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Might as well root for New England


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If Philly wins the Bowl, it means that it's another team that will have won a SuperBowl BEFORE Buffalo.....and I can't handle that. I don't want Philly fans to have another "one up" on us. New England winning a third no biggie. They've already got two in the bag. The damage has been done. They're legacy is set in stone and cannot be erased. Just like Johnny Carson, NewEngland is the Gold Standard of NFL teams. I just don't want Philly NFL fans putting this notch in their belt. They need to continue suffering. I know it's petty jealousy but I'm pulling for N.Eng....as much as i hate them.

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As much as I hate to say it I have to agree with you. Your rationale is the same as mine. I don't want any teams getting their first SB before Buffalo does. I can't bring myself to actually root for either one of these teams though. Just give NE another fargin ring I guess. :D

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As a 'Cuse fan, I am going to be rooting hard for McNabb. He is a great guy who deserves a ring...especially since Philly fans booed him when he was drafted.


I also hope he gets it without TO playing...that way it doesn't look like McNabb needed TO to win.


All that being said, I think the Pats will win.

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A lot of "great" guys have not won a ring. And those bafoons in Philly do not deserve anything, because of their booing the McNabe pick. Boy oh boy where would philly be if they (fans) had gotten the pick they wanted?



Philly fan = Ricky Williams

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Yes - I despise New England - but it seems inevitable that they will win their 3rd in 4 years. I always root against the NFC in the Super Bowl and will be doing so again this year despite the fact that it will be the Pats. Besides - it's exhausting to root against the Pats...you always end up disappointed.

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Besides - it's exhausting to root against the Pats...you always end up disappointed.


Good point there, but it has to end sometime. I think I'd rather see Philly win this one since I've rooted for SU since the Dick MacPherson days and McNabb is worthy of a ring. Oh yeah, I can't stand the Patriots, either.


I don't heed much to the "another team that wins one before Buffalo" idea. Yeah, it would be true, but as a Bills fan, why would you NOT root for Philly to win it? You know the pain of being inches short of the promised land, so why not let someone else win it who hasn't already? The Patriots have had their turn...it's time for someone else.

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I'm rooting for the Pats. It sucks, I know, but I think this will rightfully cement the fact that the AFC East is clearly the best division in football.


By the way, no team has ever won three striaght Super Bowls. Several have won back-to-back titles. History is strongly against the Pats of being able to do it again next year, which opens the door for the Bills!


Shut up -- I can live in my own world if I want.


Either which way, I am tired of the Eagles.

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Unfortunately I can't decide who to root for. I hate the patsies, my hatred is to the extreme, so rooting for them may result in my addmission to a mental hospital. I do like McNabb, but don't see Philly pulling it off. Maybe if I root for the Patsies they will lose? Every team I pulled for this post season has lost, so, I might have to flirt with mental instability and root for the patsies.

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I don't heed much to the "another team that wins one before Buffalo" idea. Yeah, it would be true, but as a Bills fan, why would you NOT root for Philly to win it? You know the pain of being inches short of the promised land, so why not let someone else win it who hasn't already? The Patriots have had their turn...it's time for someone else.



Because I'm childish and selfish and I want everyone I know to feel the same pain I do when it comes to late-season disaster.


I just KNOW if the Eagles win, I'll never hear the end of it.

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Just a thought... maybe if you guys were less petty and selfish and more sympathetic, then the Bills would be allowed to win a Super Bowl at some point...



I've been toying with that thought, but I really doubt it.


I mean, we're CURSED.


F the Red Sux, they have no idea what pain is. Pain is 4 straight SB losses. Pain is the Homerun Throwup. Pain is wide right, Flutie/Johnson, Bledsoe...


But I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna see if it helps, I doubt it will though.

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Just a thought... maybe if you guys were less petty and selfish and more sympathetic, then the Bills would be allowed to win a Super Bowl at some point...




Nah, I'd rather be petty & selfish. What really nailed it for me was that sign in Philly yesterday that said "Red Sox, Mickelson, Now it's OUR Turn". What, am I suposed to feel sorry for Philly fan because you haven't won a SB? Jeez, You have won championships in all 3 other major sports as late as the 80's! We in Buffalo would kill for one stinkin' championship. The fact is that the New England area is god's chosen sports territory right now and we can't undo that. I don't need the obnoxious Philly fans getting a piece of the Lombardi trophy before we do.

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I really cannot understand how any self respecting Bills fan can root for New England....Im sorry but I just cannot see any scenario where I would root for the Pats.


I'm with you. The Pats had me smiling about a Dolphins victory this year, for crying out loud. It's just a classic case of hating the team that has it all, a la the 90s Cowboys, or the way non-Yanks fans felt in the late 90s. No need to excuse it.


It's gotta feel great when it's your team, but I think the one time in my life I felt like that was with the early 90s Blue Jays, done in by the strike of '94.


Perhaps we'll see such good fortune someday with the Bills.

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