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How do you like these landing strips?


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Wonder if you're often actually safer at airports with challenging conditions because the pilots generally know in advance that they need to be on top of their game - - kind of like how the most dangerous highways are often the long straight ones that put you to sleep and can literally bore you to death.


Actually, the most dangerous highways are the "scenic route." The ones that are two lanes only, etc... The safest are the interstate type set up, median in the middle and different direction separated.


At least if you get bored to sleep, you may just end only ditching yourself... Not smacking head onto into another vehicle.


I forget where I read this. But it makes sense... Two lane scenic roads are a death trap... You never know if the "death vehicle" is coming around the corner and will cross into your lane!


Gee... This is a nice thought! ;-)

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Chuck Yeager Airport in Charleston, WV is not as bad as these top 10 but pretty harry for a US commercial airport. It's built on a plateau. They like to say it's the only US airport that meets the plan in the air.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Chuck Yeager Airport in Charleston, WV is not as bad as these top 10 but pretty harry for a US commercial airport. It's built on a plateau. They like to say it's the only US airport that meets the plan in the air.


What the hell? Are you typing with mittens on?

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