Deranged Rhino Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 Is that a political slogan or a weather report?
B-Man Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 per the Carson/islam kerfuffle....... Artificial outrage for the sake of a non-issue................Not only isn't he black enough but now Carson isn't tolerant enough? First mis-state what he said ....NOT that a Muslim should not be allowed to run for president, but that he wouldn't support one. If you can't see the difference, I feel sorry for you also, 25 percent of Americans say they wouldn’t vote for an evangelical...... (I would imagine that includes some PPP posters)............ 40 percent wouldn’t vote for an atheist, etc. The bottom line is this...............No one, Republican or Democrat, would lose any support for giving an answer like Carson. Even Hillary wouldn't budge in the polls. .
Chef Jim Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 (edited) per the Carson/islam kerfuffle....... Artificial outrage for the sake of a non-issue................Not only isn't he black enough but now Carson isn't tolerant enough? First mis-state what he said ....NOT that a Muslim should not be allowed to run for president, but that he wouldn't support one. If you can't see the difference, I feel sorry for you also, 25 percent of Americans say they wouldn’t vote for an evangelical...... (I would imagine that includes some PPP posters)............ 40 percent wouldn’t vote for an atheist, etc. The bottom line is this...............No one, Republican or Democrat, would lose any support for giving an answer like Carson. Even Hillary wouldn't budge in the polls. . Yeah like anyone in the media would ask a Democrat that question let alone Hillary. Edited September 21, 2015 by Chef Jim
B-Man Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 Yeah like anyone in the media would ask a Democrat that question let alone Hilary. With regard to Secretary of State Clinton Chef Jim, you know who shouldn't be President ? Criminals
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 per the Carson/islam kerfuffle....... Artificial outrage for the sake of a non-issue....... .
Nanker Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 More hate for an African American conservative.
B-Man Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 More hate for an African American conservative. The Narrative must be preserved........................... MEET THE MUSLIM ISLAMOPHOBES who agree with Ben Carson. By now it’s clear: even fellow Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham have piled on, the mainstream media is in an uproar, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding he drop out of the race, and the only people who agree with Ben Carson’s statements about a Muslim president, Sharia, and the Constitution are racist, bigoted Islamophobes. “I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” said Carson, and hatemongers everywhere applauded. The Islamophobes even piled on with hateful statements of their own: Let’s face the grim truth … There is no evidence whatever that Islam in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy. From Afghanistan under the Taliban to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and from Iran to Sudan, there is no Islamist entity that can be said to be democratic, just, or a practitioner of good governance. Here’s another: The first basic difference between the political system endorsed by Islam and democracy is that in democracy, the ultimate authority lies with the people. In Islam, however, the ultimate authority doesn’t belong to people; it belongs to God alone. That means that both the ruler and the ruled in Islam are subject to a higher criterion for decision-making, that is, divine guidance. That would mean that the Constitution would have to give way to Sharia wherever the two conflict, as another Islamophobe makes clear when he says: Democracy runs counter to Islam on several issues. … In democracy, legislation is the prerogative of the people. It is the people who draw up the constitution, and they have the authority to amend it as well. On this issue we differ. Supposedly, in Islamic thought only Allah legislates. There is no shortage of Islamophobes who spew this hate. Another howled that in Islam, “democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place.” Still another yelped that in Islam, “democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil.” One Islamophobe went Carson one better, saying not only that a Muslim should not be president, but that Muslims shouldn’t even participate in elections. He had the audacity to claim that “electing a president or another form of leadership or council members is prohibited in Islam.” These Islamophobes have even tried to convince people that because Islam is a “comprehensive system of governance,” many Muslims reject democracy as “a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires.” One complained that some Muslims even assert that they can only participate in politics in Western societies “on Islam’s terms.” These must be the kind of Islamophobic statements Carson was reading when he formulated his hateful, bigoted opinions. Shameful. So who said the awful statements above? Pamela Geller? Geert Wilders? Some other hatemongering profiteer whom all decent people must shun? Oh. In order, the authors of the Islamophobic statements I quote above are: Hisham Melhem, the Washington bureau chief of Al-Arabiya, Renowned moderate Muslim and Islamic apologist Jamal Badawi, Syrian Islamic scholar Abd Al-Karim Bakkar, The leader of Iran’s Shia Taliban, Mesbah Yazdi, Australian Muslim cleric Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon, Saudi Islamic scholar, Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nassir Al Barrak, A Muslim group in Wales that plastered Cardiff with posters denouncing democracy and exhorting Muslims not to vote, and A Muslim group in Denmark that likewise urged Muslims to boycott elections More at the link: Carson almost literally quoted Islamic doctrine and prominent Muslim leadership, and for this he is labeled a bigot.
