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What record saves this staff? Dooms them?

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I'm not sure anything dooms this staff. Ownership may not be transferred until a year from now. This staff this get three years minimum. Honestly I think they will get more than that


This is a playoff caliber roster. This staff is also much better than people want to give it credit for

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Just what the title says.


Personally, I think whether they get in the playoffs at 7-9 or 10-6, they stay. 9-7 without playoffs they'll probably be fine. 7-9 or worse with no playoffs and it's over.

Depends on the ownership situation and a new owner's personality. I don't think we have enough info to really judge. It's possible there could be a new owner who would come in and clean house even with a playoff appearance. Conversely, maybe the new owner will not want to rush to judgment and will give the current crew a third year to get things in order if the team is anything outside a complete tire fire.

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I'm not sure anything dooms this staff. Ownership may not be transferred until a year from now. This staff this get three years minimum. Honestly I think they will get more than that


This is a playoff caliber roster. This staff is also much better than people want to give it credit for


This is not a playoff caliber roster until the Bills figure out who is playing QB. As of right now, they are going into the season with the same

QB roster they finished the year with, and we know how that played out.


If E.J. goes down again, you have Thad Lewis back there who honestly probably played about as well or poorly as E.J. did.


I'm not sure anything dooms this staff. Ownership may not be transferred until a year from now. This staff this get three years minimum. Honestly I think they will get more than that


This is a playoff caliber roster. This staff is also much better than people want to give it credit for


This is also absolute nonsense. The OC is OK maybe, certainly no better than Gailey.


We have no idea how the D is going to play, and the ST coach is a joke and should have been fired, or never hired. IMO

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By staff, I take it the OP means coaches. Doug Whaley isn't going anywhere -new owner or not. The X-factor no one seems to be talking about is the very likely addition of 2 more Playoff teams, starting this season. So if we make the tournament in this new format @ 7-9/8-8, I don't think it will be good enough to keep Marrone, though Hackett would certainly pay the price IMO. Y'all remember the playoffs, right? Odd that it's impact will be diminished and we still haven't sniffed 'em. 10-6 minimum, even if via coin flip we lose out on the tourney, will keep them. Any fewer loses and some heads will roll. Again, JMO

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By staff, I take it the OP means coaches. Doug Whaley isn't going anywhere -new owner or not. The X-factor no one seems to be talking about is the very likely addition of 2 more Playoff teams, starting this season. So if we make the tournament in this new format @ 7-9/8-8, I don't think it will be good enough to keep Marrone, though Hackett would certainly pay the price IMO. Y'all remember the playoffs, right? Odd that it's impact will be diminished and we still haven't sniffed 'em. 10-6 minimum, even if via coin flip we lose out on the tourney, will keep them. Any fewer loses and some heads will roll. Again, JMO


Last year the Special Teams were a mess. I think they dropped like 20 spots overall from 2012 to 2013.

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Are you guys kidding? Unless they go 3-13 and the locker room is a complete disaster there is no chance this staff is fired after two years.


Agreed, with the caveat a new owner doesn't start bringing "his guys" in.

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I'm not sure anything dooms this staff. Ownership may not be transferred until a year from now. This staff this get three years minimum. Honestly I think they will get more than that


This is a playoff caliber roster. This staff is also much better than people want to give it credit for

I'm fairly confidant that anything less then a winning record does doom the entire staff, front office to be replaced. So, minimally, anything less then 8-8 say sayonara to them all.


The change could take place as early as Oct, and it has already been noted that the sale could be in July, and then need to wait until the owners meeting in Oct for final approval.


This IS a playoff caliber roster with a top 10 defense, and with a noted quality DC. Now loaded with talent on the offensive side this team should at least have a winning season.


If I'm Whaley or Marrone I'd take a long look at the plays, and play calling last season, and perhaps call Chan Gailey for some advice or even hire him as an offensive consultant. Because running up the middle 70% of the time is not only very predictable, its also very easily stopped when it matters most.



