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This OP is just too funny!!!!


Shumer and Cuomo???? Only have perceived juice by those dumb enough to elect them to begin with.... Nothing more outside of the sad State of NY... Just a continuation of the reason me, and so many others have left the state to begin with...


Let's see... What if the new owner wanted to move to ......say....... Commifornia??? Could we set up a cage match, please???


Chucky and Andy, against Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstien, and Brown and of course, the idiots that continue to re-elect them????


Lesson to all.... What would happen if the Bills moved to say, Commifornia??? Would NYers be so mad, they'd vote Chucky and Andy out of office???




Political "juice" is only in the eyes of the deceived....


I really think this is a non-issue because I think the NFL really is not interested in moving the Bills anyway. Frankly, I see these politicians as nothing more than fist pumpers so that when the Bill don't move anyway they can then pat themselves on the back and act like they are responsible for keeping the Bills in western NY.


If the Republicans retake the Senate this fall, Schumer won't be holding any hearings about anything for a while. From the US Senate's own website:






Opinions vary on how likely it is that the Senate will change hands this fall.


Schumer has enough clout to make noise regardless of whether the Dems or Republicans control the Senate. He has a history of doing so.


I really think this is a non-issue because I think the NFL really is not interested in moving the Bills anyway. Frankly, I see these politicians as nothing more than fist pumpers so that when the Bill don't move anyway they can then pat themselves on the back and act like they are responsible for keeping the Bills in western NY.


this is most likely correct.


From Sunday's News








Another hopeful sign. Also discusses why LA is not ready for a NFL Team




Somebody help me understand what is going on here. This article of 5/25 really says that we are in the best position to keep this franchise - but it's up to us to build a stadium. And, luckily Cuomo and Schumer will not want the Bills to leave on their watch. So, it looks good for us to get the public funding for the stadium and keep the team.


Yet, two days ago, the News had this article with the headline -

Cuomo says if new stadium is built, private entities should fund it:




Posted (edited)


You mean that you voluntarily pay for the obligation to continuously buy season tickets.

Basically that is how it works. It is a 1 time fee and it is transferable. In order to own the season tickets someone must first own the license to the seat. You may have 4 licenses and then keep the tickets for 5 years. After you decide that you no longer want the tickets you can resell the license.


The licenses do not fall under the shared revenue. They stay with the team which would in turn help finance the new stadium.




Somebody help me understand what is going on here. This article of 5/25 really says that we are in the best position to keep this franchise - but it's up to us to build a stadium. And, luckily Cuomo and Schumer will not want the Bills to leave on their watch. So, it looks good for us to get the public funding for the stadium and keep the team.


Yet, two days ago, the News had this article with the headline -

Cuomo says if new stadium is built, private entities should fund it:




It is all a negotiation. The team will be here, a new stadium will be built and in all likelihood it will be a combination of public and private funds. Edited by Kirby Jackson

This OP is just too funny!!!!


Shumer and Cuomo???? Only have perceived juice by those dumb enough to elect them to begin with.... Nothing more outside of the sad State of NY... Just a continuation of the reason me, and so many others have left the state to begin with...


Let's see... What if the new owner wanted to move to ......say....... Commifornia??? Could we set up a cage match, please???


Chucky and Andy, against Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstien, and Brown and of course, the idiots that continue to re-elect them????


Lesson to all.... What would happen if the Bills moved to say, Commifornia??? Would NYers be so mad, they'd vote Chucky and Andy out of office???




Political "juice" is only in the eyes of the deceived....


Teenagers are so precious when they start getting into politics.


Teenagers are so precious when they start getting into politics.


Further proof that NY and Cali voters are stupid....




Further proof that NY and Cali voters are stupid....


What are you doing on the Internet? Shouldn't you be working on that coloring book?

Posted (edited)

Save it for the 4 well placed sources whose statements directly conflict with your own personal guesses.

The Buff news actually reached out and interviewed multiple people very much in the know before sharing their article/ opinion - please share with us the experts you reached out to before arriving at your personal guess?


And please excuse us for accepting the opinions of the 4 well placed sources.


