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Report: NFL to change drug policy regarding marijuana use

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I work for NYS and my employer has a Zero tolerance policy when it comes to illegal drugs.... If I were to be found guilty of possession, I would be terminated..... Excuse me for believing professional athletes are not above the law..... If the rest of us have to obey the laws of our states and country, why shouldn't NFL players?


Can you run a 4.3 40 and earn a large crop patio millions in TV revenues???



Sorry dude.

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How long before cocaine violations are relaxed? It was once used for it's medicinal value as well.


This is a slippery slope.

How do you justify alcohol being legal when it kills, injures and endangers far more lives than pot. Your probably OK with burning witches as well.
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It's about time, not just for the NFL but for the US as well.

I agree. And I don't even use it (Hate smoke of any kind). But this is silly for something that's used so pervasively throughout society and a "drug" whose effect is no more, if not less, than alcohol. Sick of it being treated like 3rd degree manslaughter.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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I agree. And I don't even use it (Hate smoke of any kind). But this is silly for something that's used so pervasively throughout society and a "drug" whose effect is no more, if not less, than alcohol. Sick of it being treated like 3rd degree manslaughter.

Along with piracy. I'm so sad that I'm a millionaire and 4% of internet users know how to get my music/movie without paying for it.


Next it will be crack, then Meth then whatever else the liberals want passed

I never knew crack and meth were used medically.

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Next it will be crack, then Meth then whatever else the liberals want passed

Actually the most economically conversative politicians like ron paul want no drug laws because they think the govt shouldnt be telling people what they can and can't put in their bodies. They also point to the horrificly high costs of the so-called war on drugs (including our prison population) as the true cost to society.

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If you can point to anything that suggests NFL players are getting stacks of get out of jail free cards, please do. I don't think they are letting them slide by the law. Any legal issues are the responsibility of law enforcement and the courts.


There are many, many employers who don't drug test. I have yet to be drug tested for a job.

As a contracted worker i was required to take and pass a drug screening for each and every job site . I did this for about six years. Some of the contracts were less than six months. I pee'd a lot. Did not seem all that hard to me. And although i was payed well for my skill set , i was not payed as NFL players are paid.

i dont understand why they cant just develop self disciplne during their careers .

After words self medicate away.

i dont care for the sympathy for chronic pain either .

You choose your path. Dont wanna get hurt dont play hard with things that hit back.

This rule is f'n childish.

Million dollar emplyees getting coddled . well done Mother Goodell


Actually the most economically conversative politicians like ron paul want no drug laws because they think the govt shouldnt be telling people what they can and can't put in their bodies. They also point to the horrificly high costs of the so-called war on drugs (including our prison population) as the true cost to society.

Thats more reasonable. Levels the playing field ( pun)
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Next it will be crack, then Meth then whatever else the liberals want passed

its going to happen so you better get use to it.


oh and FYI

it's got nothing to do with being a liberal or conservative. And even though you don't want to believe it, there are a lot of conservative who toke up.


Actually the most economically conversative politicians like ron paul want no drug laws because they think the govt shouldnt be telling people what they can and can't put in their bodies. They also point to the horrificly high costs of the so-called war on drugs (including our prison population) as the true cost to society.

I mentioned that in the PPP


they refuse to accept the reality of it.

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This is about nfl brand dollars. They bankroll a movie whose plot involvesa moribound franchise that rises from the ashes through draft magic. And then life imitates art and that franchise depicted in the movie finds its savior only to learn their most dynamic receiver is going to sit for a weed violation. Manziel or Hoyer are screwed without Gordon. And I don't believe for one minute that they trade us their pick if they did not believe the league wasn't going to go easy on Gordon. A scrambling JFF in College Station is one thing. A scrambling JFF in Heinz field could end up a homicide.

Edited by 3putt
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Call me old school, but I don't get why players need to smoke weed.


Just because society is changing its views and weed doesn't mean the NFL has to.


These guys are supposed to be role models to kids but those role model guys are fewer and fewer.

Edited by oman128
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I hope everyone will continue to support the NFL's Puff, Pass & Kick youth competitions.



You weren't supposed to leak that. :angry:

:worthy: :worthy: LMFAO!

Way less fights in the stands and parking lots too!


The first events after the Washington preseason game which opened the stadium for me were big concerts and there were, in effect very large weed concessions. Guys with signs (and boxes of weed at their feet) that said nickel 5$ , dime 10$ lid 15$ ounce 20$ for Mexican and slightly higher for Colombian. Some of them also had acid and other assorted goodies. They stopped letting this practice continue in 75 when Mike Ameko (sp?) was the new sheriff (Rolling Stones concert was one big bust land, man) one of my friends got arrested and jailed for 15 years for coke. Surprise enforcement was never fair, BTW I don't ever remember there being fights at those events.

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