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THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND ME because I moved into my fancy home in my fancy subdivision in my fancy suburb, and my fancy home in my fancy subdivision is located next to both a concrete plant and an asphalt plant (both of which were there for 25 years before the subdivision was built), and that, now that I live here in my fancy home in my fancy subdivision, the concrete plant and the asphalt plant both need to be closed because I don't like the concrete smell and asphalt smell, and those companies need to go out of business and those workers need to lose their jobs, because THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND ME.



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Just got back from Reffing a Faldo tournament in South Brazil. Its a condo built around the golf course. One member went to Justice to ban cutting the greens before 8 am. It has been one year that this course cannot cut greens prior to 8 am. The head pro showed me where he lives, it is literally 250 yards away from the nearest green. HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE...Buy a goddamn house on a golf course and then complain that the workers are taking care of the course!

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I'm just outside of the suburbs and sometimes the chirping of the birds in the morning wakes me up. I'm gonna start a petition to have them removed to somewhere else.


Can we add the coyotes to the petition?


Yeah! The coyotes last night were really yelping it up in my neighborhood... Work all afternoon & evening, want to get some sleep and then there is this...

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Looking at the picture with that article, I want to slap that family.


“You can’t put old businesses’ needs over your children’s health and well-being. You just can’t,” said Robin Harper, who launched movetheplants.com to draw attention to the issue.


“You can’t put your needs of owning a McMansion over your children’s health and well-being. You just can’t,” said Robin Harper, who launched dontmoveinneartheplants.com to draw attention to the issue.


Fixed it.

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Actually, I only want to slap them for letting the 4 year old wear a Captain America Halloween costume in May.


That right there tells you all you need to know about that family.


How about naming your kids Hayden and Hadley?

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