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Honestly? I hate this hack Mike Rodak

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Bill Polian ripped him a new one live on SportsCenter it was really funny. Rodak came on to announce the Bills had traded up to number one overall in their reporter mock draft. The Bills ended up giving up 1 and 2 this year and the next. Herm was speechless and simply deferred to Bill who said something like "whoever came up with this trade didn't think it through." Everyone on the panel agreed the price Rodak paid to move up was outlandish. There were comparisons to the Herschel Walker trade... it was pretty brutal.

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Worst football fans ever.


Since we are on the topic, I will sidetrack to team bandwagons:


I know you said "worst football fans ever." As bandwagon fans come, any team from Boston/NE has to be numero uno followed by Chicago Blackhawks bandwagoners a close second. 6 years ago, the team didn't even "exist", now almost everyone is a "fan" sporting logos and even tattoos claiming they go "way back."


LoL... Oh well, that's what winning does... If we could be so "lucky." ;-) The Bills bandwagon will pop @ the seems if we start winning again... That's the down side. That's one thing I love about the Sabres more, they still pretty much stay local even when they win. When the team was winning a bunch of years back, I was wearing a (classic) Sabres hat @ work and some chick on a boat was asking her boyfriend (under her breath) which team the logo on my hat was... He didn't know either: Mission accomplished!! Even w/a winning team (in the Conference Finals @ the time multiple years). Hockey didn't exist in Chicago till 2010. Another brutal story was when I was in New England during the 2005 baseball season... August 2005. That was the year when the Sox won the World Series. I was in the Manchester airport, still another chick goes to her boyfriend after seeing I was wearing a Sox hat (also a classic style) and says: "That's a different Red Sox hat, where do you get one of those?" Holy cow I thought! He grumbled and said: "It's a Chicago White Sox hat!" and hustled her along. Gee lady, the Sox have only been in Chicago since 1901, a full year before the name Red Sox was established. But, I guess that's what winning a World Series in 2004 will do. At least the dude knew, gotta hand it to the BoSox fans there! Anyway, again Mission accomplished! LoL



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"Well, hey, some people think that when the Bills leave, they might get another team someday."



Do you know who Joe DeLamielleure is? He's the person who said that. Look him up.


Rodak is leaps and bounds better than Walker was, and I'd like to know exactly what he said wrong in that article because it's the truth. To be honest, you sound like a little kid with a personal vendetta because a writer for our team lives in a rival's city.


(Jack Nicholson voice)

If you can't handle the truth, then I suggest Chris Brown over at Buffalobills.com. He'll pat you on the head and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and he'll tell you what a great fan you are and that everything is going to be alright.

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Say what you want about Tim Graham, but at least he's got the best interest of the Bills at heart.


This Rodak kid is GREEN, and has absolutely no respect for the franchise that is the Buffalo Bills.


Now after lurking here for close to a decade, I am well aware of the tremendous amount of self loathing that takes place on this board, so if you're scrolling down to the quick reply box to type "we'll get respect when we earn it," save your fingers the time of typing it out. I get it. The Bills are bad--in the middle of a terrible slump right now--and save for a great run in the 90s, since the AFL/NFL merger have been a pretty middle of the road franchise.


But, at the end of the day, we're talking about a historic franchise. An original AFL team. And a team that is a part of the fabric of the league. We do sell out games. We do put eyes on the tv when were playing in prime time. We do have a national following.


Now look:


I live in New England. I know this Rodak kid... I've never met him, but I know him. He's some smug, late 20's-early 30's Patriots fan (not beat writer, fan). He didn't grow up playing football. He didn't even grow up watching football. He's just like every other kid his age in the Boston region: I'd be willing to bet that the first (Brady) Patriots Super Bowl was the first football game he ever watched from coin toss to post game.


Why does this matter? Because he's apparently been appointed as the sole gate keeper for news coming out of the AFC East by ESPN. Why does that matter? ("Just don't watch ESPN, I don't") It matters because every single person in the country gets their sports news from ESPN. Every non-Bills fan, that is also a football fan, is going to get 99.9% of their Bills news from ESPN.com.


And THAT'S important because this hack Rodak doesn't do his due diligence in his reporting, and acts as if he better throw a bone to Buffalo fans to keep them happy in between talking about Brady's pants or Gronk's amazing, wolverine-like ability to recover from injury.




His latest video, referring to comments that "even if the Bills leave Buffalo, a team will probably come back" made earlier this week are taken somewhat out of context, and with all of the news that's been delivered this week regarding potential owners dining with Brandon, our lease being essentially iron clad, the ground swell of support from former Bills lobbying to keep the team here, Jimbo meeting with potential ownership groups, and a sale fast tracked for (possibly) July, this guy presents it in 20 seconds as if


"Well, hey, some people think that when the Bills leave, they might get another team someday."


I mean, honestly, you report on a division. There are four teams. Google "(AFC east team) forum" and you can find a forum for the Bills, Jets, Dolphins and Patriots. Check those all day, follow your leads, and give a balanced report of what's going on in our division.


Sorry to go off on this right before the draft, in something that will (likely) quickly drop off the front page, but it bothers me that the biggest sports media agency in the world has such a wet-behind-the-ears, hack of a journalist assigned to "cover" us. I get that we're not glamorous, and I get that the Pats own the division, but if ESPN wants to pretend that they have some "blogger" thats going to go deep and cover the teams in the division, they owe us more than 20 seconds of off hand comments about whats going to happen if the Bills leave.


F*ck him and the company he works for.




All heart in this rant, I can't stand the national media's coverage of our beloved BILLS. Rodak is the tip of the iceberg; watch the ex players on espn or nfl.com regurgitating cliches and proving their utter lack of knowledge of the skillset of the team, let alone the depth chart itself (misreading names, or completely neglecting proven studs like kiko, kyle, the potential of gilmore, or the undisputed legend that is Freddie). The only cure to this neglegence is a winning record, and I pray to my holy spaghetti monster that this will soon come true..... but I digress

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Do you know who Joe DeLamielleure is? He's the person who said that. Look him up.


Rodak is leaps and bounds better than Walker was, and I'd like to know exactly what he said wrong in that article because it's the truth. To be honest, you sound like a little kid with a personal vendetta because a writer for our team lives in a rival's city.


(Jack Nicholson voice)

If you can't handle the truth, then I suggest Chris Brown over at Buffalobills.com. He'll pat you on the head and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and he'll tell you what a great fan you are and that everything is going to be alright.


Oh come on man. Mike Rodak goes out and interviews Marv Levy, Andre Reed, and Joe Who?


Pat yourself on the back if you knew who Joe DeLamielleure was before reading that article. From the way you spelled his name perfectly, I'm guessing you googled it just like every other non-virgin in the world would have to.


So out of those 3 Bills icons giving quotes, Rodak goes with the least well known player, and uses a quote that is basically summed up as

"buffalo is like cleveland, so if the bills leave, maybe buffalo will get another team some day."


No quote from Andre Reed about his 25 years in Buffalo?

No quote from Marv about the Ralph selling out?


Just a random quote from a random fluff piece about the Bills leaving Buffalo.


Why was the piece even written? Why was it snipped down to that 20 second sound bite?


It's like the guy went out of his way to create a story, then manipulate the general gist of the information given to him, and present it for a 20 second sound bite on espn to talk even more about the Bills leaving Buffalo.


and youre cool with that???

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