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Isn't it a pretty easy case to see if Mathis was lying or not? The fertility doctor would testify as to whether he prescribed it or not (and it sounded like he clearly did).


The separate (and less interesting) issue is whether you suspend the guy just because he didn't then pre-clear it with the NFL.


It doesn't matter how he got it. He had already impregnated his wife when he "started" the Clomid. The story is suspicious. It would have been too easy for him to clear it with the NFL and get an exemption before he took it if it was for a legitmate use. He chose not to...and pretended as though he "thought" it would be "OK", because his doctor said it would be OK.


NO NFL player would believe that. I mean, who would procede like this in the league? It's crazy--and without credibility.

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