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One of the reasons progressives are watching their ideology get pissed away is that all you dolts are left with is repeating each other with absolutely no original thought whatsoever.


If you've never fired a gun, I'd pretty much STFU. And if you HAVE fired a gun, I'd definitely STFU.

why? reminds of the guy i quoted here that asked me if i had a gun and a bilble. then told me i couldn't possibly be a liberal.
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One of the reasons progressives are watching their ideology get pissed away is that all you dolts are left with is repeating each other with absolutely no original thought whatsoever.


If you've never fired a gun, I'd pretty much STFU. And if you HAVE fired a gun, I'd definitely STFU.


Umm - I have fired a gun - I have owned one too - Ithaca Featherlight 16 gauge- I used to go bird hunting with my wife - she had a Remington 12 gauge. We sold them a couple years back as we no longer hunted - and quite honestly - we had young kids and I did not want to spend the money on a gun safe and felt uncomfortable not being able to secure the guns. She typically took the Ithaca as it was lighter and hunting grouse or pheasant you had to hold the gun up....


Typical PPP response - don't agree then your an idiot of told to STFU - :thumbsup:


My point about firearms is this - many freedoms have costs - and the cost of having the most liberal gun freedoms in the industrialized world is we have a higher incidence and probability of getting firearms in the wrong hands - and when they do - innocent people are hurt.


That my friend - is not a conservative or liberal view - its just what it is.

Typical PPP response - don't agree then your an idiot of told to STFU - :thumbsup:


My point about firearms is this - many freedoms have costs - and the cost of having the most liberal gun freedoms in the industrialized world is we have a higher incidence and probability of getting firearms in the wrong hands - and when they do - innocent people are hurt.


That my friend - is not a conservative or liberal view - its just what it is.


Holding and shooting a gun for the first time is empowering? Gee, quite the newsflash there, Skippy.


More to the point, anyone who has ever held and fired a gun knows and understands how it feels the first time you hold and shoot it. It's very empowering. That you would highlight that kid's quote as if it's some kind of revelation of horror is why you should STFU about it, especially if you DID own a gun.


Unfortunately, it's more important to people like you to pander to the naive in hopes of making your point than it is to be intellectually honest.


Umm - I have fired a gun - I have owned one too - Ithaca Featherlight 16 gauge- I used to go bird hunting with my wife - she had a Remington 12 gauge. We sold them a couple years back as we no longer hunted - and quite honestly - we had young kids and I did not want to spend the money on a gun safe and felt uncomfortable not being able to secure the guns. She typically took the Ithaca as it was lighter and hunting grouse or pheasant you had to hold the gun up....


Typical PPP response - don't agree then your an idiot of told to STFU - :thumbsup:


My point about firearms is this - many freedoms have costs - and the cost of having the most liberal gun freedoms in the industrialized world is we have a higher incidence and probability of getting firearms in the wrong hands - and when they do - innocent people are hurt.


That my friend - is not a conservative or liberal view - its just what it is.


Yup and I will gladly pay those costs to retain my freedom.


how much did you get for the ithaca?


I think I sold it for $350


Yup and I will gladly pay those costs to retain my freedom.


Some would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....






The Washington Post has an arresting follow-up story about Richard Martinez, whose son was killed during the Elliot Rodger shooting spree, and who interrupted a police press conference this weekend to attack the NRA and call for further gun control.

“I don’t care about your sympathy. I don’t give a s--- that you feel sorry for me,” Richard Martinez said during an extensive interview, his face flushed as tears rolled down his face. “Get to work and do something. I’ll tell the president the same thing if he calls me. Getting a call from a politician doesn’t impress me.”


” for the death of his 20-year-old son, Martinez urged the public join him in demanding “immediate action” from members of Congress and President Obama to curb gun violence by passing stricter gun-control laws.

Martinez, a defense attorney and Army veteran, told the Post that he plans further activism—which he says he hopes will include Rodger's father Peter. The elder Rodger and his wife, Chin, had reported their son's erratic behavior to police and were reportedly driving to his residence out of concern for his mental state on Friday night when the shootings occurred. Martinez has not yet spoken to Peter Rodger.

Posted (edited)
Some would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....

This logic is terrible for some many reasons.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
Posted (edited)

Yup and I will gladly pay those costs to retain my freedom.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Thanks Ben. Much smarter than any politician, analyst, or forum poster these days so I think I'll take your word for it.

Edited by Dante

I think I sold it for $350




Some would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....


So, the athiest who has no interest in religious freedom would pay dearly for others to have religious freedom, so religious freedom should be curtailed?


ISome would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....


Life is never as simple as that.


As long as we're sticking to generalizations, I'd venture that most of the people opposing the 2nd amendment would go to their graves protecting the 1st amendment. I frankly don't see the two as separate things, but as one ensuring the other, and the necessity of keeping both intact is paramount for our society.


Yet, the 1st amendment defenders are loath to acknowledge the impact that open and coarse speech has had over the last generation. Very few of the talking heads want to examine the root causes of the rise of Herostratic acts, and more importantly how to prevent them or at least slow them down.


I'll keep asking the same questions I've been asking for a while - Guns in their present form have been around for over 100 yrs. Crazy has been around since dawn of man. Yet, the epidemic of mass shootings is a relatively new phenomenon. What has changed over the last one hundred years? Did guns change? Did crazy change? Or did something else change?


I doubt that TMZs of this world want to explore that question.


this is another tragedy that happened because it's nearly impossible anymore to institutionalize anyone who needs treatment. this person needed it badly. from what I've read & heard, his parents tried everything they could, they knew he needed help, but we no longer institutionalize anyone until after they commit acts of violence. freedom is very precious to me, and I don't say these things lightly, but some people, a very very tiny minority, are so messed up that for the safety of others, they need to be locked up until the time that they can receive enough help to show that they can be released without endangering others. instead of addressing this, the national argument will once again be over gun rights vs control, and we will once again be ignoring the real problem.


Some would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....


Yes because everyone killed by someone with a gun has not interest in gun freedoms. You're a !@#$ing idiot.


this is another tragedy that happened because it's nearly impossible anymore to institutionalize anyone who needs treatment. this person needed it badly. from what I've read & heard, his parents tried everything they could, they knew he needed help, but we no longer institutionalize anyone until after they commit acts of violence. freedom is very precious to me, and I don't say these things lightly, but some people, a very very tiny minority, are so messed up that for the safety of others, they need to be locked up until the time that they can receive enough help to show that they can be released without endangering others. instead of addressing this, the national argument will once again be over gun rights vs control, and we will once again be ignoring the real problem.


Yes, but...how do you identify such people? You'd institutionalize me because...?

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