, class nonsense, character assassination, and obvious ignorance("Trump filed for bankruptcy!" :o /facepalm) to the discussion.


And we know this by your groundless assumption: that I want Trump to buy the Bills, or, that I wouldn't easily choose Pegula over Trump.


Where the hell did I say that? I would take Pegula in a heart beat. I'm just not dumb enough to think we live in a zero-sum world. We do not. Trump is a viable option. By definition, all options are on the table. Anything else is silliness.


And, that's not based on some irrational speculation, or non-fact I've generated for this argument. It's not based on my own insecuity/feelings of inadequacy, on my willingness to blame others for my lot in life, or on my envy of Trump's success. It's not based on any of those things.



It's based on the empirical evidence we have of what "owning a team" looks like, and means, for Terry Pegula. Pegula has shown that not only is he a strong leader, he's very insightful. Example: How dumb do the people who wanted D'Arcy Regier/Lindy Ruff fired immediately look now? Pegula would have split the fanbase with that move. Instead, he allowed both to fire themselves, and remove all doubt. In doing so, Pegula united the fanbase. No fan base in the NHL is in better shape going through this tank than Sabres is today, and that might be an all-time thing. That took strength, and insight.


Different thing with Lafontaine. When it was moving day? There was no hesitation. That's because: it was moving day.


Thus, Pegula is a thinker, a good leader, and an even better manager, and he's proven that. He's also strong enough to do the difficult, but right, thing. That's why I want him as an owner. I've seen him do it.


Of course, if he has money he is a viable option...just not the preferred one for some of us. I haven't seen anyone argue otherwise. I know you would prefer Pegula to Trump (you told me, remember?), but what is with all the verbal masturbation in making Trumps' case? You are making your usual argument of people trying to disguise opinion as fact, but you are doing the exact same thing. I know, it is the game you like to play, and I feel a fool for, once again, getting lured into it... troll extrodonaire!

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Of course, if he has money he is a viable option...just not the preferred one for some of us. I haven't seen anyone argue otherwise. I know you would prefer Pegula to Trump (you told me, remember?), but what is with all the verbal masturbation in making Trumps' case? You are making your usual argument of people trying to disguise opinion as fact, but you are doing the exact same thing. I know, it is the game you like to play, and I feel a fool for, once again, getting lured into it... troll extrodonaire!

Hold on, where did I make a single claim FOR Trump?


Go back, and re-read, there comprehension-san.


ALL I've done, is either refute nonsense(Trump's father was a billionaire), or ask for how the hell they "know" something, or point out that character assassination is not "evidence of how Trump will act as Bills owner".


I also pointed how silly not acknowledging "hires good executives" as the literal be all and end all for a CEO was.


Speaking of CEO, IIRC, the last time Trump owned a football, team, he went out and made a big splash by signing #1 Draft pick and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker away from the NFL. (Man, how football has changed..)


That's a hell of a football move for anybody, but especially for a new league in its first year.


I've yet to read a single poster here talk about Trump's USFL football moves.



You know....the things we actually give a F about when it comes to an NFL owner? :wallbash:

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I mentioned it.


He never won a division or a playoff game and was responsible for destroying the league


youthful indiscretion! and irrelevant to our discussion since usfl football was an entirely different beast -- did you know those idiots had two point conversions?


now, can we get back to his experiences at penn? did he pledge? what meal plan was he on? did he accrue any late fees from the library? was it a time of sexual experimentation for young, virile trump (wink! wink!)?

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Wilf's case wasn't made until after his ownership was approved. Ditto with Haslam. Not before. That's a HUGE difference. Trump's warts are not only known, he advertises them. The NFL, if anything, is more risk-adverse to questionable owners on the heels of Wilf and Haslam and Irsay which is further reason why Trump has ZERO shot of getting approved.




Again, you're arguing just to argue now.

GT -- so, what has Trump done that approaches the sins of Wilf and Haslam anyway ? Mean tweets to Cuban ? . . . toying with Rosie O'Donnell ? badgering Obama ? . . . I tell you, the guy has a lot of enemies who go after him each and every day -- any sin, we know about, and I don't see any that are disqualifiers for an NFL owner

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GT -- so, what has Trump done that approaches the sins of Wilf and Haslam anyway ? Mean tweets to Cuban ? . . . toying with Rosie O'Donnell ? badgering Obama ? . . . I tell you, the guy has a lot of enemies who go after him each and every day -- any sin, we know about, and I don't see any that are disqualifiers for an NFL owner

I've never said or implied Trump has a criminal past or any criminal transgressions that would prevent him from owning an NFL team. Comparing him to Wilf or Haslam is a fool's errand on multiple levels and has nothing to do with the issue at hand.


The issue is whether or not Trump would be a good steward for the franchise we root for. My argument is that Trump is a terrible choice for anyone who actually cares about the Bills' future. His toxic presence and punchline riddled life would make this franchise even more of a national joke than it has been for the past two decades and counting. Trump brings nothing to table as a football man, he brings nothing to the table in terms of public relations. The only thing Trump brings to the table is more Trump -- and that's a formula anyone with a fully functioning frontal lobe should be wary of.


Especially if you care about keeping the Bills in Buffalo. Trump has always only cared about himself and his bottom line. Altruism is not in his nature.

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I've never said or implied Trump has a criminal past or any criminal transgressions that would prevent him from owning an NFL team. Comparing him to Wilf or Haslam is a fool's errand on multiple levels and has nothing to do with the issue at hand.


The issue is whether or not Trump would be a good steward for the franchise we root for. My argument is that Trump is a terrible choice for anyone who actually cares about the Bills' future. His toxic presence and punchline riddled life would make this franchise even more of a national joke than it has been for the past two decades and counting. Trump brings nothing to table as a football man, he brings nothing to the table in terms of public relations. The only thing Trump brings to the table is more Trump -- and that's a formula anyone with a fully functioning frontal lobe should be wary of.


Especially if you care about keeping the Bills in Buffalo. Trump has always only cared about himself and his bottom line. Altruism is not in his nature.

Got it. I wanted to be sure there wasn't something else besides the style, personality, ego that you were referring to. I respect your opinion of the man, I don't agree with it, but it's one I'm sure a lot of people share. Personally, I don't think any of that would deter the other owners voting for him, however.

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Bills would be a lock for Hard Knocks, too. If nothing else, at least it would be entertaining.


Wins are entertaining.


I only need one argument against trump...gotrump.com

Edited by jeremy2020
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