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For whatever reason, "January" read as "December" in my mind. I have no idea why.


Still, the larger sentiment is the same, as the expressed warnings were both issued under similar conditions, and with the spectre of the end of quantitative easing on the near horizon.

I've been guilty of that mistake a few times. Its a lot better when someone catches it on a message board than when your boss catches that mistake in a present value calc. :blush:

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Forecast inflation, or in absence of inflation, the effects of the Fed curbing inflation on the economy, over the next 10 years. If you would, please.


And, Given your overly critical nature, stake your professional credentials on them.

I must be the only one here on PPP with this attribute.... :doh:

I'll get back to you on this shortly, and I'll include a date for the world's end....

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  • 4 months later...

looks like we should be more worried about deflation than inflation. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-29/gluts-spur-investor-exit-signaling-prolonged-price-slumps.html

The stronger dollar will depress things too. I'm very leery about the stock market right now. Even emerging markets are risky as the strong dollar is causing the carry trade to unwind in a big way. On the other hand, there's no place for investors to make a buck....

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Certainly not in bonds.

Well, in the short term, if today's dumping turns into a little trend, then rates will decline and you'll get some cap gains. Regardless, I'm in cash and will get back in after this all settles down...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, in the short term, if today's dumping turns into a little trend, then rates will decline and you'll get some cap gains. Regardless, I'm in cash and will get back in after this all settles down...

Looks like the dumping has turned into a trend. Since Nanker's post, the 10-year Tbond rate has fallen from 2.4% to below 2%, so there has been a nice bump in gains if you were into bonds. I'm trying to figure out when to jump back into equities...? Too much chaos at the moment.


I wonder if that idiot Plosser is still worried about excess reserves and inflation? He should be worried about deflation....

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  • 1 year later...

looks like we should be more worried about deflation than inflation. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-29/gluts-spur-investor-exit-signaling-prolonged-price-slumps.html

The stronger dollar will depress things too. I'm very leery about the stock market right now. Even emerging markets are risky as the strong dollar is causing the carry trade to unwind in a big way. On the other hand, there's no place for investors to make a buck....

My annual reminder for those who believed the Fed's QE policies would lead to high inflation. (Un?)Fortunately, Charles "clueless" Plosser has retired from the Fed so we won't be getting any more of his "dire" warnings about how the $2.5 trillion in excess reserves (which are still there) will lead to future inflation....

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