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Report: NFL to change drug policy regarding marijuana use

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I don't have as much of an issue with it's occasional use, but given marijuana's effect on personal motivation, it does concern me just a bit regarding someone like our new guy Richardson, not to mention Henderson, as far as grit and motivation to be in good physical condition as its effects may also be difficult to manage their eating habits...


If smoking pot reduces their motivation and makes them fatter, I'm certain that it will translate to on-field performance and the team wouldn't have a difficult decision of what to do with that player.

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I don't have as much of an issue with it's occasional use, but given marijuana's effect on personal motivation, it does concern me just a bit regarding someone like our new guy Richardson, not to mention Henderson, as far as grit and motivation to be in good physical condition as its effects may also be difficult to manage their eating habits....I'm not saying that in light of all the new legislation that has been passed and pending and certainly being moved into current discussion marijuana penalties in the NFL shouldn't be reduced and dealt with differently than other drugs / performance enhancers, but the "slippery slope" argument is usually one I adhere to in nearly every situation and am concerned about its long-term effects on the players to manage it appropriately, instead of abusing it....just a thought

How do you feel about alcohol use? Even though it is legal it is addicting and more harmful marijuana.

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I agree that weed should be legal and I've been known to be a fan. But you're an idiot if you know the policy, already been suspended once, and do it again. He should get suspended for being an idiot.

And besides, he isn't a Bill so suspend away! ;)

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How long before cocaine violations are relaxed? It was once used for it's medicinal value as well.


This is a slippery slope.

Really,,,, not a very good comparison. actually terrible.


Marijuana willl b legal.

Cocaine will never b legal in the states.

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If smoking pot reduces their motivation and makes them fatter, I'm certain that it will translate to on-field performance and the team wouldn't have a difficult decision of what to do with that player.



whooppee for the players. For fans of the Bills, Browns and Jaguars it should be legal to use crack, heroin and LSD...anything that dulls the pain.

:lol: :lol:

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If smoking pot reduces their motivation and makes them fatter, I'm certain that it will translate to on-field performance and the team wouldn't have a difficult decision of what to do with that player.


Yeah, agreed that the ancillary consequences will certainly be the tale of the tape as to what the FOs decide to do with the player, but part of my point is that if you are St. Louis who just spent the 2nd overall pick on Robinson and he's given essentially the green light to use marijuana, and the above mentioned statement comes true a couple years later, wouldn't that frustrate you as a fan?? To know the team was so bad it had a 2nd overall pick (which in this case was actually the Redskins' pick but you get my point) only to have that player struggle with being in game shape and staying focused and motivated during the season to play at that truly elite level necessary to win in the NFL?? And I'm just asking...I'm not trying to be the morals police here, I'm just asking how a typical fan would react in that case....can you see my point? ---without taking offense?

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Yeah, agreed that the ancillary consequences will certainly be the tale of the tape as to what the FOs decide to do with the player, but part of my point is that if you are St. Louis who just spent the 2nd overall pick on Robinson and he's given essentially the green light to use marijuana, and the above mentioned statement comes true a couple years later, wouldn't that frustrate you as a fan?? To know the team was so bad it had a 2nd overall pick (which in this case was actually the Redskins' pick but you get my point) only to have that player struggle with being in game shape and staying focused and motivated during the season to play at that truly elite level necessary to win in the NFL?? And I'm just asking...I'm not trying to be the morals police here, I'm just asking how a typical fan would react in that case....can you see my point? ---without taking offense?

I think what GG is saying, and what I happen to agree with, is that the potential fan outrage over unmotivated players is not realistic since unmotivated players are weeded out every season. If the players are going to use weed to the point where it limits their ability to perform on the field, they won't be in the league long.


Today's "smoker" isn't even a smoker. They vape, or take THC pills / edibles. Some people (like myself) still enjoy burning down the occasional tree, but the young kids and athletes I know find smoking repugnant. They'd prefer to vaporize their weed -- better for the lungs.

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I think what GG is saying, and what I happen to agree with, is that the potential fan outrage over unmotivated players is not realistic since unmotivated players are weeded out every season. If the players are going to use weed to the point where it limits their ability to perform on the field, they won't be in the league long.


