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Minnesota HS student almost does another Columbine

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Interesting that he so willingly spilled the details as soon as the cops showed up, then continued to issue threats, etc. It really highlights how much this was about the notoriety and ability to incite fear in others; clearly he's still reveling in the plot despite not being able to carry it out.

Edited by KD in CT
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If you see something, say something.



Interesting that he so willingly spilled the details as soon as the cops showed up, then continued to issue threats, etc. It really highlights how much this was about the notoriety and ability to incite fear in others; clearly he's still reveling in the plot despite not being able to carry it out.


I'm sure his lawyer will start arguing that he is mentally ill or was coerced by the cops for releasing information by being bullied or threatened.

Edited by MarkAF43
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This piece of trash should never have freedom again. High school is so hard. Boo freaking who. I'm so tired of this crap. you can't even feel safe in school??? If your life sucks, just kill yourself.


The weapon culture in this country sucks. You got a problem, get a weapon. Shoot first, ask questions later. Bunch of crap. Throw fists, you live to see another day. I've live in cities all my life and never once felt the need to carry a weapon. But given all the idiots with access to weapons, I might have to. And that completely sucks.

Edited by C.Biscuit97
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This piece of trash should never have freedom again. High school is so hard. Boo freaking who. I'm so tired of this crap. you can't even feel safe in school??? If your life sucks, just kill yourself.


The weapon culture in this country sucks. You got a problem, get a weapon. Shoot first, ask questions later. Bunch of crap. Throw fists, you live to see another day. I've live in cities all my life and never once felt the need to carry a weapon. But given all the idiots with access to weapons, I might have to. And that completely sucks.

if your not already... Start carrying. Things aren't getting worse. They are already here. The sick individuals in society today are disturbing. And if it's not the disturbing, sick, demented individuals, it's the p#$$%^$ that can't handle being called a name. Back when I was a kid if another kid in school, you stood up for yourself and you didn't need weapons to do it. It was all handled outside in the parking lot across the street. And usually after, it was buried.
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This piece of trash should never have freedom again. High school is so hard. Boo freaking who. I'm so tired of this crap. you can't even feel safe in school??? If your life sucks, just kill yourself.


The weapon culture in this country sucks. You got a problem, get a weapon. Shoot first, ask questions later. Bunch of crap. Throw fists, you live to see another day. I've live in cities all my life and never once felt the need to carry a weapon. But given all the idiots with access to weapons, I might have to. And that completely sucks.


You've obviously never lived in Oakland. We pick up our Glock tomorrow.

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Columbine was freaking crazy. We were told to leave school property immediately - despite being over 1,000 miles away. They were scared someone would be inspired to try the same thing and copycat, even though we had let out. We had just got ready for track practice and told about the attack.


Cho/VT was just as crazy.


It's only a matter of time before someone out does them all, because that's all it is about. Beating the others.

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It's only a matter of time before someone out does them all, because that's all it is about. Beating the others.


Because win-win isn't stressed as much... It is all about the selfish (& immature) individual that is being preached. It all about the big winners and even big losers. When it comes to sh*t like this, how anybody can see their ultimate outcome as a win is beyond me... But I guess it is, one person lives, the other person dies... Unless the creep offs themself... Then it becomes lose-lose. Maybe some people just have nothing to lose?


It is what it is, we reap what we sow. I am not going to worry... I sleep with my doors open... Yet we (my family), stay vigilant.

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if your not already... Start carrying. Things aren't getting worse. They are already here. The sick individuals in society today are disturbing. And if it's not the disturbing, sick, demented individuals, it's the p#$$%^$ that can't handle being called a name. Back when I was a kid if another kid in school, you stood up for yourself and you didn't need weapons to do it. It was all handled outside in the parking lot across the street. And usually after, it was buried.


Our house is well protected and over the last few years my wife and I have spent a lot of time on the range. I've been carrying for a few months. Too many crazy people out there that a couple years ago I decided it was time to better protect ourselves. In addition to the personal protection aspect, we've come to really enjoy shooting as a hobby.

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