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Remember Paul (Ghost of Bib)


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I believe in my heart that special people after we grieve losing them, comes a time through memories , times together ect they do live on and help each of us on our journey. Remembering you Paul .


“Once there was a student who was with a teacher for many years. And, when the teacher felt he was going to die, he wanted to make even his death a lesson.


That night, the teacher took a torch, called his student, and set off with him through the forest.

“Soon they reached the middle of the woods where the teacher extinguished the torch, without explanation.


“’What is the matter?’ asked the student.

“This torch has gone out,’ the teacher answered and walked on.

“‘But,’ shouted the student, his voice plucking his fear, ‘will you leave me here in the dark?’

“‘No!’ I will not leave you in the dark,’ returned his teacher’s voice from the surrounding blackness. ‘I will leave you searching for the light.’”


In your amazing race, what light will you create for people to search for?


-from Jacob The Baker. Noah Benshea


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I never engaged him in personal conversations, and that is a regret I carry, though I suspect I share that with many others here. Tom, I'm sorry for your loss of a close friend. That is a scar that touches many through our life's journey.




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I still remember the night that my wife and I were at his home. He and I both had guitars in our hands and all three of us were signing "California Dreamin'."


After that, Paul and I talked about North Korea.


The man could talk about anything.


RIP Paul.

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It's a touching tribute, and really heartwarming to know that a person really can have such a large impact on others even through the relative anonymity of the internet. It would have been nice to have met him.

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