B-Man Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 LOL............... What she says........... Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton Can a Muslim be President of the United States of America? In a word: Yes. Now let's move on. -H What she means, "Yes, let's move on because I don't want people to be reminded I started the Birther movement in '08" or "Let's just focus on gender, not religion." .
truth on hold Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 The Narrative must be preserved........................... MEET THE MUSLIM ISLAMOPHOBES who agree with Ben Carson. By now its clear: even fellow Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham have piled on, the mainstream media is in an uproar, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding he drop out of the race, and the only people who agree with Ben Carsons statements about a Muslim president, Sharia, and the Constitution are racist, bigoted Islamophobes. I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country, said Carson, and hatemongers everywhere applauded. The Islamophobes even piled on with hateful statements of their own: Lets face the grim truth There is no evidence whatever that Islam in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy. From Afghanistan under the Taliban to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and from Iran to Sudan, there is no Islamist entity that can be said to be democratic, just, or a practitioner of good governance. Heres another: The first basic difference between the political system endorsed by Islam and democracy is that in democracy, the ultimate authority lies with the people. In Islam, however, the ultimate authority doesnt belong to people; it belongs to God alone. That means that both the ruler and the ruled in Islam are subject to a higher criterion for decision-making, that is, divine guidance. That would mean that the Constitution would have to give way to Sharia wherever the two conflict, as another Islamophobe makes clear when he says: Democracy runs counter to Islam on several issues. In democracy, legislation is the prerogative of the people. It is the people who draw up the constitution, and they have the authority to amend it as well. On this issue we differ.Supposedly, in Islamic thought only Allah legislates. There is no shortage of Islamophobes who spew this hate. Another howled that in Islam, democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place. Still another yelped that in Islam, democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil. One Islamophobe went Carson one better, saying not only that a Muslim should not be president, but that Muslims shouldnt even participate in elections. He had the audacity to claim that electing a president or another form of leadership or council members is prohibited in Islam. These Islamophobes have even tried to convince people that because Islam is a comprehensive system of governance, many Muslims reject democracy as a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires. One complained that some Muslims even assert that they can only participate in politics in Western societies on Islams terms. These must be the kind of Islamophobic statements Carson was reading when he formulated his hateful, bigoted opinions. Shameful. So who said the awful statements above? Pamela Geller? Geert Wilders? Some other hatemongering profiteer whom all decent people must shun? Oh. In order, the authors of the Islamophobic statements I quote above are: Hisham Melhem, the Washington bureau chief of Al-Arabiya, Renowned moderate Muslim and Islamic apologist Jamal Badawi, Syrian Islamic scholar Abd Al-Karim Bakkar, The leader of Irans Shia Taliban, Mesbah Yazdi, Australian Muslim cleric Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon, Saudi Islamic scholar, Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nassir Al Barrak, A Muslim group in Wales that plastered Cardiff with posters denouncing democracy and exhorting Muslims not to vote, and A Muslim group in Denmark that likewise urged Muslims to boycott elections More at the link: Carson almost literally quoted Islamic doctrine and prominent Muslim leadership, and for this he is labeled a bigot. Lol and what are the odds American populace votes in the Sharia Law candidate? Give it a rest not every Muslim wants Sharia law. And why is it we support the toppling of secular leaders in that part of the world like Assad?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 Imagine if he had said that about Jews!
Chef Jim Posted September 22, 2015 Posted September 22, 2015 Imagine if he had said that about Jews! No kidding. He'd get the left's votes for that for sure!
