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FCC votes to advance new net rules

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I've rarely seen such a non event turned into a major fake catastrophe.


Oh, wait. I meant just in the last week.


Net neutrality is a bogus argument where Google got a gullible public to fall for a canard that will lead to higher prices for consumers, while Google gets a free ride.

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I'm completely against the government getting involved for many reasons, and the internet itself has developed just fine without interference or control by the feds. if companies like Netflix, Hulu, etc eat up massive amounts of bandwidth, then the companies that provide that bandwidth have every right to charge more for it, in my opinion.

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My general opinion is that the internet should be a "dumb" pipe, none of this favoring certain companies over others, it harms start up businesses, imo, if they have to pay big money to get a fast connection to a user. Also, I really dislike the monopolies in most areas as far as network providers, whatever happened to competition in the US?


I can use Comcast... or.... Comcast here.

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My general opinion is that the internet should be a "dumb" pipe, none of this favoring certain companies over others, it harms start up businesses, imo, if they have to pay big money to get a fast connection to a user. Also, I really dislike the monopolies in most areas as far as network providers, whatever happened to competition in the US?


I can use Comcast... or.... Comcast here.


I work for a major telecom company. we offer at least 5 different bandwidths/speeds for our customers, each one with it's own set monthly rate - slowest = cheapest, fastest = most expensive. I see no reason why we shouldn't charge companies like Netflix a larger rate since they suck up incredible amounts of bandwidth (the result of that is that it slows down all other traffic along that path, affecting other customers, forcing us to continue increasing our available bandwidth to accommodate their services).


most urban areas in the US have at least two major competitors with their own infrastructure (local cable companies and local telecom companies), as well as colocators/resellers that buy access from the locals and resell it as their own. in addition, most hand-held devices have at least 4G access via wireless, so wheverever the technology isn't available yet, it will be very soon. ISPs and telecoms want your business, and they're doing everything they can to get it.

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I work for a major telecom company. we offer at least 5 different bandwidths/speeds for our customers, each one with it's own set monthly rate - slowest = cheapest, fastest = most expensive. I see no reason why we shouldn't charge companies like Netflix a larger rate since they suck up incredible amounts of bandwidth (the result of that is that it slows down all other traffic along that path, affecting other customers, forcing us to continue increasing our available bandwidth to accommodate their services).


most urban areas in the US have at least two major competitors with their own infrastructure (local cable companies and local telecom companies), as well as colocators/resellers that buy access from the locals and resell it as their own. in addition, most hand-held devices have at least 4G access via wireless, so wheverever the technology isn't available yet, it will be very soon. ISPs and telecoms want your business, and they're doing everything they can to get it.


I have a ton of choices when I go to pick my cable/internet company. I can pick Comcast or Time Warner. Thank god those two companies keep my area balanced.

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I have a ton of choices when I go to pick my cable/internet company. I can pick Comcast or Time Warner. Thank god those two companies keep my area balanced.


you don't have at&t, verizon, clear, or any of the others?

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I know there are a lot of tech guys on here, I'd be curious about your thoughts on this (and the larger) issues. Do you support this or are you against the idea of it?




you can bet that this will cost most everyone more for the same service while making the providers more money. the directtv /att merger the same, continuing the exponential increase in the rate of redistribution of wealth to the top. what's best for the corporations often isn't what's best for the populace but most legislators seem unconcerned with that distinction.
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