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Sure NFL Owners want to keep Bills in Buffalo.

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Sure NFL owners want to keep the Bills in Buffalo because if they moved to Toronto or Los Angeles there would likely be more money available to sign higher price free agents thru the sale of suites and high price tickets, sponsors etc.


By keeping the Bills in a blue collar city they in effect keep them struggling financially since there are no fortune 500 companies, and fans love those cheap tickets.


You can still get seats for a Bills game for 30 bucks. Can't get that in NYC, Chicago, Washington etc.

Edited by oman128
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Wait wait wait. He has a point. I thought this when I first read Kraft's comments. Of course he wants them to stay here. We're a doormat, and he doesn't want anything to change that might affect that status.


It isn't just about having the money to sign free agents either. Where does a young single guy with money want to spend his time? Buffalo? Hell no, LA.


That being said, this team isn't going anywhere.

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Wait wait wait. He has a point. I thought this when I first read Kraft's comments. Of course he wants them to stay here. We're a doormat, and he doesn't want anything to change that might affect that status.


It isn't just about having the money to sign free agents either. Where does a young single guy with money want to spend his time? Buffalo? Hell no, LA.


That being said, this team isn't going anywhere.



Sure we're a doormat, 14 years with no playoffs, 6 years finishing last, more losing seasons than winning in our history. Were not alone Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, are also doormats.


People who post on this site may not like to hear it. But it doesn't make it any less true.


Until the Bills put together consecutive winning seasons respect from the media will be in short supply.


I don't think the Bills are going anywhere either because the powers that be, will only sell to someone who wants to keep the Bills in Buffalo.

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When you are wealthy beyond belief, there are some things money can't buy. Dan Snyder has been trying to buy a title for years. Championship Titles are earned.


Any owner would rather have a world championship title rather than a few extra million.

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Sure we're a doormat, 14 years with no playoffs, 6 years finishing last, more losing seasons than winning in our history. Were not alone Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, are also doormats.


People who post on this site may not like to hear it. But it doesn't make it any less true.


Until the Bills put together consecutive winning seasons respect from the media will be in short supply.


I don't think the Bills are going anywhere either because the powers that be, will only sell to someone who wants to keep the Bills in Buffalo.

Does your Mom know you're up this late? You're all over the place, making sense in none of them.

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