Today's "smoker" isn't even a smoker. They vape, or take THC pills / edibles. Some people (like myself) still enjoy burning down the occasional tree, but the young kids and athletes I know find smoking repugnant. They'd prefer to vaporize their weed -- better for the lungs.



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How do you feel about alcohol use? Even though it is legal it is addicting and more harmful marijuana.


To your first question: my perception about alcohol is that it is frequently abused, even to those that aren't "alcoholics" and in our county, CNY, DWI arrests and convictions are through the roof!! So, in those cases, it was abused and then those people made poor decisions, potentially very harmful ones, and so I'm not "ok" with alcohol abuse but I am fine with its use...such as I stated in my post, I'm "ok" with marijuana use, but I didn't specify abuse, and I should have. "Addicting" has a wide variety of definitions, from clinical to substance abuse definitions to laymen's terms to a real-life scenario in the form of addiction, so that would be a much longer conversation, and not anything we could hash out (haha, I made a pun) on this board...as for "more harmful", again that to me seems to over-simplifying the statement and information that is used over and over again without context, so let's just assume that "more harmful" also has multiple implications...what I WILL say, is that legalizing it is just a matter of time everywhere and I'm less concerned about its use than its regulation....Percocet, Vicodin, and Oxycontin along with Hydrocodone pills are all legal, but their abuse is significant and is one of the fastest growing forms of drug addiction in our country, specifically in the younger demographic, i.e. high school and college age young people, and those pills are regulated and we have laws that impose legal consequences for their illegal use and distribution and that doesn't seem to be stemming the tide of addiction...so, just because marijuana is in some places and most likely will be in all places, legal for consumption and controlled sale, doesn't wipe the issue away entirely, it merely opens an entirely different set of problems and issues...overall, not just in the NFL

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About time. There is no performance enhancement from weed and states where two NFL teams play have legalized it.

I suppose that depends on the definition of "enhancement." I can say, with 100% certainty, that my performance in bed, and on the ski slopes is much better with a little weed. My performance on an aptitude test?... not so much.
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To your first question: my perception about alcohol is that it is frequently abused, even to those that aren't "alcoholics" and in our county, CNY, DWI arrests and convictions are through the roof!! So, in those cases, it was abused and then those people made poor decisions, potentially very harmful ones, and so I'm not "ok" with alcohol abuse but I am fine with its use...such as I stated in my post, I'm "ok" with marijuana use, but I didn't specify abuse, and I should have. "Addicting" has a wide variety of definitions, from clinical to substance abuse definitions to laymen's terms to a real-life scenario in the form of addiction, so that would be a much longer conversation, and not anything we could hash out (haha, I made a pun) on this board...as for "more harmful", again that to me seems to over-simplifying the statement and information that is used over and over again without context, so let's just assume that "more harmful" also has multiple implications...what I WILL say, is that legalizing it is just a matter of time everywhere and I'm less concerned about its use than its regulation....Percocet, Vicodin, and Oxycontin along with Hydrocodone pills are all legal, but their abuse is significant and is one of the fastest growing forms of drug addiction in our country, specifically in the younger demographic, i.e. high school and college age young people, and those pills are regulated and we have laws that impose legal consequences for their illegal use and distribution and that doesn't seem to be stemming the tide of addiction...so, just because marijuana is in some places and most likely will be in all places, legal for consumption and controlled sale, doesn't wipe the issue away entirely, it merely opens an entirely different set of problems and issues...overall, not just in the NFL

I hear you, and not wanting to stray into PPP territory here, consider this: does prohibition of any kind ever stem addiction or demand? If anything, it heightens it.


People have always wanted to get high, since back in the days of Adam and Eve. People will continue to look for new (or old) ways to get high as long as we are on this planet. I'm not in favor of deregulating every drug, but we're almost 40 years into the war on drugs and how much has the drug problem improved in this country?


I know you're not trying to be the moral police and I'm not trying to attack your views, just trying to point out another way to see it. What I'm suggesting is that the legality of a drug does not lead to more abuse generally speaking. It's a line of thought brought out by the ones who are profiting from the war on drugs (the for-profit-prison system to name one) but is really just a way to keep the current system going.


(EDIT: Full disclosure, I'm obviously biased on this issue)

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