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HS student stabbed to death after refusing prom invite

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I wont even dignify that with a response.


Because you can't. I understand why you can't. It is what it is. You and I can call it unprovoked all we want till jboyst's cows come home. Do you think the assailant thought he was unprovoked? Probably not. Hide your head in the sand all you want. There was a motive from what they are saying... I don't like it as much as you do.


And... I am not siding with the assailant. Of course you don't rip somebody's head off because they won't go to the prom with you. And... You don't rip somebody's head off because they ripped somebody's elses head off.


What are we arguing about here? Your frail sensibilities?

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Because you can't. I understand why you can't. It is what it is. You and I can call it unprovoked all we want till jboyst's cows come home. Do you think the assailant thought he was unprovoked? Probably not. Hide your head in the sand all you want. There was a motive from what they are saying... I don't like it as much as you do.


And... I am not siding with the assailant. Of course you don't rip somebody's head off because they won't go to the prom with you. And... You don't rip somebody's head off because they ripped somebody's elses head off.


What are we arguing about here? Your frail sensibilities?


Good question. Why did you start the argument? What was the purpose? Why did you feel the need to call someone out for an emotional response they made to the article posted? To prove your ability to separate emotion from reason? Are you fighting hypocrisy? I just don't see the point of you starting the argument. I respect your right to your opinion, but why voice it here unless you either wanted a fight or you wanted to prove you're better than the revenge crowd (which would include me if a loved one was the victim).

Edited by KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall
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Good question. Why did you start the argument? What was the purpose? Why did you feel the need to call someone out for an emotional response they made to the article posted? To prove your ability to separate emotion from reason? Are you fighting hypocrisy? I just don't see the point of you starting the argument. I respect your right to your opinion, but why voice it here unless you either wanted a fight or you wanted to prove you're better than the revenge crowd (which would include me if a loved one was the victim).


I think his "emotional" response (if carried out) is just as bad as the kids "emotional" response. Yet, everybody wants to find fault... Look no further than themselves. Then you have people chime in with the name calling. Yes, I called out boyst's response, and IMO rightly so... There is no place for his reaction. It is why we get what we get. I think the real arguing came in when meazza starts with the name-calling.


Just my 2 cents.

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Wow this thread is de-escalating fast. I have been vilified for off the cuff remarks similar to this. Watch out Jboyst this is a very fickle crowd around here, pitchforks and ropes can come out quick.

I am not worried about pitchforks, I can out pitchfork anyone here. You get one pitchfork, I'll get two. You get two, I'll get three. I have 5, so as long as you don't have 6.


Fickle crowd or not, I am not an aggressive person or easily agitated but I am quick to judge a situation and this situation stinks. I have nothing personal against the kid and nothing of personal interest in the victim. I simply believe he should be held accountable and punished simply for taking the life of an innocent person. There is blood on his hands.


Good question. Why did you start the argument? What was the purpose? Why did you feel the need to call someone out for an emotional response they made to the article posted? To prove your ability to separate emotion from reason? Are you fighting hypocrisy? I just don't see the point of you starting the argument. I respect your right to your opinion, but why voice it here unless you either wanted a fight or you wanted to prove you're better than the revenge crowd (which would include me if a loved one was the victim).

It was not an emotional response. It was an emotionless response. As an INTJ I think emotions are illogical and therefore invalid. :nana:


But, EII has been on his soap box recently.

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Assailants name should be published. Parents who raised this kook should be held at least in part responsible. Unforgivable that another family has to pay a unfathomable price for someone else bad parenting.


It is. His name is Chris Plaskon. It's right there in the article.

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I am not worried about pitchforks, I can out pitchfork anyone here. You get one pitchfork, I'll get two. You get two, I'll get three. I have 5, so as long as you don't have 6.

:lol: Well played sir.

Edited by KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall
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As a teenager in an adult prison, he won't have the privilege of turning down suitors. -I'd send him a tube of vaseline and a towel to bite.


Welcome to consequences, young man.

Edited by #34fan
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Prayers for that girls family and friends. This is sick.


For everyone, this is just a small amount of sick compared to some of the people I deal with daily at work. Many of then would make this story like a fairy tale. It's bad out there people.

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Prayers for that girls family and friends. This is sick.


For everyone, this is just a small amount of sick compared to some of the people I deal with daily at work. Many of then would make this story like a fairy tale. It's bad out there people.


You work at Attica Prison, right? Yeesh, I can't even imagine. I did some work at a medium security prison for parole offenders. Had to sit nose to nose, unsupervised, with some pretty sick individuals. Probably like a day at Disney Land compared to what you experience every day.

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You work at Attica Prison, right? Yeesh, I can't even imagine. I did some work at a medium security prison for parole offenders. Had to sit nose to nose, unsupervised, with some pretty sick individuals. Probably like a day at Disney Land compared to what you experience every day.

yea. Attica. Some sick stuff. Some deranged people for sure.
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I would and definitely could rip that kids head off with my bare hands. If given the chance, a dark alley and no chance at being punished - I have no problem doing so and would not hesitate. The kid is scum.


Then you're a fool. Not always mind you just in this case. ;)


lol. Well, Chef lurks there often and he's from Attica. Who knows


Oh I don't lurk there. I jump in the fray head first. And yeah I'm from Attica so don't !@#$ with me. :devil:


Since we are being so philosophical on such an internet forum...


I am already old enough and wise enough to know the effect of my actions and the result that would come at my doing. I have triumphed, I have failed, I have succeeded and been defeated. I have known good and bad. I know how precious life is and I love life. I look at what this person took from another in such a remarkable way and have no tolerance for it. That someone was denied the chance to live - it just isn't right. It is not fair and life is not fair but by no means should someone be allowed to just take it.


If someone does take it, if someone is that lost in the head to do that perhaps there needs to be more done to help them, perhaps not. But, if it was done in such a way in which this seems to have been done - cold hearted, revenge - where this kid thinks he is tough, thinks he was justified at any point because his itty bitty feelings were hurt that is where I just would like to go back to before this happened, take that kid and shake him. Shake him until he has some sense rattle around and realize how freaking stupid it is.


And when he doesn't, and when he breaks the rules he should find out there is always someone who will come to collect.


So you're going to devastate your family and friends twice? Once after the murder of their friend, sister, daughter and then you when you go to prison for life.

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So you're going to devastate your family and friends twice? Once after the murder of their friend, sister, daughter and then you when you go to prison for life.

That would be the thing that would stop me - logical sense would make that understanding.
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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back

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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back


WOW! Westside, so sorry... May she RIP w/angels. So so sorry. :cry:

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My sister was beat to death with a hammer while she was asleep. never heard her ex boyfriend. At first, I wanted to kill that piece of scum. But after awhile, I had to forgive him, not for that sob, but mostly for myself. Carrying thar anger around only hurt me. I don't codon what that what that kid did. But killing him won't bring her back. Jut like killing that piece of scum won't bring my sister back

I am sorry to hear about your loss. Your reaction was natural and I am sure painful; I cannot imagine dealing with such an issue.
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