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HS student stabbed to death after refusing prom invite

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I would !@#$ing kill him if that was anyone I was related to or cared about. I wouldn't be able to help myself. I'd rip his head off.


I understand your anger, but let's deconstruct what you said above. Your feeling to "control" a situation, is it really any different than what this creep was feeling. Control.


Sad, very sad on both on yours and his account.

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Assailants name should be published. Parents who raised this kook should be held at least in part responsible. Unforgivable that another family has to pay a unfathomable price for someone else bad parenting.

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If the shoe fits...


It is what it is. boyst claiming to "rip his head off" isn't that exactly what the assilant did to the victim? Slash her throat, rip her head off... Funny how stuff like this works, almost to a tee/textbook! WOW!


Uhhhhh no. They're a tad bid different. See jboyst was speaking out of anger of the situation. This !@#$ing !@#$ actually killed her.

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If the shoe fits...


It is what it is. boyst claiming to "rip his head off" isn't that exactly what the assilant did to the victim? Slash her throat, rip her head off... Funny how stuff like this works, almost to a tee/textbook! WOW!

I stopped reading after the main jist was understood. A guy killed a girl because of prom. I didn't read how.


I understand your anger, but let's deconstruct what you said above. Your feeling to "control" a situation, is it really any different than what this creep was feeling. Control.


Sad, very sad on both on yours and his account.

No, its not control. Its my dark side and my ability to detach.


Paging Dr. Freud

Pagers are so 2000.


Uhhhhh no. They're a tad bid different. See jboyst was speaking out of anger of the situation. This !@#$ing !@#$ actually killed her.

I would and definitely could rip that kids head off with my bare hands. If given the chance, a dark alley and no chance at being punished - I have no problem doing so and would not hesitate. The kid is scum.
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I stopped reading after the main jist was understood. A guy killed a girl because of prom. I didn't read how.



No, its not control. Its my dark side and my ability to detach.



Pagers are so 2000.


I would and definitely could rip that kids head off with my bare hands. If given the chance, a dark alley and no chance at being punished - I have no problem doing so and would not hesitate. The kid is scum.


I stand corrected.


Is a dark alley kinda like crowded high shool halls?


I am not picking on you,but how can you condem the kid for being pure scum when you would do the same thing? Just over an eye for eye situation. IMO, not that much difference between the two thought processes.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I stand corrected.


Is a dark alley kinda like crowded high shool halls?


I am not picking on you,but how can you condem the kid for being pure scum when you would do the same thing? Just over an eye for eye situation. IMO, not that much difference between the two thought processes.


Because one is revenge and the other is an unprovoked attack. I think you should turn off riddler mode and analyze your reasoning.

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I stand corrected.


Is a dark alley kinda like crowded high shool halls?


I am not picking on you,but how can you condem the kid for being pure scum when you would do the same thing? Just over an eye for eye situation. IMO, not that much difference between the two thought processes.

Since we are being so philosophical on such an internet forum...


I am already old enough and wise enough to know the effect of my actions and the result that would come at my doing. I have triumphed, I have failed, I have succeeded and been defeated. I have known good and bad. I know how precious life is and I love life. I look at what this person took from another in such a remarkable way and have no tolerance for it. That someone was denied the chance to live - it just isn't right. It is not fair and life is not fair but by no means should someone be allowed to just take it.


If someone does take it, if someone is that lost in the head to do that perhaps there needs to be more done to help them, perhaps not. But, if it was done in such a way in which this seems to have been done - cold hearted, revenge - where this kid thinks he is tough, thinks he was justified at any point because his itty bitty feelings were hurt that is where I just would like to go back to before this happened, take that kid and shake him. Shake him until he has some sense rattle around and realize how freaking stupid it is.


And when he doesn't, and when he breaks the rules he should find out there is always someone who will come to collect.

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Because one is revenge and the other is an unprovoked attack. I think you should turn off riddler mode and analyze your reasoning.


The attack (from what the news is reporting) and what jboyst is espousing are both "revenge." How was it unprovoked? She spurned him and he got revenge.


What is so cryptic about this?

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The attack (from what the news is reporting) and what jboyst is espousing are both "revenge." How was it unprovoked? She spurned him and he got revenge.


What is so cryptic about this?


I wont even dignify that with a response.

Edited by meazza
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