B-Man Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 ROGER SIMON: THE CASE FOR BEN CARSON GROWS: “Not surprisingly, this – dare we call it – uppityness on the part of the neurosurgeon has elicited a fair amount of cognitive dissonance or, in Andy McCarthy’s term, willful blindness from the liberal punditocracy. Jake Tapper on his Sunday show acted as if he could scarcely understand what Carson was saying, even though it is quite simple.” Not to intrude on Dr. Carson’s day job of studying how the brain works, but the inability to understand the worldview of half the country is a curious mental affliction that seems endemic to CNN newsreaders. Poll: Carson ties Trump
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 (edited) ROGER SIMON: THE CASE FOR BEN CARSON GROWS: “Not surprisingly, this – dare we call it – uppityness on the part of the neurosurgeon has elicited a fair amount of cognitive dissonance or, in Andy McCarthy’s term, willful blindness from the liberal punditocracy. Jake Tapper on his Sunday show acted as if he could scarcely understand what Carson was saying, even though it is quite simple.” Not to intrude on Dr. Carson’s day job of studying how the brain works, but the inability to understand the worldview of half the country is a curious mental affliction that seems endemic to CNN newsreaders. Poll: Carson ties Trump Boy, hating people sure seems to excite the base. Edited September 28, 2015 by gatorman
Chef Jim Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Boy, hating people sure seems to excite the base. Both bases. The left hates: Large Corporations Wealthy People Gun Owners Highly Religious People The Pope......wait that's the old left.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 (edited) The Pope......wait that's the old left. The left loves this Pope, because he's just as hypocritical as THEY are. Head of one of the (if not the) largest, wealthiest organizations on earth who preaches about income equality. Hey Pope...when you're all done causing traffic headaches, how about you divest the Vatican bank? No? Didn't think so, just another limousine liberal. Edited September 28, 2015 by joesixpack
B-Man Posted October 27, 2015 Posted October 27, 2015 BEN CARSON: THE PLOT AGAINST THE DOCTOR IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, Roger Simon warns: As Ben Carson continues to rise in the polls, ahead not just in Iowa but now nationally, there is one thing you can bank on. A round of attacks on Dr. Carson are about to begin and they will be vicious, not to the extent of Stalin’s famous plot against the doctors perhaps, but the plot against this particular doctor will be pretty bad. And as with Stalin’s plot, it will be filled with lies and innuendo aimed at destroying the subject. Donald Trump has already given us a hint with his cheesy, supposedly innocent, question about Carson’s religion. But that’s only the beginning. The media will have a field day. They have already shown an eagerness to quote Carson out of context, thereby skewing what he is really saying (i. e. his comments about guns and the Holocaust and the presidency and Sharia law) in an obvious attempt to “get him.” It will be interesting to see how Carson holds up against this barrage. Several factors are in his favor: his intelligence, his honesty and that these attacks were to be expected (even by a political neophyte like Carson). Although it will give him problems in the short run, his style of speaking, deliberate and thoughtful, rarely in sound bites, will also redound in his favor. It will be a good test for him — if Carson can’t survive attacks led by Trump, how will he hold up under the full weight of the Hillary-Democrat-Media Industrial Complex pressing down on him should he win the nomination? .
meazza Posted October 27, 2015 Posted October 27, 2015 BEN CARSON: THE PLOT AGAINST THE DOCTOR IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, Roger Simon warns: As Ben Carson continues to rise in the polls, ahead not just in Iowa but now nationally, there is one thing you can bank on. A round of attacks on Dr. Carson are about to begin and they will be vicious, not to the extent of Stalin’s famous plot against the doctors perhaps, but the plot against this particular doctor will be pretty bad. And as with Stalin’s plot, it will be filled with lies and innuendo aimed at destroying the subject. Donald Trump has already given us a hint with his cheesy, supposedly innocent, question about Carson’s religion. But that’s only the beginning. The media will have a field day. They have already shown an eagerness to quote Carson out of context, thereby skewing what he is really saying (i. e. his comments about guns and the Holocaust and the presidency and Sharia law) in an obvious attempt to “get him.” It will be interesting to see how Carson holds up against this barrage. Several factors are in his favor: his intelligence, his honesty and that these attacks were to be expected (even by a political neophyte like Carson). Although it will give him problems in the short run, his style of speaking, deliberate and thoughtful, rarely in sound bites, will also redound in his favor. It will be a good test for him — if Carson can’t survive attacks led by Trump, how will he hold up under the full weight of the Hillary-Democrat-Media Industrial Complex pressing down on him should he win the nomination? . He was taken out of context? Not based on the interviews I've seen.
drinkTHEkoolaid Posted October 27, 2015 Posted October 27, 2015 (edited) The progressive idiot media can't stand the thought of a well spoken thoughtful black man who rose from poverty and had a successful private sector career who has conservative views. They will launch vile attacks at him to discredit him. But if his beliefs were liberal you couldn't dare say anything negative about him or you would be chastised as an evil racist. Interesting enough the racism card has a one way street. Edited October 27, 2015 by drinkTHEkoolaid
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