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Barry's War On Women


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The article linked above is interesting for sure. At one point, the author goes to some length to define the term earnings as the money a person gets from doing work. Certainly a concept that is quickly losing traction here in the 21st Century.

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It's interesting watching the Democrat primary candidates lugging out the "war on Women" theme in their commercials in Philly. One women brags about how the "old boy" network in Harrisburg doesn't care about you, and then the camera pans to a white woman, a black man and a black woman. Another goofball brags about how he hates that his daughters will only make $0.77 for every dollar a man makes.


I've worked in HR for years . .. it is a complete and total myth that women make less than men in the same job. Perhaps statistically women make less, but in the same jobs, with the same experience , credentials, etc. pay is completely equalized . . .




It's a different reality in the liberal paradise of Philadelphia . . .

Edited by Philly McButterpants
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So getting birth control included as part of a standard health policy is bad?


Plus I beleive it is the GOP that is not interested in legislative efforts to even pay out.....but then again you have this to fall back on:




Did the word hypergamy really exist prior to this column?

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So getting birth control included as part of a standard health policy is bad?


Plus I beleive it is the GOP that is not interested in legislative efforts to even pay out.....but then again you have this to fall back on:




Did the word hypergamy really exist prior to this column?


What's your problem with the article that you posted?


Why should a religious order be forced to buy insurance that includes contraception or abortion if it is against their beliefs?

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Yes, for about 120 years.


Bunch of !@#$ing morons on this board.


Including those who can't see joke about a seldom used word....



As far as the article I posted......there is hardly anything "conservative" or "constructionist" about that cave womens views......orthodox 19 century church going maybe......

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Why should a religious order be forced to buy insurance that includes contraception or abortion if it is against their beliefs?


Because it's for the greater good. The left knows better than these silly religions about morality.

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Including those who can't see joke about a seldom used word....



As far as the article I posted......there is hardly anything "conservative" or "constructionist" about that cave womens views......orthodox 19 century church going maybe......


What did she say that was false? So far your little journey down here to PPP hasn't made you shine. Show some substance and make a convincing argument for something.

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