None of those sources mention Schumer even hinting at the anti-trust status of the NFL. Answer my previous post. What would happen if the anti trust status of the league disappeared tomorrow.


Go ahead..


Senators will do anything that is in their best interest. The players have sued the NFL over anti-trust several times over the years, won twice big time, and did it again as recently as 2011. There are a lot of elements to it, and Schumer wouldn't at all need to be the one that ruined the NFL.


All I am saying is that it's sacred to them, and you are right the owners need it for the league to be so successful. That is why they are over protective of it, and will go to enormous lengths to make sure nothing messes with it. Schumer could make a statement or threat and get another senator on board from a state without an NFL team and the NFL could be 99% sure that he is bluffing and still may not want to risk that 1%. It's that important, and it's also true that the NFL likes the Bills in Buffalo. He and Cuomo definitely wield some power.


Again, Schumer can't alter the status of the NFL's exempt status and he doesn't want to--why on earth would he?? He knows what would happen. None of the owners would take him seriously. They would understand that whatever he said would be pure political posturing and empty threats. All part of the game of politics. No one cares about Cuomo outside of NY.

Edited by Mr. WEO

I apologize for sound dumb but can someone please explain what PSLs are?




PSL stands for Personal Seat License. It is a license that is purchased that gives the owner the right to buy season tickets for seats in a specific stadium. The license can be sold to someone else or if season tickets are not purchased it can revert back to the team.


If the Republicans retake the Senate this fall, Schumer won't be holding any hearings about anything for a while. From the US Senate's own website:






Opinions vary on how likely it is that the Senate will change hands this fall.

That is true, but even if the Dems lose the Senate this fall, they apparently are in pretty good shape to retake it in 2016. Nothing can happen until 2020 anyway, and the league certainly can't plan on Rep dominance for all of those years in what is a majority Dem country (bear in mind that the Dems won the congressional popular vote in 2012 but didn't take the house because of state level Rep gerrymandering in 2010). Regardless, Schumer is very powerful whether the Dems are in the majority or minority. He probably has more juice than any other Dem senator.


If PSL's were really PSL's then someone should have to pay you for your seat if there is a concert, motocross, tractor pull, whatever at the stadium. This doesn't happen and I do not think you get 1st choice for your seat for these events or a concert. They only apply for the NFL games and even those are shared in NJ where the Jets and Giants share a stadium.


Obviously they need to work this way, but they should call them something else because you do not license that sea at for every event. FPSL? Or BBPSL?


I live in Dallas. The Dallas Morning News performed a financial analysis shortly after the new stadium opened in 2009. In summary, Jerry's PSL's + the tickets for the first year just about paid for his $650M share of the stadium. Some of the PSL's down low are $150k per seat with ~$400 tickets. I sat in one of those seats for a preseason game and they were nice, with a decked out food/bar area behind the seats. If you are in the upper deck it is not even worth going to the game - saw the Bills from up there.


I also have read that after Arlington makes their loan payments on the stadium they are $1-2M ahead each month based on tax revenue from the stadium.


It can be done, just takes vision and business leadership.


None of those sources mention Schumer even hinting at the anti-trust status of the NFL. Answer my previous post. What would happen if the anti trust status of the league disappeared tomorrow.


Go ahead..




Again, Schumer can't alter the status of the NFL's exempt status and he doesn't want to--why on earth would he?? He knows what would happen. None of the owners would take him seriously. They would understand that whatever he said would be pure political posturing and empty threats. All part of the game of politics. No one cares about Cuomo outside of NY.


Add Bill Polian as a 5th person in the know that states the NFL does not want to mess with politicians.....your stance on the anti-trust status is just ONE of MANY things the NFL has that politicians can threaten to take away



Talked with Bill Polian last week on SiriusXM NFL Kicks and asked Bill two questions:


1) Do you think the Bills will stay in WNY?


His response: Bill said that the Bills will stay in WNY though the duration of its lease with Erie County but would not really comment beyond that... He did add:


If the NFL even tries to move an existing team outside the United States - you can expect powerful politicians in Washington to begin sessions on pulling the NFL's tax exempt status. He said there is no chance that the NFL will fool around with that and that the Bills will likely stay put.

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