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HS student stabbed to death after refusing prom invite

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Assailants name should be published. Parents who raised this kook should be held at least in part responsible. Unforgivable that another family has to pay a unfathomable price for someone else bad parenting.


Parents have nothing to do with this, I did a lot of dumb things as a kid (obviously not murder) and my parents nor my upbringing had anything to do with these issues.


The attack (from what the news is reporting) and what jboyst is espousing are both "revenge." How was it unprovoked? She spurned him and he got revenge.


What is so cryptic about this?


Good to see you are consistently awful at posting all the time. I would say more but I don't need to trouble beerball with the cleanup.


JB, I agree with you 100%. If this happened to one of my nieces, cousins, sisters I would be headed to prison.

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Sad sad story. I wouldn't kill this little POS that'd be too easy on him. I'd surely give him a damn good ass kicking and would graciously accept my punishment for assault or whatever. Sure it doesn't bring the person back and I know it's not "logical" but screw it I don't have much sympathy for murderers. Hopefully he's punished appropriately for his crime and not out of prison in 12 years.

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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back

Wow, sorry to hear about that. May god bless your sister and your family.

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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back


Wow. sorry. That's unreal to think about. I greatly admire your approach. Clearly, there is a 'process' people in your situation go through and anger is a profound component. However, I'm glad you ended up in the 'right' place. Your comments made me think of this quote:


“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

Lewis B. Smedes, Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

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Your comments made me think of this quote:


“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”



Thanks, that is such a great quote. It says it all in so few words!


Sucks... ****ty situation.


But as far as "kids these days", in the past, it was much more likely a male would intimidate a female into saying yes, and it wouldn't be a big deal at all. So, at least there's that.


Maybe. Or there would be another male(s) to kick his azz and put him in his place. Now, it seems like everybody is on their own and the situations are escalated to the ultimate end.

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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back


Wow, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what that must have been like for you. And you're a better person than me for moving on.

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This is one of those situations where the kid will be given an opportunity to kill himself when people are looking the other way. The reality of it is this kid will not survive in jail.


He really deserves the death penalty.


I don't understand murder. Killing this kid is not murder though.

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Parents have nothing to do with this, I did a lot of dumb things as a kid (obviously not murder) and my parents nor my upbringing had anything to do with these issues.





How can you automatically give the parents a free pass? Where should kids learn morals, values etc from? Their parents. No way I can give parents a free pass on this or any situation similar.


Edited by MarkAF43
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How can you automatically give the parents a free pass? Where should kids learn morals, values etc from? Their parents. No way I can give parents a free pass on this or any situation similar.


Because senseless stuff like this has been happening since the dawn of time. This isn't a new thing. It isn't because parents all of sudden stopped parenting. Just saying.

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Because senseless stuff like this has been happening since the dawn of time. This isn't a new thing. It isn't because parents all of sudden stopped parenting. Just saying.


I'm not disputing that these kinds of events haven't been happening since the dawn of time, however I do strongly believe that the quality of parenting has taken a sharp nosedive since the dawn of time, and that has had an impact on these types of events.

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I'm not disputing that these kinds of events haven't been happening since the dawn of time, however I do strongly believe that the quality of parenting has taken a sharp nosedive since the dawn of time, and that has had an impact on these types of events.


What's your time frame for an era on this going downhill.


Here is a classic example. This "thrill kill" happened almost 90 years ago. Raised in money, "good parenting"... Etc... Have we been going downhill for @ least 90 years?





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What's your time frame for an era on this going downhill.


Here is a classic example. This "thrill kill" happened almost 90 years ago. Raised in money, "good parenting"... Etc... Have we been going downhill for @ least 90 years?




I'd say so, my personal opinion is parents fail to teach their children that not everything will go right in their life, they won't always get the girl, make the team, get the best job, score the highest on the test. To me, there are too many children who have parents who refuse to teach their kids that not everything will go their way, so when it doesn't, they don't know how to react/respond and many do so violently.

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I'd say so, my personal opinion is parents fail to teach their children that not everything will go right in their life, they won't always get the girl, make the team, get the best job, score the highest on the test. To me, there are too many children who have parents who refuse to teach their kids that not everything will go their way, so when it doesn't, they don't know how to react/respond and many do so violently.


