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It seems like the winds of change have been blowing through WNY for a couple years now. Obviously the Dougs apparently changing the culture from the top down and of course losing the only owner our team has ever known. I know Ralph will be watching from up above in his luxury box cheering his team to victory every Sunday. I think as a show of solidarity and as a tribute that for those who attend games live, on third downs at instead of just making noise or yelling "DEFENSE" at the top of our lungs, we should all yell RALPH instead. Might be kinda cheesy but why not ask for help from our biggest fan up there.


I'm all for new stuff like this and new chants but, how does it actually reach ALL Bills fans so they know what to do? I think the OP needs to start emailing Chris Brown (reporter, not singer) and hopefully he'll spread the word.


Like anything else would take some time to spread the word. But in today's world a Facebook post that goes around the Buffalo would get to enough people to have enough people doing it for the rest of the crowd to join in.


This is going to come across somewhat richardesque, but I won't be able to stop myself from busting a gut when everybody is yelling "Ralph, Ralph, Ralph."


From the sounds of many of the posts on this site, I think the "new cry" will be "Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmbbbbbbuuuuuuulllllllaaaaaaaannnnnncccccceeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




This is going to come across somewhat richardesque, but I won't be able to stop myself from busting a gut when everybody is yelling "Ralph, Ralph, Ralph."




All I can picture now is the pie eating contest scene in Stand By Me.


It seems like the winds of change have been blowing through WNY for a couple years now. Obviously the Dougs apparently changing the culture from the top down and of course losing the only owner our team has ever known. I know Ralph will be watching from up above in his luxury box cheering his team to victory every Sunday. I think as a show of solidarity and as a tribute that for those who attend games live, on third downs at instead of just making noise or yelling "DEFENSE" at the top of our lungs, we should all yell RALPH instead. Might be kinda cheesy but why not ask for help from our biggest fan up there.

I suppose the fans watching the game on TV at home could just "call Ralph on the big white phone:"




"Sell the Buick?" - - seems like it shoulda been "Jump start the Taurus."


seriously busted out laughing at this, especially visualizing the pie eating contest and 70,000 fans screaming Ralph. Coworkers looking at me like I'm nuts



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