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I like to give the guy some slack, he has presided over a quite unique time in US history- a devestating recession, and partisanship like we have not seen at least in my lifetime.


He presided over a devasting recession by spending a trillion dollars of taxpayer dollars disguised as stimulus, but ultimately proven to be a pay off to donors, leading to the single worst recovery out of a recession ever known to mankind.


Then he stands in front of the GOP early in his first terms and announces that they lost and need to get on the back of the bus, starting the downfall into the most childish partisanship I recall in my own lifetime.


You're giving slack to a person who is, to a large extent, part of the problem. That surprises me because you're usually a little more balanced than that.

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I like to give the guy some slack, he has presided over a quite unique time in US history- a devestating recession, and partisanship like we have not seen at least in my lifetime. And the same slack was alloted to GWB- I think he !@#$ed up big by pushing into Iraq, but he faced a bitter opposition and campaign of nastiness and contempt I have not seen since I started following politics.


I don't think you can separate Obama from the partisan atmosphere as though it were something he stumbled into. He ratcheted that up like no one who'd ever held the position. He took the "I won so get in the back of the bus" approach right out the gate & force fed his agenda with absolutely no regard for anyone who didn't agree. He's as divisive as they come.


Edit: I just saw that LA had almost the exact same take as I did.

Edited by Rob's House
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I like to give the guy some slack, he has presided over a quite unique time in US history- a devestating recession, and partisanship like we have not seen at least in my lifetime. And the same slack was alloted to GWB- I think he !@#$ed up big by pushing into Iraq, but he faced a bitter opposition and campaign of nastiness and contempt I have not seen since I started following politics.


Of course, you could say the same about Bush. Worst attack on US soil in modern history, worst natural disaster in US history, worst economic collapse in 70 years. The Bush administration created a lot of their own problems (particularly with Iraq)...but I still marvel at how his presidency seemed to be completely snake-bitten regardless.


And really...the nastiness and contempt started with Clinton (the Republicans against him, specifically). I don't really think it's gotten any worse than 1998; we're just more saturated by the nonsense.

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Any updates? No?




Boko Haram issued a new video Sunday mocking the social media campaign that highlighted the plight of the 223 schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamists in north-east Nigeria.

In a broadcast apparently marking the girls’ third month in captivity, Abubakar Shekau, the Boko Haram leader, said they would not be freed until the government released the “army” of the group’s fighters held in Nigerian jails.

Shekau also claimed responsibility for three bombings last month and voiced support for Islamic State, the extremists who have seized much of northern Iraq.

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lmao well put


Like Boko Haram gives a flying fark if some first worlder holds a hashtag sign and takes a selfie.


the only thing people like THEM understand is bombs and bullets.

Edited by joesixpack
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