+1. Perfectly stated.

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This is one of those situations where the kid will be given an opportunity to kill himself when people are looking the other way. The reality of it is this kid will not survive in jail.


He really deserves the death penalty.


I don't understand murder. Killing this kid is not murder though.

most likely this kid will survive in jail. Not sure where you information is but the death rate isn't nearly as high as you think it is. He'll most likely be extorted, cut and beat pretty bad. But he'll most likely live.
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I'd say so, my personal opinion is parents fail to teach their children that not everything will go right in their life, they won't always get the girl, make the team, get the best job, score the highest on the test. To me, there are too many children who have parents who refuse to teach their kids that not everything will go their way, so when it doesn't, they don't know how to react/respond and many do so violently.


This, but it goes far, far, beyond the parents. Parents can only do so much now that our country's entire political/social mantra is focused on telling everyone to cry until they get what they "deserve", not what they "earned". If you don't have something, or if someone else has more than you, it must be because it's 'unfair', of you didn't have a 'level playing field'. America is supposed to be about equality of opportunity, but the modern age has turned that into the supposed equality of results. Big, big, gigantic difference. And one that is completely !@#$ing our country.

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This, but it goes far, far, beyond the parents. Parents can only do so much now that our country's entire political/social mantra is focused on telling everyone to cry until they get what they "deserve", not what they "earned". If you don't have something, or if someone else has more than you, it must be because it's 'unfair', of you didn't have a 'level playing field'. America is supposed to be about equality of opportunity, but the modern age has turned that into the supposed equality of results. Big, big, gigantic difference. And one that is completely !@#$ing our country.


You're right, I wasn't going too far into it, but to me, you nailed it.

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This, but it goes far, far, beyond the parents. Parents can only do so much now that our country's entire political/social mantra is focused on telling everyone to cry until they get what they "deserve", not what they "earned". If you don't have something, or if someone else has more than you, it must be because it's 'unfair', of you didn't have a 'level playing field'. America is supposed to be about equality of opportunity, but the modern age has turned that into the supposed equality of results. Big, big, gigantic difference. And one that is completely !@#$ing our country.


I am not disagreeing with you. Define "deserve" and define "earned." Who controls the political/social mantra? And isn't that mantra based around the selfish individual? Why would people then care what becomes of our country, if all they are out for is themselves?

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I am not disagreeing with you. Define "deserve" and define "earned." Who controls the political/social mantra? And isn't that mantra based around the selfish individual? Why would people then care what becomes of our country, if all they are out for is themselves?


I refer to 'deserve' derisively, as it's one of the modern buzzwords used to imply people aren't getting everything they should, or that there are things they should be getting through no effort or achievement of their own. (See the AG's recent comments for one example). We have allowed our society to de-emphasize real motivation by telling kids it's not their fault if they aren't successful in a chosen endeavor, meanwhile demonizing those who are accomplished and have earned rewards as a result. Because we live in a society that is very wealthy from top to almost the bottom, such motivation and achievement isn't required to satisfy basic needs so left unchecked will breed laziness. Rather than fight the laziness, our society encourages it by coddling, creating excuses, limiting accountability, etc.


So the result is bored, stupid and envious people who are pissed off because they don't have the same level of material or emotional achievement as others; be it a big house, a satisfying job, or, a pretty prom date. Our modern culture is almost entirely comprised of 'Look At Me' idiots and the lesson that we should be envious of them. Instead of teaching kids to focus on working toward goals, we've taught them to whine, complain, blame others or file a lawsuit as a means of getting what they 'deserve'.


The social-political mantra is largely controlled by the government and other major institutions in society such as education, news media, entertainment industry, etc. (though increasingly the masses can impact that via social media). The government/institutions are supposed to foster the balance between the intrinsic self-interest of the individual and society’s overall needs (aka, the greater good). But I believe those who control the social-political mantra have gone way too far to de-emphasize individual self-interest (and thus accomplishment), in favor of fuzzy social goals like "fairness", which again, leads back to unmotivated, bored, angry kids lashing out because it's not 'fair' that he didn't get the prom date he 'deserves'.

Edited by KD in CT
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