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A new locker room leader

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Gotta love the attitude...now hopefully he can back it up on the field.


Yeah, if we can get a G or T to play lights out ball, imagine the possibilities.


Poor guy, apparently he's never heard of the Bills prior to being drafted by us.


Didnt Eric Wood have the same attitude?


Worked out great for him!








Lotsa guys have, it's just convenient memory couple with a storied history of losing that makes people forget.


Like the others came here with the attitude that they just wanted to collect a paycheck and spend it all on wings at Anchor Bar.

Edited by TaskersGhost
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I think in the long term his attitude is good. But he won't be whipping any veterans into shape this year. It doesn't work like that


Maybe not. But he may be vocal during games/will lead by example. Obviously he has to play well, but I can see him getting in the face of other rookies at least. Or UDFA's.

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TRich's story has not ended. He was good in Cleveland and he did promote a winning culture.


No, he wasn't.


Richardson averaged 3.6 y.p.c. in 2012, and 3.4 y.p.c. in the two games he played in 2013 in Cleveland. He only had 36 first downs on 267 rushes in 2012, so it's not as if his low y.p.c. was a result of Richardson's being used on (x) down-and short.


He is a bust. I will always be amazed by the fact that Cleveland got a first for him.

Edited by ny33
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Before reading this I said I feel like the Bills got two Top 10 caliber players in the 2014 draft.


Now I definitely know they got two top 10 caliber players.


Plus he works out with chains!





The chains thing is all the rage now...My 14 year old nephew is working out with them all the time at Cross Fit...He does this one where he does pull-ups with a chain belt and weights swinging from the chain...It's very impressive...I was like... :o


That being said this reminded me of a conversation I had with a buddy of mine when we passed on Orakpo for Maybin...I said, "Did you see that workout video of Orakpo?...He works out with CHAINS...Freaking CHAINS!!!...And we pass on that guy? He's an animal!!!...And...He works out with CHAINS!!!..." :lol:

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Gotta have some of that in an OL!


I read somewhere that the Dougs were purposely trying to draft players who came from winning programs. I'll try to find the article unless I just heard this on the radio...


That is too cliche. Who wouldn't want to hire from a winning program. If you had a grad from Harvard and the local community college standing next to each other, which one is the Manager going to pick for hiring.

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That is too cliche. Who wouldn't want to hire from a winning program. If you had a grad from Harvard and the local community college standing next to each other, which one is the Manager going to pick for hiring.


if he's playing qb, the guy from the local community college.

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The chains thing is all the rage now...My 14 year old nephew is working out with them all the time at Cross Fit...He does this one where he does pull-ups with a chain belt and weights swinging from the chain...It's very impressive...I was like... :o


That being said this reminded me of a conversation I had with a buddy of mine when we passed on Orakpo for Maybin...I said, "Did you see that workout video of Orakpo?...He works out with CHAINS...Freaking CHAINS!!!...And we pass on that guy? He's an animal!!!...And...He works out with CHAINS!!!..." :lol:

That's what I was going for, Orakpo pick redeemed.


If you are drafting two players at the same position the front office should have to go through the following mental excessive. If I put these two people in a room, lock the door and tell them only one can come out, Who will win the death match? The answer a few years ago would be that Orakpo would rip Maybin's head off. Then that should tell you the who you should pick.


Yeah I know the chains are an vogue and cross fit but the videos of Orakpo were at the beginning of the fad. Maybin wasn't using chains. I don't know if he knew where the gym was at Penn State.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Gotta have some of that in an OL!


I read somewhere that the Dougs were purposely trying to draft players who came from winning programs. I'll try to find the article unless I just heard this on the radio...

Yes . thats what he said. EDIT ALERT. I was wrong , but close . Thanks for the clarification that it was Monos. ( i like him alot too )

It's hard to get out of the funk players get sick of losing.

Bring in winners expecting to win is not a bad MO imho Y O


I kind of disagree. I think he gives off an air of quiet confidence, exactly what you want on the o-line. They're the protectors.



First he has to show that he can walk the walk.

Seems like he already has.

Hope it translates to the NFL !


I think in the long term his attitude is good. But he won't be whipping any veterans into shape this year. It doesn't work like that

But he might push them a bit harder. Edited by 3rdand12
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i read the article and love this guy. The cool part is he will face in practice Super Mario everyday, and if you can stop him, you can stop most DE. I can't wait to see EJ receive good protection from probably the largest line in football, and a good pass blocker in FJ, to give more than enough time for the WR's routes to develop.

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That is too cliche. Who wouldn't want to hire from a winning program. If you had a grad from Harvard and the local community college standing next to each other, which one is the Manager going to pick for hiring.

I think the difference is between drafting a player from the program which expects to win every game and does not consider losing acceptable, and drafting a player from a program where they are used to losing and it is also acceptable because they can't consistently compete with the better schools. i.e. OSU v. IU.
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Well he looks like a good player but talk is cheap. I'm not a big fan of rookies running their mouths. Four years ago we had another large rookie lineman from Alabama declare, I'm here now, they won't run on us now !!!

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He comes off as a bit of an a-hole. Which I think is a great sign. Can never have too many big mean guys up front!


Every top probowl / HOF Member of our 90's teams had an Ahole edge to them. We need more guys with a chip/ A Hole attitude on this team. This is football, not tea time.

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I am thrilled new blood has been entering the locker room and continues to. It is just the way it is, but, the players on this team are just used to losing. It may not be there fault, but, they have fallen into the losing ways. Even Wood may have fallen into this category. Maybe and hopefully not. But, I think the players more recent than the Wood draft may not have been totally infected with the losing disease! We have cleared most out. We don't have to clear them all out. But, need to wipe the annual losing.

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