" If the addition of Watkins helps turn E.J. into a successful NFL passer, the 2015 first-round pick will have been worth surrendering. If not, the entire front office could be replaced. My guess is Whaley's bold move will not work out, hence this low draft grade. -C"



Edited by FeartheLosing
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By staff, I take it the OP means coaches. Doug Whaley isn't going anywhere -new owner or not. The X-factor no one seems to be talking about is the very likely addition of 2 more Playoff teams, starting this season. So if we make the tournament in this new format @ 7-9/8-8, I don't think it will be good enough to keep Marrone, though Hackett would certainly pay the price IMO. Y'all remember the playoffs, right? Odd that it's impact will be diminished and we still haven't sniffed 'em. 10-6 minimum, even if via coin flip we lose out on the tourney, will keep them. Any fewer loses and some heads will roll. Again, JMO


To guarantee they remain, Whaley and Marrone need a playoff season and most likely a win there to keep their jobs. Anything less and a new ownership group that just invested perhaps 1B or more hires their hand-picked people. The same can be said for senior management, including Brandon and Overdorf, but they'll probably get a nice severance package from the sale.


I've seen nothing concrete the NFL is going to add another playoff team in 2014, only 2015 at this point.

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Depends on the ownership situation and a new owner's personality. I don't think we have enough info to really judge. It's possible there could be a new owner who would come in and clean house even with a playoff appearance. Conversely, maybe the new owner will not want to rush to judgment and will give the current crew a third year to get things in order if the team is anything outside a complete tire fire.


If the new owner is Trump, the new team president could be Donald Jr or his other son, Eric.

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It is all on the new ownership. They could fire everyone even if they make the playoffs. It doesn't mean it would be the right thing to do but do you think Donald Trump or any other billionaire is going to listen to anything Brandon has to say. Whaley has some credibility from the Steelers and it is unlikely he would get fired. Add the racial factor of firing one of the few African-American GM's in the NFL before he was really given a chance to fail or succeed and I don't see it happening. And if Whaley is in charge I can't see Marrone getting fired. Could a Wade Phillips scenario occur over the OC? Perhaps. If the offense tanks and Marrone is unwilling to remove Hackett then Whaley could have no choice but to start over from the top.

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I'm not sure anything dooms this staff. Ownership may not be transferred until a year from now. This staff this get three years minimum. Honestly I think they will get more than that


This is a playoff caliber roster. This staff is also much better than people want to give it credit for


If Crossman fails again, and Marrone doesn't fire him, Marrone should go.


By staff, I take it the OP means coaches. Doug Whaley isn't going anywhere -new owner or not. The X-factor no one seems to be talking about is the very likely addition of 2 more Playoff teams, starting this season. So if we make the tournament in this new format @ 7-9/8-8, I don't think it will be good enough to keep Marrone, though Hackett would certainly pay the price IMO. Y'all remember the playoffs, right? Odd that it's impact will be diminished and we still haven't sniffed 'em. 10-6 minimum, even if via coin flip we lose out on the tourney, will keep them. Any fewer loses and some heads will roll. Again, JMO




It's far more likely that playoff expansion starts in 2015, not this season.

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New ownership aside unlikely they'd be fired after two seasons. Could mean Marrone dumps the ST or OC but likely he'll be back for a 3rd year.


New owners come in, all bets are off, they could make the playoffs and still be gone. Depends alot on who the owner is. If it were a football guy, all of sudden Dan Marino is part of a new ownership group, then they could be gone regardless of record. If a guy like Jacobs, or even Trump, then more likely coaches remain particularly Whaley and Brandon, though Russ may be in a different role if the new owner has their own president in waiting.

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I think anything less than 9-7 should cause them to worry





I have to agree with you CBF.


9-7 is fighting for the playoffs. Even if you don't make it, with the schedule they face this year, it means that EJ is at least as good as Andy Dalton and you have a extremely talented group of young guys, most of whom are locked up for next year.


If they go 7-9 or worse, I would seriously be concerned.

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It totally depends on when the sale takes place. I think that an owner is going to give the staff a season. If a new owner is confirmed in October then we may see changes in January/February. If a sale takes place in December - on, the staff probably has 1 more year (unless they are atrocious). The owner is going to want to evaluate 1st hand what he likes and doesn't about the staff.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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